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Let me premise this statement by saying that your body is an incredibly self-serving vehicle, whose goal is to sustain life. Therefore, it has no interest in burning additional calories since that would mean it must expend additional energy and then refuel to keep living.
Now let's look at the goal of running or any other type of cardiovascular endurance based method for weight loss. Whether you are pumping away on the elliptical or running outdoors, you are temporarily burning calories to create an energy deficit which in turn leads to weight loss.
The problem with this equation is that your body becomes accustomed to this type of exercise fairly quickly (within 4-6 weeks) which means you will burn fewer calories with subsequent workouts. You may notice this when you are breathing less heavy or sweating less than before.
So now in order to burn the same amount of calories (or more) you must either:
1. Gain weight (which is exactly the opposite of what you are trying to achieve)
2. Run longer (eventually you can only run so far and only have so much time to commit)
3. Increase the incline (eventually self-limiting)
Although two of those scenarios are viable options, they will inevitably become the limiting factor in your weight loss goals. Trust me, if you don't first succumb to the hours of cardio or repetitive motion injuries, you will eventually become frustrated with your plateauing weight loss attempts and just give up all together.
I don't want this to be the cycle that most people are destined to repeat. Don't let yourself fall victim to this type of weight loss futility. Begin with a few small changes to your program at a time. You can start by either adding in some interval sprint work, including at least 2 days per week of weight training, or opting for a strength and conditioning workout that both burns calories and boosts your metabolism.
The choice is yours. I just hope you make the most of your already busy schedule.
Good luck!
Author of Fatlossity - the Complete, In-Home, Step-by-Step, Weight Loss System http://www.stephencabral.com/fatlossity
Stephen Cabral is a national health & fitness correspondent with over 10 years of credentials and media appearances. He holds national and international certifications in strength & conditioning, personal training, yoga and nutrition. For more information on his Free Trim, Tone & Tighten Newsletter seen by over 100,000 readers each week go to http://www.StephenCabral.com
Weight Watchers believes that dieting is just part of long-term weight management. A healthy life style will result in a healthy body. Weight watchers has achieved lasting success with their weight loss program, and the program now has more flexibility than in past years. We are going to look at a few reasons their program works.
Part of their secret to success is the community involvement. The community in this case is a group of like minded people meeting on a regular bases to share their weight loss wins and failures. It is that feeling your not in this alone or I see what you did and I think I can do the same thing. Their pep rallies ( meeting) are encouraging and motivational.
The weight Watchers point system is probably he best known of their programs. A large number of foods have been evaluated and given a point value. If one stays within there daily point recommendation the chances are good that weight loss will result. Although they have booklets giving the point values of various food,this formula will be of help when the book is not available. Points= calories/50 +fat grams/12 - fiber grams/5'
So how many points are recommended? Weight Watchers provides these guidelines:
Less than 150 pounds = 18-25 Points
150 to 174 pounds = 20-27 Points
175 to 199 pounds = 22-29 Points
200 to 224 pounds = 24-31 Points
225 to 250 pounds = 26-33 Points
Over 250 pounds = 28-35 Points
Plus there some flex points involved. Flex points allow a person to pig out on a special occasion and and not feel that they have abandoned their comment.
Another program is the Core Plan. Basically this plan gives a wide scope on the variety of food recommended and relies on the discipline of the individual to limit the quantity. Most beginning dieters find that the community aspect,discipline and motivation supplied with the Points Plan is an excellent way to begin. When weight loss happens and they feel comfortable with the system, then the Core Plan may be advisable.
Their website (http://www.weightwatchers.com) contains a lot of helpful information. Your favorite recipe can be found changed to abide by the Weight Watchers guidelines. For people to busy to take time for a meeting or if a meeting is not available in you local they also have an online application of their plan.
Although Weight Watchers may not be for everybody the program can be very beneficial as it address the mental, emotional and physical health aspects of dieting. Weight loss is each individuals responsibility. See you at the meeting.
For more interesting articles on dieting and weight loss visit: Weight Loss Tips Site
There are many factors that cause us to increase body weight, yet three stand out from the rest.
Our genetic make up: Every cell in our body has a central control panel, that is a nucleus that contains our genes and chromosomes. This is the instruction manual for your body and this is inherited from your parents. It is this instruction manual that is largely responsible for how your body, and even your mind, behaves.
The environment in which we live: Our personal environment may also contribute or cue you to adopt poor eating or exercise habits. This is especially true in today's society, which is dominated by speed and convenience. For example, escalators, elevators and remote-control appliances make us less physically active. Also, greater availability and the constant marketing of foods that are high in calories, fat and added sugars, and larger portion sizes promote unhealthy eating behaviors.
There may also be personal reasons why you are consuming too many kilojoules from food and drinks, or not being physically active enough. For example, when feeling down or bored you may eat more than you need, or if you are feeling depressed it is more difficult to get active.
Knowing the reason why you may be consuming excess kilojoules or not participating in physical activity, is an important first step in changing your lifestyle habits to help you reach a healthy weight.
Our lifestyle: What we eat and drink and how active we are. This is the gradual gain in weight as a result of eating food and not exercising enough.
The extent to which we can affect our genetic make up and our environment are limited. However, lifestyle is the area in which we can significantly manage and if need be, improve our body weight to ensure we maintain a healthy weight for our height, age and gender. This is why learning a healthy nutritious eating pattern and adopting it for life, that is, lifestyle changes has a significant impact on our ability to reach and maintain a healthy weight.
Gaining and losing weight works according to some a simple biological principle. When you consume more energy in the form of food and drinks that your body uses each day you will gain weight. When you consume less energy in the form of food and drinks that your body requires each day you will lose weight.
Despite what some advertisers would have use believe, weight loss does not occur as a result of any of the following:
* Supplements that will melt the fat while you sleep or while you wash
* Exercises that dont take any effort and cause no sweat
* Unique food combinations that will allow you to eat what you want and still lose weight
In order to lose weight you will need to know approximately your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). Your RMR is the number of calories your body burns at rest in a 24 hour period. When your body gets about 500 less calories than it needs each day as a result of eating less or exercising more, you will lose one pound of weight per week. To illustrate how efficient the human body is in motion, the average female would need to go for a brisk walk for 1.5 to 2.0 hours in order to burn 500 calories.
When you consume 500 calories a day more than your bodys requirements, you will gain approximately one pound a week! To illustrate how easy it is to gain weight, one 7oz bag of corn chips has approximately 1000 calories. If you ate a bag of corn chips every day in addition to three square meals its possible you could gain 2 pounds in a week!
Kim Beardsmore is a weight loss consultant whose business operates across 60 countries. Tons of recipes, articles, resources, free newsletter and more to help you lose weight and keep it off forever. Estimate your healthy body weight or receive a free weight loss consultation at http://www.weight-loss-health.com.au
High fiber food is not talked about much but definitely a secret to losing weight. Did you know that boosting your fiber intake actually helps you drop pounds?
High fiber food also has many other health benefits but most people don't know about losing weight with fiber rich food.
Here is what a recent study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association discovered.
The main difference between "normal-weight" adults and their overweight counterparts was the amount of fiber they consumed.
Both groups had similar intakes of sugar, bread, dairy products and vegetables. But the normal-weight subjects consumed 33 percent more dietary fiber and 43 percent more complex carbohydrates each day (per 1,000 calories) than those who were overweight.
So why do you suppose high fiber food plays such a big role with weight loss?
First, high fiber foods are most often low in fat and calories. Also the body can't break down fiber, so it runs right through your digestive tract and never has a chance to turn into fat.
But the biggest advantage of high fiber food is that it swells in your stomach and actually makes you have a full feeling. When you feel full, you're less likely to eat or snack.
High fiber food also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing those peaks and valleys that can send you running to the refrigerator.
Most fiber rich foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains also have a healthy dose of antioxidants that give you defenses against disease.
Millions of overweight people continually look for quick fixes and unnatural weight loss solutions. But most are usually disappointed with the roller coaster results.
That's because many find it hard to believe that something as simple as incorporating high fiber food into your diet could actually help you lose weight.
But for those who are looking for long-term, healthy weight loss, high fiber food could be the beginning of their weight loss success story.
Copyright 2006 Fat-Burning-Secret.com All Rights Reserved.
Gary Gresham is the author of "Fat Burning Secrets." Discover simple yet powerful changes that can have a major effect on your weight loss results with this free report at: Free Fat Burning Report
If you've seen a body builder before either in real life or in a magazine or tv, you can see that these athletes have lean muscular bodies and practically no fat. Usually, you can see their six pack abs quite well. Their abs themselves show that their amount of body fat is very low because the more your muscles are visible, the less fat you have. Body fat is measured in percentage and a 2-4% range is usually the norm for most body builders.
The topic of this article is about weight loss and how to use body building to achieve your goal and why I've given you the previous illustration of body fat is because the less fat you have in your body, the lighter you'll weigh. Fats are excess calories in your body and fats have more calories than protein and carbohydrate. So if you consume more fats, you'll get more calories and you can end up storing excess calories as fat deposits in your body.
A body building routine for weight loss is an ideal weight loss plan since a body builder regularly exercises and pays strict attention to nutrition. If a weight loss achiever wants to attain his objectives, body building is a highly recommended sport. With body building, the weight loss individual will adopt a different mindset. He will be more disciplined, patient, determined just like a body builder's qualities. And naturally, he will have a better health and less prone to diseases like cardiovascular, diabetes, high blood pressure amongst others.
So what consists exactly a body building routine? A body builder typically trains several times a week with weights and perform body weight exercises as well and eat several quality meals daily. He also does cardio training multiple times a week. Since a body builder usually competes in contests, he needs to adhere to his routine very closely and this is what you should do too even though you're not competing. Why? The simple reason is that if you follow such a strict routine, your weight loss success will become a reality sooner than you initially thought of. Here are some tips and strategies.
When you work out with weights or do body weight exercises alone, you are basically toning and strengthening your muscles. And you know what? Muscles speed metabolism which will benefit you because your body will be more inclined to burn fat rather than store them. Also, when you do strength training, you are also burning fat since you will be sweating. Sweating is a key factor to burning fat and excess weight. Then, you also need to do some cardio training like running and cycling. You can do these activities in the gym with the machines or in nature. The frequency of your weight loss routine is fundamental too. You can do weight training 4 times per week training different body parts per day and perform cardio training 3 times per week for about 45-60 minutes per session. Do your cardio training on the days you don't do strength training. Basically it's preferable that you don't mix your cardio in your weight training. If you do cardio first, you might be a bit exhausted to do weight training after. And vice versa.
Since you'll be training hard, you should pay strict attention to your nutrition because if not, all your hard work will be wasted. Avoid foods high in saturated fats and soft drinks which are filled with sugars. Don't snack on just anything. If you don't know what to eat, here is a sample nutrition for your weight loss goals. Eat more quality protein and opt for complex carbohydrates but be moderate though. Some valuable protein sources are skinless chicken breast/turkey breast, egg whites, white fish, lean red meat, tuna, salmon, cottage cheese and skim milk. Some valuable complex carbohydrates are wholegrain cereals, porridge oats, oatcakes, wheetabix, shredded wheat, brown rice, corn, yam, lentils, potato, sweet potato, bagel, brown bread, wholemeal breads, spaghetti and macaroni.
Don't forget your vegetables intake like broccoli, green beans, asparagus, tomatoes, lettuce, garlic(garlic has been proven to be great for weight loss) and eat fruits like banana, orange, kiwi, papaya and grape. Opt for healthy fats like canola oil and olive oil. Go for healthy cooking techniques like boiling, baking or steaming. Drink lots of water at least 8 glasses or bring at least a 1.5 litre bottle with you. Go for 4-6 small meals per day instead of 3 big meals. And eat every 2-3 hours. Eating regularly in small quantity will boost your metabolism which will put your body in a fat burning mode rather than fat storing. Get adequate amount of sleep everyday.
If you follow a body building routine with determination, discipline and patience, I guarantee that you will shed the pounds away like you never did before. Give it a few weeks before you start noticing changes in your body fat and weight and sooner than you realize, you're on your way to get the body of your dreams. Good luck.
This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus the hyperlink must be made active just like below.
Want to lose weight and gain lean muscle mass? Check out Body Building Resource for articles about muscle building, fat loss, diet and fitness. Also available are a muscle building eBook, DVDs, gym equipment and supplements. Go to http://www.body-building-resource.com
I decided that I had to try them because my weight was getting out of control. I weighed 252 pounds and there was no sign that this was going to stop any time soon! I was literally pilling on more than 4 pounds a week every week, and I just couldnt seem to stop whatever I tried. I had lost my job and I was feeling down, working in an MP3 player shop and then guess what? The shop goes out of business and then
Theirs me, on wealth fare and with not a cent in savings! So I sat at home every day for 6 months and any money I did have - I spent on food. You see when you have no money your diet goes down the drain. You feel like foods like vegetables are just a waste of money. Why? Because they are when you cant afford them. So I would sit at home and eat rubbish 15 hours a day, watch TV, go to sleep and, wake up eat rubbish I am sure you get the picture, but the fact is that I needed to act fast. I needed to get a job and I also needed to lose weight.
That is when I started out on all these crazy diets that my friends had been telling me about. Their was the Atkins diet and all that, but it just didnt work for me. I tried exercising but the fact is that when you are fat exercising is much harder than when you are thin. You see, how can you run on a treadmill when you weigh 252 pounds and you are under 5 foot and 5 inches! The simple answer is that you cant. For me Hoodia diet pills were the answer, however this may not be the case for everyone. My problem was that I quite simply did not have the willpower.
Keith Kingston is a web publisher who runs a wide variety of weight loss related sites, Find out more at Diet Pill to Lose 10 to 20 Pounds Hoodia or Hoodia Weight Loss Pills
Do you want to lose 10 pounds in 10 days? You can do it easily and without starving yourself by following these simple diet tips:
1. Cut your calorie intake by 500 calories - You can go online and find a calorie chart and figure out how many calories you need each day based upon your gender, age, lifestyle and frame. Cut the calories by 500 and stick to it. Make sure that you count the calories of all the foods and drinks that form part of your daily diet
2. Cut simple carbohydrates from your diet -These include all sweets such as cookies and cakes. They do nothing for you but absorb very quickly into your bloodstream and turn to fat.
3. Substitute water for all of your other drinks - Watching what you drink is crucial to weight loss. Many people consume tons of calories each day just by what they drink. Sugar laden colas and sodas offer you no nutritional value but stick around and end up as fat on your belly, buttocks and thighs. Substitute water, that has no calories, no carbohydrates and will raise your metabolism
4. Eat breakfast - Speaking of metabolism, eat a good breakfast every morning. Eat a hard boiled egg or some other protein based food. This will give you an energy boost to start the day and enable your body to burn off calories quicker. When your metabolism slows down, you burn fewer calories. This is why starvation diets fail. Boost your metabolism and allow those calories to come off naturally
5. Substitute protein for snacks during the day -You may think that the candy bar that you eat at 3 p.m. gives you a boost of energy, and it does. But it is a temporary boost and gives you fat, sugar and no nutrition. Instead of a candy bar, have something that contains protein which will raise your metabolism.
Raising your metabolism is key to losing weight. You can do this by eating breakfast, making sure that you get enough protein and drinking a lot of water. Eliminating simple carbohydrates is another crucial element towards dieting. If you follow the above plan, you will lose 10 pounds in 10 days.
Have you had enough? Are you ready to do something about it? Change your thinking and you can change your body. Your Weight Loss success story can start today! More information on easy weight loss and more is available at http://www.easyweightlosscoach.com