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Keeping off unwanted pounds is never a walk in the park. There is always something or someone out there that will ruin your weight loss plans for you. Therefore, it is crucial that you find other ways to step-up your existing program for shedding excess weight. Here are a few tips that can give you more thrust on your weight loss plans.
Small Frequent Feeding Is The Key
By limiting your food intake to only three times in a day, you allow your body to starve needlessly between mealtimes. In turn, your body will react as if there is a mini-famine going on, so it will shift into mini-survival mode, meaning it will reduce your metabolic rate to conserve energy.
In contrast, by eating 5-6 small meals in a day, your metabolic rate will be revved up; burning more calories and helping you lose weight. Remember, the trick is to eat small amounts of food without allowing your body to feel starved; so do not overfeed yourself during mealtime.
List Down The Food You Eat
You are what you eat. So by writing down everything that passes through your mouth, you will have a better chance of getting to know yourself. At the end of the day, you will be surprised at what type of foods you eat. As an added enlightenment, your list will allow you to realize how much money and effort ultimately goes down the sewer; this will compel you to spend less on junk or unnecessary food items.
Never Skip Breakfast
Whatever you do, never forget breakfast. Why? Because it will allow you to fire up your metabolism early on in the day. That means you will have longer hours to burn off calories. If you skip breakfast, on the other hand, your body will try to conserve more energy by slowing down metabolism.
You will also find that having breakfast will spare you from hunger pangs later in the day; this will allow you to be more careful or discriminating on your food choices which means you will have a lesser tendency to binge on food.
Walk By The Minutes, Not Distance
Usually, fitness experts suggest that thirty minutes of walking is enough exercise for most people. In reality, spending this amount of time walking is only good if you want to maintain your present weight. If you really want to lose weight, you need to do more than the usual thirty minutes. Adding fifteen minutes more to this exercise regimen, making it forty-five minutes, will allow you to burn more calories; that is an additional 300 calories, which can translate to about thirty pounds in one year.
Use Smaller Plates
This is one of the best ways to trick your appetite. You see, scientists have found out that a person tends to eat more when a bigger quantity of food is served, while lesser food on the table would mean lesser food intake. Using this data, you can cheat your appetite by serving food on smaller plates. This way, your plate will always look as if it is filled to the brim, but the actual amount of food in front of you is less than you imagine.
Take Your Time When You're Eating
It takes time for a train to travel from Station A to Station B. In the same manner, the distance between your brain and your stomach will require several minutes before your whole system will realize that you are already full and that you do not need food anymore. Studies have shown that it takes about 20 minutes before the brain will realize that you are indeed stuffed. By eating slowly, you allow your brain to catch up with your body signals which makes you feel satiated.
Indeed, doing the usual weight loss plans may not work for you. Nonetheless, instead of making excuses, you should let your creative juices flow. Losing weight demands a high level of creativity, so you should never leave your weight loss plans at the mercy of fortuitous events. You can boost your efforts by using products like Zylorin. Click on http://www.zylorin.com/ for more details about this supplement.
Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com
Any weight loss or diet plan, including low-carb plans like the induction phase of the Atkins Diet will result in water loss during the first week or two.
However, one of the real beauties of following a low carbohydrate eating plan is that most of the weight loss than extends beyond the initial induction phase of the diet is really from a drop in fat pounds.
How can this be?
Well, when you follow a controlled carbohydrate eating plan like Atkins or the South Beach Diet, your body soon switches from burning carbohydrates (which the diet deprives the body of) to burning fat for energy. In other words, the majority of the weight loss that occurs beyond the initial induction phase is really loss of fat that has been stored in your body.
Contrary to what many skeptics and misinformed persons may report or say, even if your body sheds water during the first few days of a controlled carbohydrate diet plan like the South Beach Diet or Atkins, the bodys water balance soon returns to normal and the weight loss that follows is the depletion of fat pounds.
This loss of fat reveals itself to one and all in the form declines in inches (your body measurements) and pounds regardless which low-carb diet you follow.
About The Author
Craig Whitley is the Senior Editor of Diets and Weight Loss Plans a daily blog for dieters. Visit his website daily to read the latest news and articles on diets, dieting, weight loss and obesity. The URL address for Diets and Weight Loss Plans is http://weightloss.blogharbor.com You have permission to publish this article electronically on your website or in print, free of charge, as long as this resource box with all links and author attribution are kept intact.
Cobalamin or as it is better known, vitamin B12 is one of the vital nutrients our bodies need in order to work properly. It is necessary to perform many of the body's more important tasks, including the making of DNA during cell division and the healthy formation of red blood cells.
Vitamin B12 is known as the "energy vitamin" because it gives a real energy boost. It is used to remedy fatigue and it speeds up the metabolism. Red blood cells are also responsible for producing hemoglobin, the part of the blood that takes oxygen from the lungs and transports it to all the different parts of the body.
Vitamin B12 has many functions and uses but does it help people lose weight?
What is the link between Vitamin B12 and weight loss?
Vitamin B12 Injections and Weight Loss
Some people might go to a clinic to get vitamin B12 shots. These shots are administered directly into the muscle, allowing for better absorption.
People who get these shots mainly suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or vitamin B12 deficiency. They might also claim that taking these shots help them to lose weight.
However, Vitamin B12 injections by themselves do not directly induce weight loss, nor are they intended to. So why do people who get them lose weight?
There are many factors to take into consideration.
Vitamin B12 causes the metabolism to speed up, which in turn increases weight loss.
People who go to get injections tend to be more conscious of their health and are already on a vegetarian, or other weight loss diet.
Vitamin B12 shots give a tremendous boost of energy. This generally helps people to maintain their diets, and motivates them to exercise and increase physical activity.
Vitamin B12 also helps to fight stress and depression, symptoms which are sometimes associated with weight gain.
While vitamin B12 shots can be a great benefit to some, particularly those with Vitamin B12 deficiency, there can be some negative side effects when taken excessively or along with certain other substances. There is also a risk for those who have certain pre-existing conditions. It's important to consult a physician before undergoing vitamin B12 injections.
Vitamin B12 and Dieting
When undergoing any new weight loss program it is important to make sure that the diet is well balanced and contains all of the essential nutrients. This of course includes vitamin B12. Food sources rich in vitamin B12 include:
- Meat
- Poultry
- Milk and other dairy products
- Eggs
- Fish
Since the only reliable source of vitamin B12 are from animals those practicing a vegetarian or vegan diet will have to get their vitamin B12 from supplements. If a person doesn't get enough vitamin B12 they may develop a deficiency.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency can become a serious health threat. The body can normally stock up many years supply of vitamin B12, so it more often materializes when the body is unable to properly absorb vitamin B12 because of illness or old age.
Incidentally, Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause weight loss, among other symptoms. Extreme cases can even result in permanent nerve damage if left untreated.
A person diagnosed with Vitamin B12 deficiency will need to take supplements. These are most often taken as capsules or via intramuscular injections.
Although vitamin B12 does not directly cause weight loss, it is still an essential nutrient that is needed by the body. It is important to get a sufficient amount of it and doing so will ensure better health, all around.
Looking for more information on Vitamin B12 then try visiting Sublingual B12 where you can find lots of useful information if you would like to try Sublingual B12 for free then please visit Free Sublingual B12.
Sometimes you can't lose 15 pounds fast by exercising. Sometimes you do not have the time. However, there is a way where you can rapidly lose weight without the exercise.
We all know that exercise is important to our overall health and to keeping fit. Exercise though doesn't always make the pounds roll off. Sometimes we are overweight for other reasons!
Many diet and drug companies do not want you to know this, but there is a simple way to lose pounds fast -- and some people lose incredibly even more with it. These big companies do not make money on this simple little weight loss trick, so that's why you don't hear about it. Advertising costs money, so the big money-making guys advertise!
The simple key to losing the fat quickly is called detoxification. It may sound really strange, but it actually works. If you take a few minutes in the morning and evening to take a few simple things, your body goes to work for you! You do not have to keep fighting your body. Help your body work with you so you can lose weight quickly!
With the right detox program, your body will get rid of the internal intestinal blockages to serious weight loss. Most people don't know this, but if they did a detox program, they would find that in a short time their body naturally gets rid of a good 5, 15, or even 20 pounds or more!
Detoxifying your body will help you lose weight quickly, give you more energy, and help you be healthier all the way around!
You can Lose 15 pounds fast! Click here to Discover the secret Now! http://www.thedoctorsfatlosssecret.com
The Mediterranean Diet is a healthy way of eating that was adopted by people who wanted to mimic the basic elements of the way that people in the Mediterranean countries eat. It follows the dietary patterns in such countries as Greece and Italy. But it is more than a diet. The Mediterranean Diet is a nutritional model.
So what is included in this diet? The most basic of Mediterranean diet recipes include things grown naturally from the earth: Fruits and vegetables, rice, cereals, and bread make up the basic components. Wheat is a staple in the Mediterranean Diet, as grain is imperative in any healthy diet. In this nutritional model, red wine and olive oil are also important staples. Different kinds of fish are as well.
Although this diet was introduced in the mid 1940s, it was not until the early 1990s that it really became noticed and began to pick up any speed. This is because people who live in that area of the world have been known to have significantly lower cholesterol levels. People who eat according to the various Mediterranean diet recipes also love it due to the fact that it has been rumored to have some cancer-fighting properties as well.
Is the Mediterranean Diet right for you? Is it time for you to jump on the bandwagon? Whether or not it's the right choice for you remains to be seen. It is, after all, just another way of eating. But there is certainly no denying that it is a much healthier way of eating. You can find green vegetables, calcium, and other important minerals and vitamins in the foods used in the preparation of many your more basic Mediterranean diet recipes.
If you are interested in a new way of eating, check out some of the ideas and Mediterranean diet recipes that are out there.
Get a Mediterranean body! Visit Mediterranean Diet Recipes.net for all the Mediterranean Diet resources, recipes and diet advice you will ever need.
There are very few people I've known in this life who haven't wondered how to get rid of love handles or how to get rid of belly fat. Those of us who have love handles, also known by other colorful names like spare tire, and belly fat, not so affectionately referred to as a pot-belly, find very little to love about those handles and that belly says we've been letting ourselves go to pot.
Love handles and belly fat are basically nice ways to describe the fat that accumulates on the lower abdomen and on each side of the waist. But any way you view it, those love handles are warning signs of undesired weight gain. Yes, let's call it what it is, that belly fat is just unwanted weight. And the only way to get rid of love handles and to get rid of belly fat is to lose weight.
That means you've got to find a reliable eating plan that will both nourish your body while reducing that pot-belly and those love handles. Finding reliable weight lose information can be an absolutely discouraging endeavor since there are quite literally hundreds of weight loss plans on the market today that make all types of preposterous claims
First, find a healthy plan you intend to keep. To reduce your overall body fat and keep it off, you need to find a healthy eating plan. It's tempting, when you're trying to lose weight, to skip meals to reduce your caloric intake, but a better--and easier--way to cut calories is to find a reliable diet that fits your tastes and lifestyle; one you can adopt for life. So to prevent or reduce excess weight around the abdomen, or wherever you're genetically predisposed to deposit it, you need a healthy diet.
Compare the different diets based on the type foods you enjoy, and the ones you already know pack on the pounds now. Don't be tempted by plans offering huge weight loss over a short period of time. A plan offering fast results is not a healthy one, and you want a plan you can stick with for the rest of your life; a healthy diet that will keep the weight off.
Once you start losing body fat, you can firm up your body by exercising. The main thing to remember though is that spare tires and pot-bellies indicate too much body fat. And losing body fat is the best (read only) way to get rid of love handles and to get rid of belly fat.
If you want to lose weight then find the right diet for you, and then get up off the couch and go for a walk, take a ride on your bike, or go to the gym. When you maintain a healthy diet and institute a regular cardiovascular workout routine, your love handles and belly fat will gradually reduce without any particular special exercise to get rid of them. So, there you have it: the skinny on how to get rid of love handles and belly fat.
B.J. Gordey is the owner of Top10-diets.com. Are you looking for a way to "get rid of love handles" and "get rid of belly fat"? You can learn a lot more about how a successful diet can help you at Top10-Diets.com.
WARNING: This article is designed to be slightly 'tongue in cheek', but informative anyway...
Toy boys seem to be the latest 'hot accessory' for a whole host of Celebrity A-Listers in Hollywood right now. Demi Moore and Halle Berry seem to be leading the way in the 'toy boy' stakes, and many others are set to follow, but let's forget about tinseltown!
Who needs a toy boy when your current partner could be just as buff for their own age? I'm not talking six packs, bulging biceps and tree trunk thighs, but a lean, trim and stronger frame would surely hot things up in your current relationship, without a shadow of a doubt!
So, for those of you whose men have seen better days. And those of you men that think your partners might go looking for a younger model if you don't buck your ideas up, here are 5 good pointers on how to look 10 years younger (without going through that midlife crisis of wearing a biker jacket and highlighting your hair!)
1. Cut down on the booze.
Waistline results are almost guaranteed with a dip in alcohol intake. You might be able to get away with a heavy tipple when you're really 10 years younger, but let's be realistic here. You're not! Stop thinking you have to empty that wine bottle every evening with your dinner.
2. Drink enough water to float a boat.
Regain elasticity in your skin and lose that third chin by drinking enough water every day. Your breath won't stink, your energy levels will rise and you won't be caught taking afternoon naps, snoring the house down!
3. Avoid processed foods!
Sugar and white flour can cause reactions in the molecules of your skin, which can leave your skin thinner and weaker over time, leading to excess wrinkles and 'bagginess'. If you want your skin to be smooth as baby's bum, cut out the junk and start eating more sensibly...
4. Keep up your energy by staying active!
If you like the gym, stick with it. If you prefer the great outdoors, find an active hobby; triathlon, cycling, hiking, chopping down trees, fixing fences or chasing after the dog. Watching sport on telly doesn't count! It may look tiring but it won't do you any favours.
5. If you're thinning on top, do NOT go for a comb-over at the barbers!
42 percent of women say that bald is beautiful, so be a man and accept nature! Keep your hair closely cropped once your hair starts waving goodbye to your forehead...
Stick to those 5 rules and you'll look and feel a whole 10 years younger in no time at all. What these actions won't solve though are excess nasal hair, a fondness for cardigans and comfy shoes or a need to moan about everything in sight!
Simon Dainton is a Certified Personal Trainer and founder of Fitstreet Personal Training in the UK. His Programs of Lifestyle change guarantee clients results, combining effective exercise, nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. For more information and to learn more about getting healthier, go to http://www.fitstreet.co.uk
Weight training works for weight loss. That's right, it's not just cardio that causes fat loss, but also the metabolism boosting effects of weight training can help you shed pounds. If you want to get lean and build your best body ever, you need to use weight training for weight loss and muscle building and metabolism boosting.
In my weight training programs for weight loss, I use Supersets for Fat Loss, but a lot of readers ask why. A lot of people guess that it is because I want to keep the heart rate high during the workout, because they think that burns more fat.
But that's not the point. The answer really isn't that complex (and besides, heart rate has nothing to do with fat loss success).
The real reasons I use Supersets for Fat Loss?
Simply to get more work done in less time. By supersetting "non-competing" exercises, you can do almost twice as much exercise in half the time. This allows you to get in and out of the gym faster, while also allowing you to train more muscle (and therefore put more "Turbulence" stress on your body).
More turbulence results in more calories burned during and after exercise, and therefore, more fat loss, especially from those stubborn hard-to-lose love handles and thighs.
So here's a sample weight training superset workout for weight loss. And you can do this workout at home with only a bench, dumbbells, and an exercise ball.
Do 2 warmup sets for superset #1, by using 50% of the weight you normally use for each exercise.
Superset #1
DB Squat (10 reps)
supersetted with...
DB Chest Press (8 reps)
Superset #2
DB Row (8 reps per arm)
Exercise Ball Hamstring Curl (12 reps)
Finish with interval training. This workout can be done in less than 45 minutes.
Now that's how you use weight training for weight loss. This workout will boost your metabolism for hours after training. That will burn more calories and fat. Plus, you'll sculpt your body with the weight training exercises, so you look lean, not bone-rack skinny.
Weight training for weight loss works!
You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.
Ladies and gentlemen, start your motivators!
Welcome to Autumn? Yes, it is technically a change of season, although you'd never know it with our unexpected Indian Summer passing through.
For those of you already well into your weight loss program, you will be well aware that it is not only boy scouts who must 'be prepared'. There is nothing worse than hindering your weight loss efforts by running low on healthy food in the cupboard and resorting to fatty takeaway food as a quick hunger fix.
This month, we look at some delicious low fat recipes that are quick to prepare and will see you through some chilly nights during Autumn and Winter. They are delicious, and will satisfy your craving for some hearty comfort food without sacrificing all your hard work.
As corny as it sounds, healthy food does not have to be boring. Nor is it difficult or time consumin to prepare. The most important thing to remember is to buy the freshest and best quality ingredients you can find and afford. Have a look at our great diet recipes and we'll prove exactly how easy it is to eat well.
Our 12 week Weight Loss Challenge participant, Coral, also gives us an update on her progress. Although the 12 weeks is well and truly over, Coral has been sticking to her weight loss program and seeing incredible results. Coral's stunning results are the product of hard work, determination and motivation.
Coral, as she will admit herself, had no special qualities which allowed her to reach her goals more easily than the next person. Read Coral's weight loss update and imagine how you will feel when you have lost close to 20kg! Something that we have talked about a lot in these updates is motivation. As you are aware, the best intentions will soon pale into insignificance if you are not able to maintain a high level of motivation during your weight loss.
This month we will also be looking at ways to keep motivated. Being able to master these techniques will also prove useful in other areas of your life, particularly work or study. Without being able to keep your eye on the end result, changing your habits will be all too difficult. For those of you who are seriously overweight, mastering some motivational techniques will be essential to dramatically improve your health and for some of you, even save your lives.
Read on, soak up the information and power on into the cooler months. In Queensland, Autumn and Winter are the perfect seasons to make the most of the great outdoors, so get moving!
Yours in health,
Leisa St Ledger http://www.leisassecret.com
Nothing can be more sexier on a body than a strong, flat, rock hard six packs. Every person wants to get abs as fast as possible yet only a few know how. You see there are exercises designed to help you attain the kind of results you desire with your stomach. There are two way of doing things- The hard way and the smart way. The hard way involves the old patterns of exercise which take a lot of time and produce results with time, and than we have the smart of exercising, This kind of exercising is the most effective and produces quick results. Read on to discover some of the most smart exercises you can do right now and achieve earth shattering results with your abs.
The situps- This might seem like a traditional exercise but you can do wonders with it if you know how to do it right. Now lets do this old traditional exercise the smart way. One of the best ways to get the maximum results with situps with minimum efforts it to put some weights on your chest. This would not only help you get better results within no time it would reduce the number of reps too thus saving you a lot of time.
The bent over row- This is another extremely effective way to build your abs and add definition to them too. Bend over slightly with your feet shoulder width apart. Make it a point to keep your back a bit arched and lean a bit forward, Now get a bar or weights and pull them up and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you life it up. This can be done only 5 minutes a day and you would see instant results within no time.
What you don't know yet- But this is just the tip of an iceberg. There are stunning other exercising benefits which you were never aware of before. It's strange to know that most people don't even know this. This is something you simply can't afford to miss- Click Here
To Know More Visit- http://www.perfecthowto.com
In the first part of this article we discussed about calories consumption and the problem there was regarding calories reduction and weight loss. During this second part of the article well discuss about starvation diets and proper weight loss tips for people who suffer from the problem of being incapable of experiencing positive results during their weight loss programs.
Ok then, so coming back to the topic of starvation diets; a starvation diet happens when you reduce the intake of calories you consume, and what happens is that your body tries to make up for this reduction and therefore clings to your body fat, which means that, even if you exercise, you will be burning less calories than usual. Another problem with these weight loss tips that include the serious restriction of calories, is that it becomes increasingly difficult to follow such program, and the reason why that happens is because your body is used to the amount of calories you consume, and if you stop doing that, then you will feel tired, depressed, and guilty every time you eat something.
The worst part about those weight loss tips that include starvation diets relies on the fact that, when you can not take the program anymore, your body will quickly accumulate all the fat it can, so as to replace what was lost; and in the end, you might end up with more fat than the amount you had before the diet.
Now that we have discussed the reasons and possible consequences of following weight loss tips that relate to starvation diets, it is time for us to discuss about the realistic and efficient weight loss tips. First of all you need to understand that diet is the most important part of any weight loss program, and while you should not starve by reducing the amount of calories you ingest, it is important to reduce them gradually. Also, try eating healthier types of food that provide the required nutrients to your body. Never, by any circumstances, try to overlook your hunger, instead try replacing the types of food you eat; you will soon notice that, by not being hungry, every diet is much easier to follow.
Exercise, that is the best weight loss tip, always remember to quicken your metabolism by exercising. Cardio types of exercise are better for losing weight, and you will also enjoy from a much healthier life.
This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus all the hyperlinks must be made active just like below.
Jean Lam is a writer, author, publisher and owns several sites. Visit his weight loss obesity website for lots of articles about losing weight. Also check out the weight loss eBook that will give you tips for your weight loss problems.
Its not too late to start a summer weight loss program! People use so many excuses not to eat right and exercise. Well, its July, so I should have started this in April. Its too late or Ive been doing this for 2 months and Ive only lost 2 pounds. I quit.
If you set realistic expectations, you may just be able to get started and stick with it. Here are some fail-proof tips to get you on track:
∑ Set small attainable goals.
∑ Work on 2-3 goals per week.
∑ Dont think about your dream weight. Think about losing 5 pounds. Then when you accomplish that. Think about the next 5. Two more times, and youve lost 20 pounds!
∑ Dont compare yourself to others! You are unique. Come to peace with that.
∑ Eat! You have to eat to lose weight. Especially if you are over 40, cutting back too far on your calorie intake will backfire. You will lower your metabolism (bad!) and feel deprived, which will eventually lead you to overeating.
∑ Include both cardiovascular work (such as walking, jogging, swimming - activities that raise your heart rate) and weight or resistance work in your exercise plan. Cardio burns fat and calories, but you also have to build muscle to increase your metabolism.
∑ If you are not losing weight, start logging your food intake. Write down everything you eat and drink, including amounts. Measure your foods when possible. Then assess this record and make some changes. Cutting 250-500 calories a day results in 2-4 pounds weight loss per month.
∑ Learn to be patient. Unfortunately, it takes a lot less time to lose muscle than it does to gain it. Stick with your exercise goals, and make changes in your eating habits and you will see results. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint.
Rosanne Rust, MS, RD, LDN
Registered Dietitian
Nutrition Consulting, Writing, Lectures
Licensed Provider for Real Living Nutrition Services
Tired of dieting?
Try a new approach to weight management:
Increasing metabolism is paramount to successful fat loss. There are many surefire ways to increase metabolism, even marginally, some of which may startle you at first, but in the end it all makes perfect sense.
But, in conclusion, if you are looking for ways to increase your metabolism, you will need to focus more on your exercise, and not your food. Strength training is certainly the best way to increase your metabolism, cut through fat and burn calories. It is never too late to build muscle, it does not matter how old you are or how much muscle you have lost - you can still speed up your metabolism by getting into a solid training routine. Take the first step with determination, and before you know it, you will have taken 10 000.
Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at WeightLossDietSecrets.net, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!
Tried all the diets and still need to lose 15 pounds fast? Well, here's something you probably haven't tried, but it works fantastically!
It's called a detoxification. I know that sounds weird, but hear me out -- especially if you've tried everything else and found diets are NOT the all-in-all answer.
Here's the scoop. Inside your gut there lives many different organisms. Some are very helpful to you and others make you heavy, crave food, low in energy, and simply unhealthy.
To lose weight fast, all you have to do is get rid of the organisms that are no good to your body. (You should get rid of them anyway just for good health -- weight loss is an added benefit).
These unhealthy critters in your gut get there through water, food, etc. Almost everyone in the nation has them. No wonder 68% of the population is overweight! These unwelcome, but prevalent critters actually make the body crave food! Once they are gone, weight tends to come off quite rapidly and in large portions!
Getting rid of these fat keeping critters is simple. It doesn't require exercise or special foods. It's simple, but most diet companies (if not all) won't tell you how to do it. I guess they know that if you do, you simply might not need their diet so then they wouldn't make any more money off your weight.
Once you take the simple steps to get them gone, you will find you have so much more energy, less weight, and less of a tendency to gain weight as well!
Learn about how to get rid of these nasty critters so you can lose 15 pounds fast, or even lose considerably more weight. Visit http://www.thedoctorsfatlosssecret.com NOW!
Let me disclose right upfront that I am not a doctor, but I have lost almost 50 pounds on medifast. A couple of months ago, I was approached by a coworker who had three pretty overweight children, who frankly were approaching being obese. After seeing my results, and noticing that I'd been able to eat snack type foods, my coworker wanted to know if medifast could work for her kids and her teenage daughter.
There's not much data available on using the medifast diet on kids or teens and I knew that children are still growing so it probably was not a good idea to severely limit or restrict their calories. But I also knew that some of this diet's foods are very carb and snack like, and I knew that she was having trouble controlling the snacks that her kids ate. In particular, the kids were very fond of junk foods and candy.
A light bulb went off in my head. I figured maybe we could start with just encouraging the kids to eat a medifast bar, pudding or shake when they reached for a junk food snack. In essence, we were trading the high sugar, high calorie candy bars and fast foods for something equivalent from the diet's offerings. Since these kids snacked several times per day, we were saving a lot of calories this way. Initially, we left their regular meals alone, just using medifast as snack substitutes. We ordered one variety package (and are getting ready to order another) and this lasted us a good while and was not much more expensive than junk food.
The kids handled this pretty well. Luckily, most of the medifast snack foods are really good, so it was not a big stretch to eat a protein bar rather than a candy bar or medifast pudding or crackers rather than chips. We always made sure we took the food out of the wrapper so they didn't have to walk around advertising they were eating diet foods.
The kids started to see some results after only a few weeks. As their enthusiasm increased even more, we decided to see if we could replace more of their daily empty calories with medifast. However, we were very careful not to restrict their calories or food choices. Basically, we added one medifast element at every meal and had them eat that in addition to and before their regular meal.
For instance for breakfast we would offer them medifast oatmeal or eggs to start. They would eat that and then if they were still hungry they could eat their regular sugary cereal breakfast if they wanted. For lunch, they'd have the diet's soup or chili before they dove into the pizza or burgers. (We'd pack this in a thermos so no one knew they were eating diet food.) And we started preparing lean and green meals for dinner. We still let them eat a bit of their regular favorite foods at dinner, but just not nearly as much.
What we hoped would happen did. The kids got filled up on medifast so they didn't eat as much of their junk and low quality foods and they continue to see really dramatic results. The teen is now able to self regulate what she eats and has cut out a lot of junk. We still don't allow them to rely solely on the diet for their calories. That may be too drastic for kids, but the teen in particular is now making really good choices with the food that she eats in addition to medifast.
I think the reason this worked is because the medifast snack foods are really tasty and kid friendly and we never restricted what the kids ate. We never told them they couldn't have anything. We just had them eat medifast first. We were adding food instead of taking it away, but by doing this, they were actually eating less bad foods because they were filling up on medifast.
I would never advocate replacing medifast for a kid or teen's entire caloric intake. However, in this case, substituting the diet's foods for junk food snacks or poor food choices has been quite effective and much easier than I thought. My coworker is very grateful and is now on medifast herself.
Lindsey Price is approaching a 50 pound weight loss on Medifast. Learn how she helped three kids lose 80 combined pounds by clicking here to view the Kids And Teens Weight Loss Website
Whether you are just a few pounds overweight, or obese, you know how important it is that you lose the extra weight, not only for your self-esteem, but for your physical health as well. While losing weight is important, don't let yourself get sidetracked and fall for unhealthy weight loss tactics, devise your plan, and stick to it.
Some people often just want to lose a few pounds to look good for a particular event, such as a wedding, prom, or pool party. The easiest way to lose a few pounds in this case is to rid your system of all the excess fat it has stored. About a week before the big event, cut out foods that contain lots of carbohydrates, such as pasta and bread. Eat more fresh, raw vegetables, drinking water rather than soda, coffee, juice, milk, or tea. Not only will you lose those few pounds, but you will feel a lot better, and have more energy as well. This is something that is good to do every few months anyway, to help your body rid itself of junk, and make yourself feel better. It is much like giving your car an oil change, and is really something everyone should occasionally do.
Many of us know that we need to lose weight, but really don't want to do the whole diet thing. In that case, depending on the amount of weight you need to lose, you may find that you can just increase the amount of time you spend exercising each day, to lose the extra pounds. The extra exercise will increase your body's metabolism, burning more calories in a shorter amount of time.
In some cases, skipping one meal a day is also a simple diet solution, so long as the meal you skip is NOT breakfast. Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day, as it provides your body with the fuel it needs to function. If you want to cut out some extra calories at breakfast, opt for fresh fruit, grain cereal, skim milk, and maybe a glass of juice. Dinner is probably the best meal to skip, if you decide to go this route.
Taking vitamins really is a good idea, no matter how old you are, or how healthy you think your diet is. It is virtually impossible to get all of the daily vitamins and minerals your body needs just from the food you eat, so it is important to supplement. When choosing a vitamin supplement, look for one that contains vitamin K, C, E, B6, A, and B12.
Weight loss can also be boosted by eating lots of leafy green veggies, and you will physically feel better thanks to the extra nutrients they provide. You may not love them at first, but sooner or later, your taste buds will adjust!
William Saul is the webmaster of Weight Loss Support - A full featured Weight Loss Support Article related site that includes a wide variety of other useful articles on the subject. Visit Today!
Obesity has emerged to be a matter of real concern amidst societies all over the world and it is distressing it note that statistics have revealed that in current times it is not only the adults who are falling victim to obesity but even the teenagers and youngsters are not excluded. With the progress of time a growing percentage of youngsters are suffering from obesity and the percentage is steadily increasing.
There are several factors which have contributed to this. One of the major reasons behind this is the changing lifestyle of modern children. Not only are their day to day routines very injurious for health, most of them are addicted to junk foods which contain huge proportions of calories. Such addiction to high calorie foods and their daily consumption have facilitated obesity among young children. Moreover, another factor which has furthered this cause is the lack of any form of physical exercising. As a result obesity is a common problem among youngsters today and it is an alarming situation as obesity is known to make individuals susceptible to contracting fatal diseases like cancer, coronary heart ailments and diabetes. Therefore, the main agenda in this case is to ensure that teenagers today maintain a healthy diet and also exercise rigorously and the same is prescribed for those who are overweight.
Physical exercising is the most effective means of losing weight and youngsters can engage themselves in some form of sporting activity in order to ensure swift weight loss. Apart from aiding weight loss it would be good for health too.
It is significant to remember that the human body requires moderate quantities of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and therefore it is necessary for one to consume al these in adequate quantities without overdoing it. However in cases where one is immensely obese, the prescription may differ. It is necessary to ensure that carbohydrates and fats are consumed within limited quantities as both of them are extremely conducive to excess weight gain. Even meat, eggs and poultry along with dairy products like milk should also be taken in fair amounts. Fresh fruits and vegetables are not only excellent sources of vitamin and mineral content but at the same also aid in weight loss and maintaining body weight. It has been estimated by researchers that one's daily diet should comprise pf fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates like cereals, bread and rice in moderate quantities as well as proteins like milk and meat. The remaining portion should be contributed by fats.
Many weight loss diets fail from lack of discipline.
Looking to lose that stubborn female belly fat?
Strength training is one of the keys to losing weight, and the stubborn female belly fat. And the most common misconception is -- it is for body builders and for man only. Wrong!
Resistance training is the only way to tone, and tighten your muscles. So if you want shapelier legs, a firm butt, flat stomach, defined arms and a strong back - Resistance training will give it to you. This is because a pound of muscle burns around 12 times more calories than fat. And lifting weights is essential to maximizing your metabolism.
Women traditionally avoid weight training believing they will become bulky or become injury prone. Instead, women opt for lifting very, very light weights, or participate in aerobics and that long, boring cardio exercises to lose fat. But from the outset, this will not burn as many calories.
To burn more female belly fat, regular strength training helps to promote muscle development, which increases the likelihood to help you lose weight. The heavier the weight, the better it is for fat burning. Strength Training is the one thing that will boost our metabolism for hours after a workout. And you'll benefit from calories burned during AND after an exercise.
Lastly, Cardiovascular workouts are no longer the king of exercises. Research shows that you can burn more female belly fat, and improve the quality of your health with resistance training (and interval training).
Hence, lifting weights for women is an effective method to sculpting the body, losing the female belly fat, and a fantastic way to improving that self-confidence.
In conclusion ladies, Strength training must be a part of your fat burning workout routine. And if you need a workout program that is suited to women and more importantly, sky rocket your fat loss results, check out Turbulence Training.
Start your strength training to lose that stubborn female belly fat for good.
Cardio Sucks, Aerobics Sucks! Discover How to Lose Body Fat and Build Muscle With the Best Exercises For Quick Weight Loss While Gaining Muscle At The Same Time With Just 3 Short, (But Intense) Workouts A Week!
People these days hop from one weight loss program to another without realizing how self-destroying this attitude can be! As a matter of fact, weight loss is all about finding a suitable plan for yourself and then working according to it, but too often, people make the mistake of searching for a "perfect plan" which would make them lose weight without either diet and exercise. Unfortunately, no weight loss program is perfect. In this article I will tell you about a weight loss program that I am sure will work for you as well as for everyone else!
One thing that people often forget to make is a food plan. Write what you'd be eating throughout the week, then shop accordingly. If you don't do this you are more likely to grab the junk foods when there is nothing nutritious at home. Plan your office lunch as well. Make sure you take only healthy foods for your office lunch and stay away from the 'forbidden foods' that are rich in fat and calorie and contribute to nothing other than fat!
Before choosing any weight loss program, you need to be 100% honest with yourself and ask yourself some questions. I'd ask you to write on a sheet of paper all about how much you eat daily and how often, whether you exercise or not, whether you eat junk foods and calorie-rich snacks, etc. Once you've answered these questions honestly, you will get a clearer picture of your eating habits as well as what you need to change in order to lose weight.
Check Out The Web's #1 Diet & Weight Loss Review Site - http://www.TopFatLossDiets.com You Can Begin To Lose Weight Now with Instant Downloads from Today's Top Fat Loss Diets! Decide Which Diet or Weight Loss Program Fits You The Best & Lose Weight Now: http://www.TopFatLossDiets.com
If you've been working out with weights for any length of time, you know the importance of supplying your body with frequent feedings of quality protein so that your body will be able to have the necessary building blocks to build muscle in the shortest amount of time possible.
How much protein should you be consuming each day? Well, that debate has been raging for many years. Eventually, the mainstream will accept what those in the bodybuilding community have known for a long, long time.
In order to increase muscle mass, you should be consuming at least one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. This is a good starting point. However, this is the same thing you need for fat loss. You need to eat more protein to burn fat.
After awhile you may gradually increase your protein intake, monitoring your progress as you go, to determine if a higher protein intake allows you to make better progress.
Personally, I make better progress when my protein intake is somewhere between one and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight, spread out over 6 meals per day.
The above paragraph may not be new to any of you. What you might not realize, however, is that protein is also extremely important when dieting to burn off excess body fat. You definitely want to eat more protein to burn fat. Eating more protein burns calories and helps you lean out.
Yes, its important to keep your protein intake high when dieting to make sure that you dont burn off any muscle tissue in your quest to get ripped or lean.
But thats not what Im talking about. Im talking about taking in protein to burn fat in order to boost your metabolism and burn more fat, in addition to helping preserve and build your lean muscle tissue.
Eating more protein to burn fat was confirmed in a study published in the American Journal of Physiology. One group was fed a high protein diet (just over one gram per pound of bodyweight per day) while the second group consumed a protein diet near equal to that of the RDA.
The group eating the high protein diet burned more fat than the group consuming protein near equal to the RDA. One reason for the ability of protein to burn fat could be an increased "thermic" effect. The thermic effect of the RDA group was elevated 16% after eating.
However, in the high protein group the thermic effect increased 42% after eating, almost 3 times that of the RDA group.
This thermic effect of digesting your food peaks approximately one hour after eating. Spreading your daily caloric intake over 6 meals a day, eating every 2 to 3 hours, helps to take advantage of the increased metabolic rate that accompanies eating.
In other words, the more oftern you eat, the higher your metabolic rate, i.e. the number of calories your body burns each day.
In addition, by adding more protein to each meal, you also increase your metabolism. Your body requires more energy (i.e. calories) to process protein than it does carbohydrates. Let's review some simple changes you can make right now in your nutrition program to rapidly increase your body's ability to not only build muscle but burn fat also.
1) Eat 5 to 6 smaller meals per day, as opposed to 2 or 3 larger ones. This will ensure that you supple your body with the nutrients necessary to build muscle, as well as increase your resting metabolic rate.
It will also prevent your body from kicking into "starvation" mode, which can happen when you go too long between meals. If this happens, your body will start burning muscle for energy and increase your body fat stores, as well as slowing down your metabolism. All of these are things you want to avoid.
2) Eat a high protein diet consisting of at least one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. This helps ensure that your body has the protein available to increase maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which can lead to an increase in your muscles mass.
It will also increase your metabolic rate, allowing you to burn more body fat than a low protein diet, without as large a decrease in your daily caloric intake, which will also help avoid the "starvation" mode discussed in the previous paragraph.
Try these simple changes in your nutrition program to help you rapidly increase your muscle mass, burn off unwanted body fat and achieve the ripped muscular body that you've always wanted.
Gregg Gillies is the founder of http://www.buildleanmuscle.com and has contributed articles to Ironman magazine as well as being a regular contributor to Body Talk magazine. He publishes a free newsletter availabe at Build Muscle and Burn Fat. He is the author of two books, also available at his site.
Turbulence Training and Fat Loss 4 Idiots are two of the most popular weight loss programs on the market today. Each has thousands of people who swear by it. Yet they couldn't be anymore different. How do they differ and which is better for you?
1. Turbulence Training is a fitness oriented weight loss program while Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a nutrition based program. This means that if you can't stand the idea of working out, then Turbulence Training isn't for you and Fat Loss 4 Idiots would fit you better. However, doing a fitness oriented weight loss program has several advantages like developing your muscles as well as helping you cut fat and improving your fitness levels. Fat Loss 4 Idiots doesn't help you develop your muscles since it's based solely on proper nutrition.
2. Turbulence Training is based on short but intensive workout routines. This means that it doesn't take too much of your time to follow this program. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is similar because apart from recommended walking once in a while, you really don't need to spend any time on it. I imagine that Turbulence Training does take a little more of your time, but that's to be expected because it requires exercising.
3. Fat Loss 4 Idiots provides a faster rate of weight loss than Turbulence Training if you measure it pound for pound since with Turbulence Training you also put on some muscle mass (which actually makes you look better). If you're looking to crash diet for a special occasion, than Fat Loss 4 Idiots would probably be better for you.
4. Fat Loss 4 Idiots has no official support. The closest thing to any kind of support for this diet is what I provide to the readers of a review I wrote of this diet on Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review. Turbulence Training does have a support system, so if that's important to you, this is the one to choose.
5. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the simpler of the 2 programs since it requires nothing more than following a given menu. Turbulence Training holds more information and does require some intelligent application, so if it's simplicity you want, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the way to go. That doesn't mean that Turbulence Training is difficult.
Despite these differences, both of these weight loss programs are excellent. Both can get you great results. All you need to do is pick one. Don't procrastinate too long with your decision. Just pick one and start losing weight.
To read a comprehensive review of Turbulence Training, visit this webpage:
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks or Less
It is common knowledge that a moderate and sustainable eating and exercise pattern has to be established to remain healthy and achieve the desired weight loss.
Our primary fat storage mechanism is Lipoprotein Lipase.) The foods consumed in the form of carbohydrates, starches and sugars stimulate LPL and allow fat storage.
It is possible to adjust this mechanism, by adhering to a few weight loss principles.
Turn off the body's fat storage mechanism - This can be done by food coupling, which means avoiding foods that are dangerous when taken in combination with each other. Fat and carbohydrate couplings, such as found in fried foods, cookies, cakes, candy bars etc., lack bulk and they make it easy to consume hundreds of calories without feeling full.
When fat is eaten at the same time as carbohydrates, both the fat and carbohydrates are pushed into storage. The result is, increased blood fat levels and increase in stored fat. Not only that, the body's basic blood sugar control mechanism gets damaged and slows down the metabolism and causes weight gain.
Turn on the body's fat burning mechanism - Some foods burn "hotter" than others; that is, they cause the body to expend more calories for heat, encourage activity and are not as readily stored. Proteins and complex carbohydrates are "hot" burners, such as whole grains, whole-grain products and nearly all vegetables. They are not stored as fat easily and they tell the body that it has enough fuel, so it is alright to expend energy. This heat producing effect after a meal turns on the metabolism.
Exceptionally good and energizing meals are those that couple lean proteins such as fish, skinless chicken, lamb, lean beef and tofu with various non-starchy vegetables.
To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn
fat at the same time, visit http://www.positiveattitude4life.com
Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training
Many people are passionate about "living healthy" or learning more about bodybuilding weight loss using natural methods. With obesity being such a huge problem in our society; fitness and health is extremely important to learn how to educate yourself about. Many seek ways to stay in better shape and unfortunately many people do not succeed. This article is going to provide some valuable information on how you can begin bodybuilding weight loss using natural methods and how you can succeed and stick to your plan. If you are like me; you want to look tone and healthy; many teens and adults desire big arms or massive chests. Follow some of the steps below and begin to look healthier and feel great; you can succeed even if you have tried to lose weight before.
Determination plays a huge role in bodybuilding weight loss; as a matter of fact this is the most important role in your success. You must be willing to take all the steps necessary and be willing to follow through until you reach your desired goals. Many people who begin their fitness programs; they give it insufficient time and quit before they reach their goals. They make up all kinds of excuses like; I do not have the time anymore, I do not feel good today, I have a family that requires my care or etc.
While everyone has a family to take care of, and jobs that require at least eight hours of their time; if you are determined to reach your fitness goals you will if you do not quit.
Knowing how much muscle you want to gain or how much weight you want to lose is a must. To add size and muscle; you must learn how to eat over your caloric requirements. This will give the body extra calories and energy to add the desired lean mass which you are striving to achieve. Losing the desired weight is easier than gaining weight. To experience weight loss you simple eat less calories than your body burns in a day. This will cause your body to target stored energy (fat) and will use it for energy.
This sounds easy; yet so many people have attempted this process and have not succeeded. You must be able to find out what your body's caloric maintenance level. This is not that difficult as a matter of fact; many sites have programs that will help you figure this out so you can reach your goals quickly.
Change your meals from 3 to 6. That is correct you want to eat 6 smaller meals instead of 3 big ones. It may seem like a lot of food and you may think that you will gain weight instead of remaining on your plan of bodybuilding for weight loss. However the smaller 6 meals will keep your body from eating your muscle and they will produce more metabolism for you.
If you are serious about bodybuilding weight loss using natural methods; you must learn more about the right foods to eat.What if we could show you a system of eating which was so different from anything else you have ever seen, that you'll notice a change in your body in just 11 Days from Today?
Just focus on one thought right now.......... WHAT IF it was really possible to change your body in 11 days?
Believe it or not it's really possible to change your body QUICKLY AND EASILY and it has NOTHING to do with positive thinking .... because positive thinking all by itself won't remove a single pound from your body.
We all want to lose fat and gain muscles. But we don't know what to choose because there are number of weight loosing programs around the world. But you want to chose a good weight loosing program. There are several things you should follow when choosing a good weight loosing program.
1. The exercising method it uses.
2. It should be a time saving one.
3. It should be less cost.
The first point means the exercising system it uses and what are the out come. For an example an product uses both strength training and power training. The out come of this product is to lose fat and gaining muscles at the same time. Like this there are many exercising system and you should be able to find the appropriate and most suitable weigh losing program for you.
Another thing you should follow is that it should be a time saving one. For an example if you take about one and half hour a day to do your exercises you should fin an exercising program that saves about 30% to 50% of time to the ratio of your normal time taken. The training system known as turbulence training takes only forty five minutes a day and three days in a week is enough to lose about forty pound in four weeks.
Another thing you should look about is the cost of the weight loosing program. If the program you are looking for is costing more than two hundred dollars it useless of buying it. And gym is better than that. When you are choosing an exercising program see if the price is less than forty dollars. If it provides about two or three bonuses its okay to buy it. But it should be less than hundred dollars. Turbulence training is an good example for this. Its cost is low and you get your desired results.
So these are the top most points you should look into when you are searching for an exercising program.
If you need to get more information on turbulence training click the link given below
Well, your big day is coming up. And, you're feeling fat. After all, you have to be a beautiful bride, right? Check out these tips to get looking hot for your big wedding day.
Detoxify Your Fat Cells
If you really want to lose weight fast before your wedding, you are going to need to shrink the fat cells in your stomach. Each day, your body encounters millions of toxins and impurities in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the sugary beverages we drink. And, our stomach works hard as damage control to capture the toxins. But, when our stomach captures the toxins, it needs somewhere to store them, and it chooses our stomach. This damage control is essential, but it also makes it terribly hard to lose weight.
So, are you wondering how you can get rid of these toxins and lose weight fast before your wedding?
Get a body wrap. The right body wrap will incite lymphatic drainage, and cause you to immediately lose several inches.
Lymphatic drainage is essentially a fancy name meaning your stored fat will be dumped into your blood stream to be removed as waste, which will allow you to lose lots of weight before your wedding.
Use a Fiber Based Colon Cleanser
Using a fiber based colon cleanser is essential in losing that weight fast before your big wedding day. The fiber will cling to the toxins in your digestive track and help you to rid them as waste.
Did you know that the average person holds between 2 and 7 meals in their digestive tract at any given time? That means that you are carrying around several pounds of waste that is not necessary. Get on a good fiber supplement and watch those extra pounds fall right off you!
If your big day is coming up and you are looking for a body wrap or fiber supplement that works, check out: Lose Inches Fast.
Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living.