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Friday, July 4, 2008

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Weight Loss - The Importance of Realistic Expectations

If you are attempting to lose weight and body fat it is critical that you have realistic expectations for the how quickly you want to lose the weight and subsequently reach your goal. Today we live in a "microwave society" in which people want instant results and instant gratification. These ideas are further exacerbated by companies in the wellness industry who market products promising great results in "no time at all." Weather it be the magic pill or the latest fad diet these products are everywhere and it's important not to buy into the hype and allow it to impact your expectations.

Realistic expectations are very important because if you set your goals and they are unrealistic, you may begin to work towards them, fall significantly short of them, get frustrated and upset, and quit. I have seen this happen time and time again and these people are victims of unrealistic expectations. It can be very deflating if you set your expectations very high (lose 15 pounds this month like the man or woman on TV) and then only lose 4 or 5. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people get so dejected and quit when they were in fact making nice progress towards their goals.

The truth is a lot of people develop unrealistic expectations about the amount of weight they want to lose and the time they want to lose it in due to the marketing of companies out to make a buck. You can't let these companies whose products seemingly deliver the world impact the types of expectations you set for yourself (by the way, ever notice that at the bottom of all those infomercials and commercials it has a line saying, "Results not typical.") If you do you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.

When setting your expectations for any weight loss or fat loss program, it is critical that you factor in the amount of time you can commit to exercise, how committed you are going to be, how much weight you have to lose, etc. Do you think it's logical for someone who has 6 days a week to commit to exercise and someone who can commit 3 days a week to have the same expectations about the results they will get? Of course not! This is why it's very important to look at your own situation and set your expectations accordingly.

By setting realistic expectations, you are far more likely to keep the course and continue to work towards your goals. You will be encouraged with your progress and want to continue putting in the work because you are seeing results. Be sure to take into account your individual situation and set of circumstances when setting your expectations as well.

Brody Beach has a passion for helping others achieve their weight loss and fitness goals. Brody's mission is to help as many people as possible to develop the bodies they truly desire. For a free copy of one of Brody's ebooks and to receive a free personalized weight loss/fitness program designed by Brody to fit your individual needs, visit

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Are Fat Loss Secrets a Myth?

People look for fat loss secrets as an easy fix for weight loss, just like everything else in life. Of course people's motivation for losing weight can be different; for some it's a health issue, others it's simply looking good. But no matter your reason, people are looking for wonder fat loss secrets, more and more these days.

So yeah, there are a few fat loss secrets you can put to work and start seeing results. But it's pretty obvious they won't be found in the usual places: magazines, mainstream books, and commercial diet programs, and the like. Most of the info they feed you is best used to kill time, and doesn't let most people put a substantial weight loss program together. Lesser-known, more independently published guides by fitness coaches and consultants who have a great reputation, are a more sensible choice for finding fat loss secrets.

So, fat loss secret number one is, set a plan and keep at it. Don't stray from it, like so many people do. It's amazing how so many people will throw in the towel if they don't see amazing results overnight. That's no way to get in shape.

The second fat loss secret is, take into account the type of life you lead now. Are you sitting around most of the time or are you getting plenty of physical activity in every day. Knowing this will give you some idea of how many calories to build into your diet. Document it all out. Everything you eat, you count it. Like my favorite bodybuilding coach told me one time when he was talking about tracking a workout plan, "if you don't record it, you don't do it." And of course jot it down right away; otherwise, you'll likely forget and those will be wasted efforts.

When friends and colleagues tell me of supposed fat loss secrets they heard from their friends, it's pretty clear that most of these are imaginative ideas that don't really hold water. You would need to pretty much live your life following a lot of these "miracle" methods to keep the weight off. There's just so much information out there that's disseminated that it becomes difficult to know which are true fat loss secrets and which ones don't add up. Some do make sense of course, like cutting junk food and fast food, and instead sticking to fruits and vegetables instead.

Fat loss secret three is really to make sure you're taking in plenty of water. Four full glasses over the course of each one day is a pretty good rule of thumb. It varies from person to person, especially with issues of weight and metabolism, etc. This will make your exercising more efficient and helps stave off appetite. So if you integrate a trusted diet and fitness plan with good record keeping and maintaining healthy water intake, those all together make up the only fat loss secrets you need.

But no matter what, keep a positive attitude about what you're doing. Anything worth doing at all is worth giving it your best effort and keeping at it, otherwise all the fat loss secrets under the sun won't help you.

Rob Jacobs is cutting edge fitness coach and has helped his clients turn around their bodies for the past 20 years. He advises bodybuilders and casual dieters alike about only the best fitness and nutritional info. Learn more about Rob's guide to getting your body and life on track. Check out Fat Loss Secrets

Looking To Lose Weight? Tips For Weight Loss

We know how hard losing weight can be. It can bring your self-esteem and confidence down the drain. You look in the mirror day in and day out and see no change. Did you think it was going to be this hard?

You have stumbled upon a good article that will give you a couple tips so you can get on your way to losing the weight you need to.

First tip to losing weight. Most people have to realize that junk foods like fast food and pre packed foods is an extremely effective way to GAIN weight. You should know what's bad and what's good for you. If you don't know then simply get the calorie and information for each food item. Stay away from junk food while trying to lose weight. You won't lose any weight if you eat like a pig, that's the truth.

You should research what foods you like and would like to eat on this diet to to lose weight. Proteins are good, and less fat is an obvious. Vegetables are a must when your trying to lose weight, and you'll feel better inside when you eat right.

Second tip to losing weight. Every day you need to be active and exercise, right? Yes, if you think you can get away with limited work on the treadmill and other machines, then this isn't for you. When you eat right, and exercise right, its a deadly combination for the fats in your body. Sitting on the couch all day and night won't get the blood moving. So consider a strict and dedicated exercise plan. You will love the results.

Third and final tip for losing weight. Water is a resource that makes up a great percentage of your body. So use water wisely. Your water intake should be the most you've had. Replace any drinks with a bottle of water. You might not think it matters, but it does. Plus it will flush out your body of any toxins. When it comes to exercising an hour a day and drinking water, it makes a difference.

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5 Abdominal Exercise Fat Loss Secrets

5 abdominal exercise fat loss secrets that you must know if you are ever going to lose belly fat and get six pack abs. I'll share them with you below.

Secret 1

Many of the foods that are promoted as health foods are actually junk foods. You must remember that the health industry is a multi-million dollar industry and huge corporations get extremely wealthy from satisfying the emotional needs of people, whether the product is good or not.

Secret 2

Commonly known exercises such as crunches, sit-ups and ab machines are actually not effective at all in developing flat six-pack abs

Secret 3

Repetitive cardio exercises get boring quickly and therefore they won't help you lose body fat in order to uncover those highly developed abs. Remember your abs might be perfectly developed but you won't enjoy the benefits if you cannot see them.

Secret 4

Fat loss pills or more commonly known as fat burners is NOT necessary to lose fat. There are many natural foods that you can eat in order to get exactly the same or even better results.

Secret 5

You see these people on the infomercials with the perfectly chiseled body and they promote a new gimmick. Fact is most of them didn't use the specific product to get that way. They got that way through real workouts and proven nutritional strategies.

Abdominal exercise fat loss strategies that really produce the desired results doesn't come in a bottle of pills. No magic here. You need to know exactly what exercises are best for abdominal development and what foods are best for fat lost.

Download the free report "Discover over 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Stripping Off Belly Fat" and learn the #1 ultimate hard-body exercise, the 55 fastest fat-burning foods, over 2 dozen unique workout ideas for a leaner, sexier body and the 2 worst types of food that stimulate more belly fat!

Know A Weight Loss Product Information Before Buying A Weight Loss Product

Before buying any diet pill or weight loss product, it is important to fully understand and research any weight loss product information it might contain. Arming yourself with the right and objective weight loss product information is one of the keys to attaining a healthy body and lifestyle altogether.

Avoid misleading information

There are tons of internet sites that provide weight loss product information, but there is a great possibility that these sites could be offering incorrect or misleading product information. Many internet sites, especially those of manufacturers, are offering marketing and advertising claims. But the problem with these is that they could either be highly exaggerated or fraudulent. Experts at the Johns Hopkins University have tried searching the internet for sites selling primarily herbal weight-loss products and then evaluated them for medical accuracy.

Of the 32 sites surveyed and analyzed, 13 - or 41 - have failed to reveal the potential adverse or harmful side effects of these supplements and their ingredients. Meanwhile, as much as 17 - or 53% - failed to reveal the recommended dosage for the supplement. Thirty four percent failed to specify correct product information, such as ingredients, which is harmful for consumers.

Is it too good to be true?

If you've come across a website that tells of a "miraculous" diet pill that helps you shed the pounds within days, don't be easily fooled. There is a great possibility that the website is providing highly exaggerated information that can mislead consumers. This marketing ploy has caught the eyes of the US FDA and the FTC, prompting them to crack down on these misleading advertising claims and close down the manufacturer companies.

What is the answer?

To get the accurate and reliable weight loss product information, it is best to consult an expert. Experts can either be doctors or nutritionists, or anyone who has experience and knowledge on diet pills and its corresponding ingredients. Also, don't view diet pills as a quick fix to all your problems. Analyze and understand its weight loss product information before buying a diet pill for your use.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Proactol - 100% Natural Weight Loss Product

A fabulous benefit to Proactol is that it is 100% natural and found from an herb. This means that it is healthier for you than the traditional weight loss methods and you are not harming your body from toxic ingredients.

Many weight loss supplements that saturate the market today contain ingredients that are harmful to the body. Many people have claimed to have serious memory loss and severe side effects from taking weight loss pills for too long. It can be dangerous to the body to take weight loss pills that have harmful ingredients.

Many people will take anything to lose weight and there are millions of people out there trying to achieve their weight loss goals right now. However, the problems with the common supplements for weight loss today is that people can form an addiction to these drugs and cause bigger problems for themselves than just their weight. Many of the weight loss pills might be mixed with alcohol or other drugs and people cannot stop. People might find themselves taking more than the recommended dosage for weight loss also.

Proactol is a 100% natural weight loss product because it is derived from an herb. There are no additives and extras in this product that will make you lose your memory or create an addiction. You are perfectly safe taking Proactol.

Another benefit of Proactol being a natural weight loss product is that it is not harmful to you. This means that there are no side effects from the drug and you don't have to worry about it. Many people have serious problems with excessive weight. The major problems for them are that they suffer from other medical issues too. This puts them in a difficult situation in losing weight because they might harm their health if they attempt to take other supplements that contain something dangerous. They continue to gain weight because exercising is painful and they have no other solution and need help. Proactol can help people like this because it is natural. Not only will they notice the pounds start to drop but they will soon be in a physical condition that they are capable of exercising again. This is very beneficial and proven.

When you are trying to lose weight, you have to almost cleanse your body and get rid of all of the toxins in your body. This means that for the first week of eating healthy and taking Proactol, you will see your body go through major changes and expel many of the fats and toxins in your body. You will begin to feel fantastic and completely rejuvenated. Results from Proactol are not the same for everyone because no body is the same. Some people notice visible results from Proactol with in a couple of weeks and others it may take a couple of months. You will notice the change in energy levels and clarity.

Proactol is the best solution for weight loss management because it is a completely natural product. You are not putting any toxins into your body to lose weight.

You can find more information on the amazing weight loss supplement known as Proactol. And you can also find Diet Pill Reviews, including Prescription Diet Pills at DietPillCheck.

Weight Loss Supplements - The Final Key to Success

Losing weight involves consuming less calories than you burn. However, that is easier said than done. For many people, a healthy diet and exercise helps them burn enough calories to lose the weight and keep it off. Yet due to genetics or perhaps years of bad habits, diet and exercise alone may not be enough for some people. In this case, a weight loss supplement may be the final key to successful weight loss.

After determining a healthy diet (try a nutritionist) and exercise plan (try a personal trainer), following these plans should show results after 2 to 4 weeks of discipline. If you are severely obese or nothing seems to be working, a weight loss supplement can speed up your metabolism, or at least inhibit your need to continually snack on processed foods. These can give you the final edge if the last few pounds wont come off, or work as a placebo so you work harder to lose the weight.

Weight loss supplements are available in several forms, including prescription, over-the-counter drugs, and herbal supplements. All diet pills are regulated by the FDA. The most popular products work by suppressing your appetite, raising your metabolism levels, or blocking fat from digesting in your body. Most products contain a combination of herbs, vitamins, and drugs that your body uses to burn fat more efficiently. Each product produces different results for each individual, and one type of weight loss supplement is not known to be superior.

However, an appetite suppressant may be useful for anyone trying to lose weight since most of us overeat. With the availability of food and advertising, it can be difficult to eat smaller portions. By finishing off more food on your plate, or nibbling before dinner, you may be unconsciously eating more, and gaining more weight as time goes on. It can be easy to pack on a few pounds each year, which can easily translate into a 30 pound bulge within a few years. Using an appetite suppressant or caloric restrictor such as Akavar 20/50 can prevent you from overeating and gaining weight. It can also help you eat less each day, so you burn more calories than you consumer and lose weight. Try also to drink more water and eat a balanced diet to make the weight loss supplement as effective as possible.

Small Changes Equal Weight Loss

Small changes add up. In changing your diet and exercise plan in small steps, you build successes to achieve your weight loss goal. If you undertake too much too quickly, it rarely lasts. Don't give up. Change your strategy to small steps rather than one huge leap. When you successfully incorporate one small change, move on to another. You build momentum by incorporating small changes in your life.

1. Water as your first beverage of choice. After you've consumed your morning coffee or tea to get you going for the day, drink water. Water is critical in maximizing your weight loss. You can drink flavored water for a change of pace.

2. Fresh fruit instead of juice. If you enjoy orange juice or other juices, switch to eating the real deal of the fruit. Juice packs lots of calories in a small glass and doesn't provide you a sense of satisfaction the way eating the fruit does. You'll consume less calories, enjoy the sense of eating, feel fuller from the fruit rather than the liquid, plus you'll add important fiber from eating the fruit.

3. Write it down. Carry a small notepad with you and log in every meal, bite, taste and anything that you eat. By keeping track of what you consume, it will make you think twice before eating something. If you have to write something down in a log, many times you don't want to see it in your log so you won't see it on your waist either. Writing it down can also show you exactly what you are eating. A bite or taste sometimes doesn't register with us. In a log, you become very aware of what you're doing.

4. Check your steps. Buy a pedometer and wear it every day. Health experts recommend 10,000 steps each day for maximum health. Take your first day and use it as your base number. Set your goal to get in an additional 1,000 steps per day. Keep track how many steps you have each day. You can make it a game by logging the steps you make each day.

5. Lose your taste for soda. Soda scores a big zero in weight loss. Soft drinks contain astounding amounts of sugar and sodium. Plus, they are void of nutrition and do nothing to assist in filling you up. If you must drink soft drinks, go for the diet version. Just like many other things, you acquire a taste for something and you can lose it too. By cutting out soda from your day, you'll save hundreds of calories which result in weight loss.

6. Get a team of support. You don't have to lose weight alone. There are many resources available to you. First, turn to your family and friends and request their support. You can also hire your own weight loss coach. You can work with your coach to create a program that is best for you, what you like, what you prefer, and what works best for you. You can also join an online support group. There are many people waiting to partner with you to achieve your weight loss goals.

7. Make your coffee work for you. I used to love those flavored creamers. I would joke that I added coffee to my flavored creamer. Unfortunately, I was right. It wasn't until I kept a food journal that I noticed how much I was actually consuming. The flavored creamers, whether non-fat or in any form, are full of sugar. I was consuming enough carbs to count for one-half of my day. I strategy that I incorporated is to use nonfat powdered creamer and sugar-free flavored syrups in my coffee. I returned to losing immediately upon changing this one small habit.

In another article, we'll add more little changes for you to review and consider. As you can see, some small changes you can be simple and easy. Small changes can be painless too. As far as little changes count for you: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = Your own weight loss success!

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition. Visit Cathy's website:

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