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You've probably heard it a hundred times before but I will say it again, incidental activity is very important in the process of losing weight as you can burn more calories than relying on dietary means alone.
Fat is burned from the body when cells oxidize to release energy in the form of exercise or movement. When the exercise is done slowly to moderately then the majority of energy is taken from the fat stores.
The loss of fat comes from fat cells all over the body, not from one or more specific area's so spot reduction of a certain area is not possible. The main priority of this article is to show you the quickest and safest way to lose fat from the body.
The key to effective aerobic training that burns off the maximum amount of fat is long-term consistency not intensity. It doesn't matter if you run a mile, jog a mile or walk a mile you will burn exactly the same amount of calories.
The best exercise by far for the purpose of fat-loss is fast walking either indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. What many don't know is that walking produces a greater percentage of fat loss as opposed to jogging or running.
Other aerobic activities are the treadmill, bike, climber or any other training gear found in or out of the gym.
Walk or exercise until you are mildly puffing and hold that rate until the allotted time. If your aerobic activities leave you panting or breathless, your going too hard, your energy is coming from your carbohydrate reserves and not from your fat stores.
Try fast walking for one hour a day every day of the week if you are able.
Here are some of the benefits of Fast Walking.
Easy to Perform
Most Conventional
All Natural Body Movement
Doesn't Cause Injuries
Can Be Done Anywhere
The Best Minimal Effort Exercise for Fat Loss
Research shows that regular, brisk walking is one of the best exercises we can do for overall fitness. It suits people of all ages and fitness levels, it's easy to get started and there's no complicated technique to learn or equipment to buy.
Walking is an excellent way to get fit because it uses nearly all the muscles and, as you have to carry your body weight, you can get a good workout from it.
It's also safer on the joints and the back than most other forms of exercise because you're not jumping up and down, so the impact is low.
Studies have shown that taking a daily 20-minute walk can reduce the risk of heart attack as much as 50%, it also reduces high blood pressure and helps to burn fat to keep weight under control.
Walking and other weight bearing exercises (Strength training) helps to increase bone mass, which protects against osteoporosis and bone fractures.
In the first two weeks, go for a 20-minute walk every other day and then increase this to 40 minutes. At first try to do five 20-minute walks per week totalling 100 minutes a week.
Once you get used to the regular exercise, increase this to 40 minutes for five times a week.
You can then gradually increase this as you see fit, if you want to walk every day for 40 minutes or even an hour so be it. Remember the more you walk the more fat that will be burned off.
The best pace for fitness training will make you slightly breathless, but you should still be comfortable and be able to carry on a conversation.
As you get fitter, you'll want to stretch a little harder to keep your heart rate up.
Try lengthening your strides, increasing your pace. Keep your shoulders back, your chest lifted and your tummy pulled in when you walk, hold your head up for open, easy breathing.
Practical Tips
If your feeling stressed, try counting your steps repeatedly from one to ten as you walk, this helps some people achieve a meditative effect and can be a great tension reliever when practiced over a full 40 minutes.
Time yourself, measure the distance or increase the gradient to make the workout more challenging. Drink plenty of fluids during and after your walk.
Make safety your first consideration. Don't walk after dark except in well-lit, busy places. Start the walk slowly, and then gradually increase the pace.
So, go ahead in all other activities try to move, move, move. Try parking the car further away from your destination so you can walk the extra distance, hide all your remote controls so you have to get up and change the channels manually.
These all help burn those extra calories and body fat from your frame.
Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit http://www.maximumfitness.com right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.
Dotti's weight loss zone is a one-woman diet phenomenon. This article will expose the truth about Dotties weight loss zone and your options for permanent weight loss.
Dotti's weight loss zone has been created by just one woman in order to get support from the community for her weight loss program.
This website was first created for the owner to get help from people worldwide in her goal to lose a substantial amount of weight. Since she has reached her goal she has now redesigned the site to primarily help other people all over the world to also achieve their weight loss goals.
Not only is there a message board, but there are also a comprehensive range of cookbooks, restaurant details, a newsletter, and a display of low calorie products that you can consume guilt free.
Dotti achieved her desired weight with the Weight Watchers Winning Points Plan. The idea here is not to be on a diet for life but to feel like you are not on a diet, while at the same time either losing weight or maintaining your desired weight.
There is also some merchandize for sale on the website.
Not only did this woman achieve her desired goal weight but she has also created a high quality website, which probabably is an unexpected surprise, and, also an internet business and online presence.
To get you started with losing weight here are a three tips to help you on your way.
1. Make sure you drink a lot of woman every day, even from when you get up in the morning so you rehydrate your body. Also drink a glass of water before every time you eat anything as it will make you feel fuller and you will eat less.
2. Also make sure that you drink water a lot during the meal as this will also make you feel full faster and stop you from overeating. It will also help the food to settle quicker in your stomach.
3. Be sure to eat a lot of water rich foods like watermelons and tomatoes. Tomatoes and watermelons contain as much as 95 percent water so you won't gain any weight when eating them and they're also delicious.
Another popular and effective product that is helping people lose weight fast is Hoodia gordonii products. However, many Hoodia products on the market are just ineffective imitations that just don't work. I've put these products to the test. Check out my Hoodia review for faster weight loss below!
Copyright 2007. Is weight loss with Hoodia really that simple? It is if you know which Hoodia cactus plant products to buy and which ones to avoid at all costs. Not all Hoodia products are the same. I have conducted an honest review of all Hoodia weight loss products which claim to give almost miraculous weight loss results for dieters worldwide. My Hoodia weight loss review reveals the truth about Hoodia productsand the truth may shock you. Read my Hoodia weight loss review now at http://www.hoodia-weight-loss-review.com before you buy any Hoodia weight loss product or you could be sorry!
Like many women, you've probably struggled with your weight for many years. Every time you diet, you just gain back all the weight you have lost. You may even gain back more weight, leaving you more out of shape and unhealthy than before you began your diet. This cycle repeats endlessly, and as a result you just can't stop gaining weight. Over a period of a decade or two, you may actually gain twenty or fifty pounds or more!
It is not your fault that you cannot lose that weight. What is at fault is your metabolism. A person's metabolism is a complex set of chemical and hormonal balances in the body that burn the calories from the food we eat, provide us with energy, and even regulate the muscles and the brain. In fact, all aspects of our body are governed by the metabolism.
Your metabolism can slow down if these balances get messed up. This results in fat-build up. One can gain weight, even though you have not eaten more calories then you would on a normal day. The reason for this is the calories are burned slower, leading to fat-build up.
The main reason for slow metabolic rate could be due to physical transformations that result from aging. The fact is, the more you stay on diet, the slower the metabolic rate becomes which in turn would gain you more weight. Women aged thirty and above, suffer more from these problems because of the hormones that are produced in their bodies.
To prevent this sort of weight gain it is necessary to increase the rate of metabolism in the body. Taking the natural supplement hoodia is an easy way to speed up the metabolism. Native Americans have used it for hundreds of years to improve their overall health.
The one side effect you will experience when you take the completely natural hoodia is that you will have increased energy and feel better. Unlike diet pills, hoodia's natural effects do not wear out as time passes. This is not an artificial pick me up. The results are great weight loss achieved naturally through your metabolism. The results will be achieved in a very safe way and will not result in bad side effects or additional health troubles.
If you are like most women, weight management has been a lifelong struggle. With many fad diets, you end up yo-yo dieting, where you might some lose weight but then shortly thereafter, you get it all back and then some. Yo-yo dieting will unbalance your body's systems and slow down your metabolism. Your metabolism slows down whenever your body goes into a caloric conservation mode, thus making it possible to gain weight even without increased caloric consumption. However, quick fix weight loss diet pills are often artificial and potentially quite dangerous. Fortunately, Hoodia is a natural alternative that is safe and proven to provide long-lasting benefits.
Passion helps us to progress; it keeps us going despite the invariable obstacles. Every great achievement began with someones passion, and was carried forward by that momentum - Lissa Coffey
Passion for life, your quality of life
I believe that when you decided to manage your weight permanently, you were moved by a passion. It is your passion for life, for health and a better quality of life. I believe your great achievement will be to regain your natural weight. Please do not lose this momentum.
With your commitment, your passion and daily motivation, you are unstoppable. Dont let your doubts sabotage this journeys success.
Losing weight is not about dieting. Dieting could be what keeps the extra weight on your body. The words diet, dieting have a negative connotation. There is no need for sacrifice, no need for negative thoughts.
Proper Mindset
We need a change of attitude. We need to focus on the results we want to achieve. Losing weight is about healthy nutrition and healthy life style. This is not a slogan. This is a way of life; your quality of life.
You do not want your weight to yo-yo all your life. You want a steady weight loss and you want to maintain a healthy weight.
Needed Changes
We need a few life changes such as
Enjoy the journey
You want to enjoy the weight loss as well as your weight management. It is easier to achieve what we enjoy.
We should enjoy our food three times
We first enjoyed our food when we taste it; it is a feast for our taste buds. Then we enjoy it because it satisfies our appetite. Then if the food is digested properly our body enjoys the nutrients, Mother Nature goodness. It nourishes our body.
Healthy Nutrition
Healthy nutrition is a nutrition that feed our body; a nutrition rich in nutrients that will feed each cell of our body. If our nutrition meets our body daily nutrient needs, and we have a good digestion, there will be no cravings.
If there is less or no craving, we will not be tempted to eat too much. If we enjoy our food, we will not be tempted to eat food that sabotages our weight management.
The best food, the richest nutrients food will be worthless if we cannot digest it properly. The healthiest food in the world will not be a great help if we cannot digest and absorb its nutrients.
The better the digestion, the more benefits we get from our nutrition. The more fibers we eat, the easier our digestion, because the fibers push the food downward. The faster the food is digested the faster we benefit from its nutrients, if it is absorbed properly.
Enjoy your food
Food should be enjoyed. If you enjoy your food you feed both your body and your soul. You are really satisfied.
Did you notice how easy we digest a meal when we are in good company? It must be the laughter, or this feeling of well being. It is a great synergy: we enjoy the food, we enjoy the company; we enjoy ourselves. Our body chemistry is at his best; it releases all the hormones that give us this feeling of well being.
Isabelle Epstein
Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style. If you would enjoy receiving, directly to your inbox, motivation and tips for a healthy weight management, sign up for Isabelle's free newsletter at: http://www.HealthyNutriMania.com
Do you know that the average consumption of sugar is two to three pounds each week? As you read labels, the word "sugar" is diguised in many ways. The ingredients of sucrose, dextrose, and high-fructose corn syrup are other forms of sugar. Sugar is added to all sorts of food you wouldn't suspect contain it. Bread, mayonnaise, peanut butter, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, frozen diet foods, and microwave meals. Some restaurants add sugar to their french fry batter. Sugar is used to add and enhance the flavor of food.
In the past 20 years, our sugar consumption has increased to a whopping 26 pounds per person per year! The rate of people with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer have increased as well.
Sugar is an empty-calorie food. It contains zero nutrition. If you want to lose weight, foods containing large amounts of sugar are detrimental to our weight loss, maintenance, and overall health. We are eating less food so it is important to make certain what we eat counts nutritionally to our bodies,
Have you ever noticed that when you eat an item that contains mostly sugar or simple carbohydrates, you want more? You don't feel satisfied. You want more and more. Sugar and simple carbs are not satisfying or allow you to feel full. Eating sugar is a vicious cycle of eating and wanting more resulting in excess calories and weight gain. With you decrease your intake of sugar, you truly lose the taste for it. Lose the habit of sugar for successful weight loss.
The "glycemic index" measures how specific foods affect blood-glucose levels, with food being assigned a numbered rating. The lower the rating, the absorption is slower in the digestive tract process. This slower absorption provides a more gradual, healthier infusion of sugars into our bloodstream. Alternatively, a high rating means blood-glucose levels are injected into our bodies much faster. This "dump" stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin to drop blood-sugar levels. The drop of blood-sugar levels results in rapid fluctuations which are not healthy because of the stress they place on the body.
Sugar has many negative consequences to impact our health. Some of the dramatic ones are:
* Sugar can suppress the immune system.
* Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
* Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children.
* Sugar can reduce the important high density cholesterol (HDLs).
* Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).
* Sugar can cause kidney damage.
* Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
* Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
* Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose.
* Sugar can lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease.
* Sugar can speed the aging process.
* Sugar can increase total cholesterol.
* Sugar can contribute to diabetes and osteoporosis.
* Sugar can decrease insulin sensitivity.
* Sugar can dramatically increase the amount of fat in the liver.
* Sugar can cause hypertension.
* Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.
* Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.
* Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha and theta brain waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think clearly. Sugar may be sweet to consume but the results to our body and health are not so sweet. The ultimate sweetness of all is weight loss success and to enjoy our good health.
Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition. Visit Cathy's website: http://www.LoseWeightFindLife.com
We've all tried fat loss programs.
A lot of these so called 'diets' have two things in common. They are unhealthy and they don't work!
We always concentrate on the outside of our bodies, what we look like aesthetically, but neglect the most important factor, what makes us what we are, our insides!
Shallow is one word that springs straight to mind. We all know that in our quest to get thin, we could indeed be doing untold damage to our bodies, but do we care? Do we heck!
Well... maybe we do really, somewhere deep down. Our conscience bleeps now and again, but we just ignore it and move on to the next fat loss program.
So what would you say if I told you that a lot of our weight problems are not to do with over eating or genetics? I bet you'd say great, tell me more!
I recently came across a lady doctor who has dedicated her life to researching what she believes to be the single most important factor in the fat loss process.
During her many years of studies, Dr Suzanne Gudakunst found that we all have horrible parasites living inside us. She discovered that by eliminating them through eating natural foods, people lost large amounts of weight in the process.
There were also other side effects. People with certain types of cancer found it disappeared after following Dr Suzanne's plan. Some diabetic cases were reversed. Her findings were truly amazing! (and genuine).
She decided to share her Fat Loss Secret with the world, but in doing so recieved death threats.
There are many organisations and companies out there who make millions out of the fat loss industry so it's not surprising that she upset many folk in her quest to educate the nation.
I think it would be like a car company discovering how to run a car on water. Imagine the effects financially that would have on the oil companies and the government. Catastrophic, I would say...
Well, Dr Suzanne Gudakunst went ahead and did it anyway. She teaches a simple and natural way to lose loads of weight fast, and be the healthiest you've ever been.
If you've tried every other 'fad' fat loss program and failed, might be worth taking a look at one that goes beyond just weight loss and actually does you some good into the bargain!
Thinking outside the box when it comes to fat loss is vital. Your key to successful weight loss is in your hands. Take a look at the facts and get the motivation you need to succeed in losing that weight and keeping it off for good. Visit us at http://fat-loss-secrets1.blogspot.com for more information.
If you have not went to a gym previously, consult a doctor before proceeding with your exercise routine. Start slow with 15 mins of exercise at the gym twice a week, and gradually increase both the time and the frequency of your exercise routines.
Remember not to overexert yourself and always know when to stop when necessary. If you feel more comfortable, it is better if you exercise with a friend.
Focus on cardio intensive exercises such as jogging, cycling, and leave out the weights training for now. Focus on losing weight first, before actually building on your muscle mass. Discipline is needed for this regime to sustain itself, and constant motivation from your parents, friends and mentors will prove especially useful at this point.
Do not be disappointed if you don't see any immediate results, the results will not be instant. Instead, when coupled with a proper food program, results will be achieved gradually, over the period of a few months.
Also, when possible try to walk or cycle to your work place or school. Walk whenever possible and soon you will find that you can establish a quality weight loss program to quickly and effectively burn fats. Walking to your work place is one of the most convenient exercise opportunities. Simply wake up a bit earlier to leave, and bring along spare office clothes if you need to change.
An alternative way to be to store a week's worth of clothing in your office space or school locker, and change into it every morning and night.
Chng Siang Sheng is a leading enthusiast of weight loss programs, zapping calories, safe and easy weight loss and reducing your calorie intake. For more information and concrete strategies on healthy weight loss, please visit the extremely successful website at http://www.stayfithealthyweightloss.com
Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited for, but rather something to be achieved. William Jennings Bryan
Juice Fast
Did you try a one day fast?
To really feel the benefits of a fast, you must actually do it yourself.
Why not try a one day fast this week?
Find out which one day fast is best for you.
Which Fast will help you best clean your body?
Fresh pressed juice Fast
Juicing freshly, organically grown, fruits and vegetables as well as herbs could be compared to a rich and concentrated nutrients blood transfusion.
In no time the nutrients enter the blood stream.
It is especially beneficial to people who have difficulties eating fresh vegetables.
It is very important to juice organically grown products which are richer in nutrients and contain no toxins, no chemical fertilizers, no pesticides or other poisons.
We want to benefit from the fast, not add more toxins to our body.
You will reap the most benefits from freshly squeezed juice.
There will be no nutrients loss if you drink the juice as soon as it is squeezed. (Nutrients loss occur when juice is stored, as well as when it is exposed to oxygen.)
Plants and vegetables are our best healing friends. Since the down of times they have been use for health, vitality and longevity.
Never add sugar or any sweetener to fresh juice.
This would undermine the goodness of the juice.
Drink the juice slowly.
Drink at least 4 glasses of juice and 4 glasses of water during a day fast.
Fresh Raw Fruit Juice
Freshly squeezed raw fruit are delicious and refreshing.
They may also have a high content of sugar. Better refrain from those rich in sugar if you want to lose weight.
Better use fruits that are high in beta-carotene such as: cantaloupe, mango and apricots.
Juice can be diluted: half water + half juice.
Some people find citrus fruits juice too acidic.
Juice for better bowel movement:
2 pitted dried prunes soaked in a glass of water.
You can blend the prunes and the water together.
Juice 2 apples and one pear together.
Add the juice to the prune juice, stir well and enjoy the drink.
Fresh Raw Vegetable Juice
My favorite health cocktail to help the body detoxification:
juice 4 carrots, 1 apple, 2 celery ribs, a cup wheatgrass or parsley together.
The carrots and the apple will sweeten this juice naturally.
My favorite summer drink:
refreshing cucumber juice
Fresh Raw Herbal Juice
Wheatgrass is very rich in nutrients, especially chlorophyll and antioxidants.
It is nature's gift to help detoxify the body.
If wheatgrass is not available, try parsley.
The juice of Wheatgrass and parsley are very healthy but not very palatable.
The best is to mix them with fresh carrot juice or fresh apple juice.
If you feel adventurous try to juice together wheatgrass, spinach and apples.
You will need a special juicer to juice herbs. Not all juicer can juice herbs.
Personally I use the green power juicer and I find it very efficient but a little difficult to clean. Definitely the best juicer I had to extract herbs' juice.
Enjoy juicing and enjoy a one day fast.
Let me know which one was more helpful.
Maybe you have a favorite cocktail you would like to share?
mailto:Isabelle@healthynutrimania.com?subject=My favorite cocktail
Isabelle Epstein, Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style. If you would enjoy motivation and tips for a healthy weight management, sent directly to your inbox, sign up for Isabelle's free newsletter at: http://www.HealthyNutriMania.com
Appetite suppressant are one of the solutions for people are having problems maintaining there diet. Trying to control the feeling of hunger and the urge to eat have been the downfall of many people trying to lose weight. This article will explain about prescription and over the counter suppressants and how they could help you to keep on track with your diet.
Appetite suppressing pills are available with or without prescription. Prescription suppressants are generally only prescribed to people who are classed as obese. There use requires being monitored by your doctor and are used in conjunction with a strict diet and exercise program.
Modern society puts a high value on the way people look today. From models to movie stars, we are constantly being shown that being lean and thin is the excepted way to look. That is why there has been increase on over the counter appetite suppressants, these are aimed at people who want to lose a few pounds and are mainly targeting users for cosmetic rather than health reasons. They are generally made from natural or herbal ingredients.
Appetite suppressants are designed to trick the body into thinking that your stomach is full. The more powerful prescription drugs change the chemicals in the brain to increase the levels of seratonin that make you feel full.
Over the counter appetite suppressants generally work in the same way. Some pills like Proactol work by producing a fibre complex that slows down your digestion making you feel fuller for longer.
There are side effects of using suppressants, which can be unpleasant, these can be nausea, insomnia and increase in the heart rate.
In conclusion, if you are looking at using an appetite suppressant to help you lose weight then make sure you consult your doctor and follow the manufacturer recommendations when using the product. Appetite suppressants have, and are being used by thousands of people world wide to help them achieve their weight loss goals.
If you want to find out more about weight loss pills or want to read articles about weight loss and dieting then you can visit http://www.weightloss-heaven.com
Exercise alone will not make you lose the amount of weight that you want if you're still taking in more calories than you burn off. However, eating less and exercising more will only decrease your resting metabolic rate, which accounts for roughly 60-80 percent of daily calorie expenditure. Exercising plays a very important part in learning how to lose weight fast naturally. Exercise alone doesn't work. We need to try something totally different.
Eat veggies raw, fresh or cooked. No fats, no sauces, no butter. Eating fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats and grains is the best. Eat carbs in moderation only, like pasta or white rice. Eating a regular amount of proteins will prevent this from happening.
Drink a protein shake that's a 50:50 mix of whey to casein proteins. The best time to drink the shake depends on your physical activities. Drinking more water will help flush these toxins out. Water also helps with basic cellular functioning and, importantly, metabolism.
Choose low and non fat dairy products, as well as the leanest cuts of meat (round and loin) and skinless poultry. Beans, nuts, and whole grains round out the list of heart-healthy foods as well.
Fast food is readily available and it's very tempting. As you probably already know eating fast food is never as healthy as a well-planned, balanced diet. Millions of people all around the world are flocking to these very unhealthy foods daily. The fast food lifestyle is a epidemic in the United States that is killing us and our future.
One of the biggest conspiracies ever! Learn why you are fat, why you keep getting sick, and how to get rid of the extra fat now but without having to go on a roller coaster diet or take any harmful weight loss drugs that may very well kill you!
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Lose weight fast
Weight loss program that works
Green tea is rich in epigallochatechin gallate or EGCG. EGCG is an antioxidant which destroys free radicals in the body. Free radicals can cause aging and disease. The EGCG in green tea also helps to lower cholesterol levels and increase the metabolic rate of the body.
Research conducted at the University of Geneva in Switzerland by American and Swiss scientists show that green tea is effective in weight loss programs. The study was conducted with ten young men as subjects. The scientist compared the difference in energy expenditures of green tea and that of caffeine or a placebo. The energy expended using green tea was a four percent increase. This result has led to the belief that green tea can have an impact on weight loss.
Green tea can also lead to a healthier lifestyle. Drinking coffee with cream and sugar is high in calories and caffeine. Substituting green tea adds healthful substances like polyphenols and flavornoids to the body. Green tea does contain a small amount of caffeine, significantly less than coffee. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant which aids in weight loss.
The formation of fats in the body lead to weight gain. By drinking green tea, the fat is reduced by inhibiting the effect of insulin in the body. Insulin converts glucose into energy which is stored in the body as fat. A weight loss program with green tea as a component causes sugar to be sent directly to the muscles. This prevents fat from forming.
Green tea also promotes thermogenesis. Thermogensis is the process which burns fat and releases calories in the body. The caffeine content and catechin polyphenols create thermogenesis. This process stimulates metabolism in the body.
There are other components in weight loss. However, it is proven that if energy intake is reduced or increased energy is expended, weight loss will occur. Green tea has many benefits for those involved in weight loss programs.
Sandra is a researcher and writer with a special interest in health related topics that affect our daily lives. For more information on green tea, visit http://www.a-green-tea-guide.com
Ever wondered why people fail at weight loss? Why people fall off the wagon as they say? Its not because they seriously can't do it or that the exercise program was to difficult its all down to one thing and that's motivation.
A major component within your body to assist in losing weight is your mind and what you are thinking. Your mind believe it or not controls your actions whether it be "saying no to that extra helping of ice cream" or "making you believe you can't achieve". This is what puts a sudden stop to most peoples weight loss plans.
Actions you carry out can change the way you think about things but most importantly have your mind thinking what you want it to think while keeping you motivated to carry on. When losing weight the biggest motivational kick is witnessing the results staring back at you in the mirror and the feeling of achievement at the way you have changed your body.
But when you stare in the mirror and don't see the results you expected staring back at you it is enough to have you throwing in the towel. So what can you do to avoid this and keep you motivated?
Setting realistic goals is a huge way of keeping you motivated. If you look at it realistically and aim to lose weight slowly and surely you will stay ahead of the game. Nobody can lose weight overnight and as soon as you set an unrealistic target that you can never achieve that is when you are most likely going to throw in that towel.
So look at your lifestyle and your fitness levels and aim for realistic targets every month and this will keep you fulfilled. Whether it be 1 pound a week or 4 pounds a week make sure it's a goal you can achieve with hard work.
Keep a diary!
Diaries are full of motivational kicks and I'm sure if you have read through success stories on the internet or in books they will make you feel excited at what you can achieve. So why not go one better and keep a diary of your success story! Keep food diaries and exercise diaries and even photographs along the way. At any time when you feel disappointed with your results refer back to your diary and what you have achieved so far and I guarantee that feeling of excitement will return at what you can really get out of your body.
Diaries are essential packed full of results and previous goals in which you have achieved while allowing you to look at what you once were and what you have grown into today.
It's a fact though that a lack of motivation in anything not just weight loss can destroy any chance of you reaching your goals. By incorporating two little techniques into your routine it not only maximises the odds of you achieving but also reminds you not to forget what you have already achieved and how far you have come.
Most importantly keeping you effectively one step ahead of your mind.
Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. In my exclusive review of Mike Geary's book, The Truth About Six Pack Abs, you will discover that YOU CAN lose all the weight you ever dreamt of...and how to get your OWN sexy flat stomach with ease...but only if you know this one secret...find out more here: http://trustusreviews.com/Truth_About_Abs_Review.php
The increasing consciousness regarding the ill effects of obesity have led to an upsurge of various weight loss products in the market. While weight loss diet, dietary supplements, pills are considered to be the most popular options among the consumers, it is to be borne in mind that while these products ensure rapid weight loss, some of these are quite harmful and are liable to cause damage to the various organs of the body. Therefore, many people are wary of using such artificial products and prefer natural and herbal ingredients for attaining weight loss as these herbal products are considered to be much safer than its artificial counterparts. However, while this is a prevalent conception, it is necessary to point out that similar to the artificially made products for weight loss, the natural products too have certain side effects and it is always better to conduct a prior research before investing on any kind of product for the purpose of losing weight. Another significant fact that also needs to be borne in mind is that all the herbal products carry labels which declare them to be safe for usage but still one must inquire properly before consumption.
Chromium picolinate is a compound which can control the levels of blood sugar but then if taken in excess it has several disadvantages in the form that it can cause dehydration and also cause harm to the chromosomes. In the teas, a very significant ingredient is senna and is a laxative which is used by people for regulating weight loss. This is because it causes swift bowel movement and at the same time prevents the absorption of the excess calorie intake by an individual aiding weight loss. However it too has certain side effects. A recent innovation which is considered to be an effective ingredient for weight loss is known as organic food and it is increasingly being considered to be a great new means of ensuring good health and effective weight loss and in fact organic food has been adopted by various restaurants and eating joints as well to be served to their customers. Caffeine which is the primary constituent of coffee has always been considered as a great ingredient as caffeine increases metabolism aiding the increased burning of fats within the body. Various products which possess apple cider vinegar as one of its core components are also considered to facilitate weight loss considerably.
Many obese people take diet pills for fast weight loss without the exercise.
Many people get robbed when using online weight loss programs or guides. Not only are they losing money, they are losing their life as well. People don't realize that weight loss is lethal.
Weight loss products involve using drugs that your body doesn't need and eventually deteriorates it. You don't need these drug pills in your body. Some people actually lose about 5 pounds with this method only to pay huge health consequences later that sometimes leads to death. Is 5 pounds worth your life?
There's this great idea of "if I don't eat at all, I can't gain weight!" Huge mistake. It is a disastrous idea to starve your body simply because your metabolism slows down so much that the next time you eat, your body will store that fat because it thinks that you might not eat for a while. This was a popular idea and i saw for myself that people gained more weight weeks after they started eating regularly. Of coarse there are those situations where people starve themselves to death.
Diet food is relatively fake food that doesn't fill anyone up and leaves you hungry. Not only do you starve from hunger, but also starve for nutrients and minerals that was taken out by this diet food.
My friend recently tried this so called "proven diet". I gave her my overwhelming negative opinion, but she did it anyways. To make a long story short she lost 10 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks.
Now it was judgment time as I tried this diet plan myself. I definitely learned a ton of these "fat facts" that i never knew made me fat! It is safe which was a must for me. Also it is results driven because it has many years of success. I found rave reviews about it which is important. It's nothing that takes up the whole day and easy to use. If anything went wrong or if it didn't work, there was always a money back guarantee.
I followed all the instructions and weighed myself everyday which is probably over doing it because i wanted to see results! I lost 15 pounds in a month which isn't a staggering amount but I was shocked as how simple it was to do so. I gave up a while ago and my friend saved me! I went to a review website of people that have tried this diet and gave their reviews and personal thoughts on.
Here's the blog: http://carbdietreviews.blogspot.com
Good Luck and shed those pesky pounds!
Contact: Jane Mazo
Occupation: Dietitian
Email: admin@carbrotationdiet.com
Website: http://www.carbsarebad.com