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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Secrets to Weight Loss the Doctors Don't Want You to Know

Let's face it, the diet industry is big business. And unfortunately, it doesn't just include diet foods, shakes, snack bars and over the counter remedies.

The diet industry is far reaching and extends right into your family practitioner's office. Prescription diet pills, weightloss items and weightloss products are recommended and dolled out to patients everyday. If you have ever visited the Dr. and been told that you need to lose weight, you know exactly what I am talking about. Worse, maybe you, like 1000's of others were prescribed with a weightloss drug only to find out later that it was being recalled for serious, if not fatal side effects.

Being overweight is big business, but more importantly it is dangerous to your health. Not just from the excess pounds point of view, but rather, from the aspect of why the weight REALLY won't come off! And those are exactly the secrets to weightloss that Doctors don't want you to know about. Think for just a minute, what if you found out the REAL reason you were overweight? What if the table were turned and pounds just seem to melt away naturally? All without having to go out and spend $1000's of dollars on pills, potions, and deadly over processed diet foods.

Once you understand why the weight won't come off, why you may have lost weight only to gain it all back, why you are not able to stick to a diet for more than a week, why you are tired and depressed and why you may have just resolved to the fact that you are going to stay fat forever, you will gain your life back. The WHY of being fat is NOT what you have been told or brainwashed to think. The why you are fat has to do with mostly one thing! The build up of plaque and parasites that exist in your colon. Until you can fully eradicate these things from your digestive system, no amount of dieting will ever work or have any type of long term effect.

Once you get the 411 on how these hideous things got into your body in the first place, you will be able to flush them out. Then when you understand what they feed on, you simply avoid those types of foods and the pounds just melt off. It isn't rocket science and it does not involve going on a diet or eating more diet foods.

Here are some tips to help curb the mess that in your colon.

1. Drink plenty of water. You've probably heard this before, but it really is imperative to your health. Drink at least 2 liters a day. Add a teaspoon of Organic Lemon Juice to each glass and you will be amazed at the results. Lemon juices balances out many things in your body.

2. Go Organic. Eat as much Raw Organic Veggies and Fruit as You can. The pesticides you are ingesting from NON-Organic produce are layering themselves in your colon and just poisoning your body.

3. Eat breakfast. Remember, you haven't eaten since the night before, so a good breakfast will curb your appetite during the day.

4. Up your fiber especially brown rice, beans, nuts apples and strawberries.

5. Watch your portions. A simple rule of thumb--use your fist. Ball up you hand into a fist and that is the portion size of each; protein, veggies and fiber that you should have at you meal.

If you continue to eat the wrong type of nutrients your body will break down and worse, disease will surely follow. Learn to eat what those parasites and plaque don't feed on, then flush them out of your body and the pounds will just melt off. Those are Some of the Real Secrets of Weightloss that the Doctors Don't Want You to Know.

Get the Weightloss Truth! One Lady Dr. has received Death Threats by publishing this information. You can lose 90 pounds in 45 days without diets or pills. Find out the Secrets to Weightloss the Doctors Don't Want You to Know NOW!

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 9:09 PM |

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4 Aerobics For Fat Loss Without Losing Muscle Secrets

Using aerobics for fat loss without losing muscle is very important otherwise you will never get a well-toned, leaner, sexier body.

Losing muscle has more to do with inadequate diet than with excessive aerobics.

If you suspect you are losing muscle there are four likely causes:

  1. You are not eating enough protein. Protein is the only nutrient that is used to build muscle. You should eat 5-6 meals containing protein every day. These meals should be spaced 3 hours apart from each other.
  2. Your carbohydrates are too low. This is very important because low carb diets also use up protein. This means you can consume huge amounts of protein but if your carbs is to low, you will also lose muscle.
  3. You are not eating enough calories. This is a huge mistake because the body goes into starvation mode and this causes the metabolism to slow down and then the body start burning muscle tissue to conserve energy
  4. Only doing aerobic exercises without doing weight training will result in muscle loss. It is important to understand that muscle growth happens as a result of weight training.

So the truth is you would rather lose muscle from not eating enough than from doing aerobic exercise. People think they will lose muscle during cardio but as long as you combine cardio and weight training with good nutritional eating habits, you'll lose fat and gain muscle.

As you can see aerobics for fat loss is definitely a very good thing because it can enhance your recovery from weight training by promoting blood flow and oxygen transport to your muscles.

Download the free report "Discover over 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Stripping Off Belly Fat" and learn the #1 ultimate hard-body exercise, the 55 fastest fat-burning foods, over 2 dozen unique workout ideas for a leaner, sexier body and the 2 worst types of food that stimulate more belly fat!

Super Fast Weight Loss Tips

Warning! Even though super fast weight loss is possible, it is neither healthy nor a long-term solution to your weight problem. Many sites on the Internet claim that significant weight loss can be achieved in days; but, these are generally sites endorsing the top ten fad diets.

For the most part, sites endorsing the top ten fad diets make outrageous claims about super fast weight loss. That type of weight loss usually consists of 90% water and is strictly temporary weight loss because you will regain that weight as soon as your body returns to its normal hydration level. It's important to understand the two primary reasons your body requires lots of water:

<1> Your body cells need to be hydrated in order to replenish and multiply properly.

<2> Water helps to eliminate both waste and toxins from your body.

Some of the top ten fad diets are hyped-up diet plans that stay in vogue as long as they generate money for the marketers who are hyping the plans. In some cases, these plans are nutritionally acceptable and, if followed correctly, actually result in weight loss. However, many times they prove difficult to follow and people give up after a short period of time (ever tried the cabbage soup diet?). Furthermore, your doctor can probably recommend (for free) a similar diet tailored to your situation.

Be aware of the following symptoms of fad diets:

<1> Diets that promise quick and easy weight loss do not give the benefits that you would get from a balanced diet because they are usually based on eating more of one food type and none of another. These diets may suggest you take supplements but many supplements are not absorbed by the body unless they are taken along with the foods that are not included in the diet. If you stick to the fad diet for several weeks, you may begin to develop nutritional deficiencies.

<2> Fad diets are often restrictive and boring. After the novelty of the first day or two, the meals are not enjoyable. It will not be long before you start to crave food constantly and break the diet. You might even start feeling guilty, blaming yourself for not losing weight on your new fad diet.

<3> Most fad diets do not take into consideration recommendations of the American Heart Association regarding fat levels in the diet. Fad diets will often recommend consuming high fat foods and reducing carbohydrates. Over a period of time, this type of fad diet could result in heart disease. People marketing these fad diets may tell you that they are only intended to be followed for a short time. But, if you don't lose weight in that short period of time, what are your options? You either continue following an unhealthy plan or stop following the plan and gain back the weight you lost.

<4> Many fad diets do not incorporate enough servings of fruits and vegetables in the weight loss program. And many do not recommend the variety of foods that your body needs.

<5> Super fast weight loss diets are just temporary solutions and do not help you to permanently change your eating habits. The only way to remain at your target weight once you reach it is through permanent change. Following fad diets results in yo-yo diet-binge cycles of fast weight loss and equally fast weight gain. Both your health and your self esteem will be better if you simply remain overweight all the time instead of following one of the top ten fad diets.

Watch out for the marketers! Fad diets will not help you in the long run. The absolute best way to lose weight and keep it off is to find and follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, ..... and avoid fad diets.

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5 Abdominal Exercise Fat Loss Secrets

5 abdominal exercise fat loss secrets that you must know if you are ever going to lose belly fat and get six pack abs. I'll share them with you below.

Secret 1

Many of the foods that are promoted as health foods are actually junk foods. You must remember that the health industry is a multi-million dollar industry and huge corporations get extremely wealthy from satisfying the emotional needs of people, whether the product is good or not.

Secret 2

Commonly known exercises such as crunches, sit-ups and ab machines are actually not effective at all in developing flat six-pack abs

Secret 3

Repetitive cardio exercises get boring quickly and therefore they won't help you lose body fat in order to uncover those highly developed abs. Remember your abs might be perfectly developed but you won't enjoy the benefits if you cannot see them.

Secret 4

Fat loss pills or more commonly known as fat burners is NOT necessary to lose fat. There are many natural foods that you can eat in order to get exactly the same or even better results.

Secret 5

You see these people on the infomercials with the perfectly chiseled body and they promote a new gimmick. Fact is most of them didn't use the specific product to get that way. They got that way through real workouts and proven nutritional strategies.

Abdominal exercise fat loss strategies that really produce the desired results doesn't come in a bottle of pills. No magic here. You need to know exactly what exercises are best for abdominal development and what foods are best for fat lost.

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Lose 10 Pounds Within a Week - Stunning New Discovery Which Would Make You Lose Weight Instantly

Every person out there wants to lose weight and wants to lose it fast but does not know the perfect route which would help them lose as much as possible. No matter what you might think about it but weight loss isn't all that difficult when you know what you truly need to do. You see you can achieve earth shattering results within no time once you learn how to make small daily changes in your lifestyle, exercises and diets. Read on to discover how you can lose tremendous amount of weight too using these cutting edge insanely effective techniques...

We are going to shift calories- Do you know that it's not the quantity rather the quality of food you eat which affects your body? Well in order to lose weight effectively you need to make sure that instead of having heavy unhealthy food you start consuming natural healthy meals which are low on calories but still stuff you up. You see this way you would not feel hungry and your cravings for more would be controlled.

Start replacing unhealthy stuff- Starting right now instead of the morning or afternoon coffee start drinking water. Make this a habit, the moment you feel the urge to have a cup of coffee fill yourself up with a lot of water and this same rule would apply to any of those sugary drinks.

Use your time wisely- How many hours do you spend each day watching television? Well whatever the amount of time might be make sure that you either get a treadmill and walk on it while watching your favorite TV shows or have a stationary bike. You see you can take a break when the commercials come on the TV show. You see this way you will see tremendous amount of weight loss within the first two weeks if you stay strict on this routine.

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Exercise Schedule For Weight Loss

With reduction of calories we have achieved one portion of the plan and with exercise we will achieve the other. Remember, we have to under take exercise with a dual objective in mind.

Burning the excess fat already stored in the body (a kilo of excess weight represents around 7,000 calories).

Stopping further accumulation of fat.

Typically, exercise and diet schedules should advance gradually. The schedule should be customized according to the lifestyle of the person. My personal observation is that clients and consultants are over-enthusiastic in the beginning but the enthusiasm fades with the time.

The prime reason for this is that the exercise schedules often fail to match the lifestyle of a person or are too stringent to follow in real life. A health consultant should draft an exercise schedule accordingly. I personally feel that walking is one of the best and most natural ways of losing weight. I have had great success with it. In fact, because of regular walking (I walk around 20 km per week) I have been able to maintain the same weight levels for the past 15 years.

To start with, live an active lifestyle wherein you exercise a minimum of 30 minutes (15 minutes of vigorous exercise and 15 minutes of low or moderate exercise) per day.

In my programme, we gradually increase the duration of exercise to a minimum of 45 minutes per day (30 minutes rigorous and 15 minutes low or moderate exercise).

The key here is consistency. Often, I have observed that people tend to complete their schedules on the weekends, which is not right for the basic reason that the body is overloaded on the weekends and totally free during the week.

When I say 'exercise', I do not mean pumping iron (of course, you can also do weight training) every time. What I mean is making your body move - and this can be done by walking, climbing stairs, household work, etc. There is no dearth of activities that we can enjoy and simultaneously lose weight. It's just a matter of commitment and resolve.

Once we have achieve that ideal weight, the next step is maintaining it, which is little difficult than the first part. This is the phase during we say, 'Now that I have lost that excess baggage, indulge in all those tempting foods and bad lifestyle . But before you do that just close your eyes and think all the good things you can do now and all the difficultive faced when you had that excess weight - I am sure you will get your answer.

Always find a person can be your mentor and to whom you can be accoudle. This will help you in not regaining that weight your good and healthy habits on the backburner. Regularly check your weight and be calorie conscious.

The third important point our weight-loss programme is managing hunger. This ilised on eating balanced meals in which most of the calorie come from foods with high volume and low energy . For example, if we compare raisins (dried grapes) with grapes, we will find that after eating one-fourth , one would probably continue eating; but it would be difficult to consume more than 3/4 - 1 cup of grapesh servings have 110 calories each, but the fresh grapesfull of water. Water is a key ingredient in managing hat, but not the water you drink with the meal. Studies shomat it fills up the stomach but doesn't influence satiety. But the natural water in fruits and vegetables or in broth-based soups makes one feel full, that is, satiated.

Very low energy density Most fruits and vegetables, skimmed milk, and broth soups. Eat as much as you like.

Medium energy density: Includes meats; cheeses; fried food; salad dressings. Eat in moderation.

High energy density: Includes chips; chocolates; candies, cookies; nuts; butter and full-fat milk. Try to eat as less as possible.

One important tip for hunger management is to have a broth-based soup or a big, low-calorie density salad at the beginning of the meal.

You can have all those tempting foods but on your terms. 'Fhe day you have more calories you ought to slog more to burn them! Remember, at the end of the day it's you who has to decide how you wish to live. Whether you want to be a slave to your temptations or master them is up to you. Follow the Safe-n-Sure Weight Loss Programme honestly and I assure you that your weight will never be a problem ever again, making life all the more lighter and pleasant.

Read more on How to lose weight. Check out for daily diet plans and diet supplements.

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