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Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Self Hypnosis Weight Loss Diet

Any weight loss diet is only as effective as the willingness of the person dieting to stick with the diet's requirements. Eating, in general, is such a complex combination of nutrition, pleasure, and other psychological factors, that the motivation to adopt and practice a particular eating regime to lose weight may prove extremely difficult. Often, the person is torn between conflicting motivations, simultaneously needing certain foods and eating habits for a sense of well-being, and yet acutely aware of the harm this form of eating can do to her or his self-esteem, health, career, and social life. All in all, successful weight loss dieting may need the extra help provided by one of the most effective mental tools available, self hypnosis.

The self hypnosis diet is based on two types of ideas, suggested to the dieter during the hypnosis. First, once the person has carefully researched the weight loss diet to be followed, the specific diet requirements may be formed into suggestions and included in the self hypnosis. These ideas are crafted to reflect the precise needs of the diet, even mentioning certain foods and other particulars. A second type of hypnosis diet idea to be suggested is motivational. Motivational ideas may consist of the most powerful reasons for the person to remain on the diet, to make the diet a success. Again, these may be worded precisely, to suit the thinking of the person, although a skilled professional can prepare an effective "generic" weight loss recording, too.

Why is hypnosis so effective for dieting? Think of it like this: hypnosis can't change the weather, but it can help you to use your umbrella, which will keep you nice and dry. Every diet, Weight Watchers, Atkins, etc., has a special set of rules to follow. Most of the reputable diets are designed by nutrition experts and usually based on pretty sound science. If the rules are followed, the weight comes off. The real task of the person dieting is not to re-invent the diet, it's simply to stick with the diet and by following the rules, reap the benefits. Hypnosis is a fabulous tool to enhance any dieter's ability to follow those all-important rules, no matter what the program may be.

A professionally prepared self hypnosis mp3, cd, or tape can be a life-long tool in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Often, weight loss dieters feel helpless and alone in their uphill climb. A good hypnosis recording is an oasis of personal pleasure and strength in this struggle. I urge you to let hypnosis be your secret dieting weapon!

The work of licensed mental health counselor Richard Blumenthal has been published in such esteemed journals as Medical Hypnoanalysis, The International Journal of Psychosomatics, The Journal of Human Behavior and Learning, and The British Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. Mr. Blumenthal is a pioneer in the therapeutic use of hypnosis. He is the originator of Rational Suggestion Therapy, and the inventor of HypnoSoft Self Hypnosis Software, located at, for which he was awarded a United States patent. Hypnosis mp3 recordings by Mr. Blumenthal are available at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 10:33 PM |

The Flat Belly Diet - Foolproof Method To Help You Lose Weight Fast

The flat belly diet is a new diet that is currently taking the diet world by storm. It helps you to lose weight both quickly and continuously over a period of time and is also completely safe to use. Find out more by reading this article.

The new diet is based around a new technique known as calorie shifting. The calorie shifting diet works by mixing up the amount of calories you consume at each meal which confuses your body and the metabolism.

With low calorie diets weight loss soon grinds to an halt because your body recognizes your eating patterns and so slows down the fat burning system accordingly. With the constant swapping and changing invovled in this method your body fails to get used to any eating pattern. However because of the confusion rather than staying at its usual rate it actually panics and begins to work faster.

The diet also consists of eating 4 meals a day. This helps firstly to stop you feeling cravings between meals but that isn't its main use. The real reason for eating 4 meals a day is that it keeps your metabolism working non stop meaning calories are being burned all day long.

Thousands of users are now using the calorie shifting method and many are recording amazing results. Weight loss forums are packed with members saying they've lost over the 9 pounds in 11 days that the diet promises and all these users can't be wrong.

The flat belly diet is one of the few ( if not the only ) diets around at the moment which combines fast, safe and continuous weight loss and for that it has to be recommended for anyone looking to lose weight and get a flat belly.

For more details on the calorie shifting diet and a review of the method visit here.

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Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 10:20 PM |

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Technology & Weight Loss: Putting An Online Tool to Use

Because the Internet allows so many millions of people to be connected to any single site, function or feature, many programmers and marketing folks have put their heads together to come up with some really neat online tools. Many of these tools are not only useful and convenient, but they are often times free to use. We like free! Some examples include area code locators, mortgage calculators, metric conversion charts and many, many more.

Today I ran across a free tool that is available to us courtesy of the US Government. The Deparment of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health, makes this tool available. The tool is called an Interactive Menu Planner and it's worth spending a few minutes exploring.

The tool's original intent seems to be as a menu planner that one would use on a daily basis in order to calculate the total calories, total fat and total carbohydrates for all three meals each and every day. Because the interface is a little bit "clunky" and the tool takes a while to plug in an entire day's meals, I don't think it's really practical to use every day. However, that doesn't mean that it's not useful. Load it up in a browser and take a peek for yourself while I point out a few things that I found interesting.

The first thing you need to do is to select the number of daily calories you plan to consume. The number can range from 1200 to 2000. There are no guidelines as to how many calories you should start with so use common sense to select a number. Factors such as body size (less the fat you want to lose), type of occupation, amount of daily exercise, and age should be taken into consideration. Your doctor may have a suggestion as well.

Once you've selected a daily calorie target, select "Breakfast" as your first meal. Mentally segment your daily calories into three fairly equal parts. If you've selected 2000 calories, you should try to aim for around 600 - 650 calories per meal, leaving a few left over for an evening snack. Move over to the right where the food itself is located. Start at the top and select a food item from the food groups you typically eat for breakfast. It doesn't matter if it's what you ate today, or are planning to eat, the education is in the experience.

As you select a "food item" you must remember to also select the number of servings in the next column. For instance, if you typically eat two kiwi fruit at breakfast, select "1 Kiwi" from the "food" column and select "2" from the servings column. The thing that I really like about this tool is that it updates after every item is selected. Continue on through breakfast adding items as you go. You may select multiple items from any of the food groups. As you continue, you will see the menu for breakfast grow longer for each added item.

Try to ignore the totals on the left-hand side until you have finished selecting each of the items that make up your typical breakfast. Once done, look at the totals to see how much damage you've done. If you find, like I did, that you need to make some adjustments to each meal if you want to get three meals a day in, you can remove some of your items or reduce the number of servings. To do so, simply select one of the items already in your breakfast menu and change the servings to zero to remove it completely, or just lower the number to reduce it.

Once you've set your breakfast menu, continue on to lunch and repeat the process. After you've finished your lunch menu, repeat the process for dinner. If you still have some calories left over, you can go ahead and treat yourself to a snack; if you exceed your total allowed calories at any time, a warning message will pop up.

There are a few things about this exercise that I believe are particularly educational. The first is the degree to which the daily calories can be thrown off by simple things such as beverages. For my breakfast I selected a bagel. I watched carefully as I slowly added a tablespoon of cream cheese and some jelly, thinking they would cause a dramatic increase. To my dismay, a couple teaspoons of jelly and a tablespoon of cream cheese added only 75 calories. It was the bagel that was the major offender, coming in at a whopping 320 calories!

I decided to see how much the daily totals would be affected by selecting a large glass of "Kool Aid" as a drink. I have children in the house and "Kool Aid" is available and convenient. But is it a good decision?

For my lunch menu, I selected "8 oz. Kool Aid" as a beverage. But wait, do you know how small an 8 oz. glass is? I plugged in "2" servings just to be safe. To my horror, that single beverage selection came to 232 calories, or just over 11% of my daily total! I quickly "zeroed out" the "Kool Aid" and opted instead for water.

Another shocker was the cream that I use in my morning coffee or tea. Drinking two cups of black coffee adds only 20 calories to your daily menu. However, if you lighten up those two cups of coffee with a couple of tablespoons of cream each, you can add nearly 100 calories to your diet. A teaspoon of sugar adds only 15 calories, and that's typically the item we'd be inclined to abandon first.

The second thing that I realized is that, with a little bit of planning, a person can still eat a substantial amount of food and stay within their daily caloric budget, especially if you choose wisely. I'm a substantially sized guy with an active lifestyle who should be able to consume 2000 calories per day and still lose weight. Using this tool can help me do so without starving and without busting my budget.

Again, I don't think it's terribly practical to suggest you use this tool every day, but referring to it every now and again can help you ascertain the average number of calories you are consuming each day, make sure you aren't making any bad menu decisions, and help you to win the battle of the bulge!

Interactive Menu Planner:

Michael Callen is the author of the Weekly Weightloss Tips Newsletter and the Chief Technology Officer for, an online retailer of dozens of health and wellness products.

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Quick Weight Loss Tips - How to Avoid Overeating at Restaurants and Official Events

Let me ask you this question - have you ever had an official event get in the way of your weight loss effort? For example, you spend two weeks on a diet. You're starting to lose weight at last. You're no longer afraid to face yourself in the mirror. And then you get invited to a company dinner, where you are served with a five-course meal - and a dessert!

You can't refuse to eat, because you'll get funny looks from your coworkers. But if you work your way through the entire dinner, you'll deal a massive blow to your diet. And even if you promise yourself not to eat more than one or two meals, we both know you'll break that promise later. How do you handle this? Well, as a matter of fact, in this article I will show you three tried-and-true ways of keeping your diet no matter what your waiter serves!

1. Eat Your Meals Slowly

Company events are an occasion for networking rather than dining. Therefore, spend more time talking than eating. Research shows that it takes your stomach 20 minutes to tell you that it's full. As such, the more time you spend talking, the sooner you will feel satiated - and you will eat MUCH less! Better yet, your coworkers won't ask you any annoying questions. No one wants for being too obsessed with weight loss to eat.

2. Eat Well Beforehand

The best way to make sure you don't go on a binge at a dinner is to eat beforehand. If your stomach is full, you will feel less incline to eat at the event. However, make sure that you eat something healthy - salad leaves are great for making your stomach feel full with practically no calories involved. Also, avoid exercising before such an event, since working out tends to make you hungry immediately afterwards and can lead to a dinner binge.

3. Keep Drinking

Let's get something straight - I'm not talking about alcoholic drinks here. But water is great for filling your stomach for a short period of time. You will feel less hungry and, as a result, less tempted to eat all you can during the dinner. Another good way to prevent a binge is to allow yourself a few sandwiches during the dinner. Have a few whole-grain buns. They're reasonably healthy in moderate amounts and don't have that many calories.

As you can see, corporate dinners or parties do not have to be a diet killer! By following those three simple steps, you will make sure that you can still spend a productive (and, hopefully, fun!) evening with your coworkers without totally ruining your diet.

For more weight loss tips, please check the site in my signature. You'll be amazed how easy it is to take control of your weight in record time.

To YOUR Weight Loss Success

George Chernikov

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