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Weight loss myths are as common as the cold. They've been repeated so often some have gained the status of "fact." The free weight loss tips I share in this article are centered on common weight loss myths. I'm taking aim on the myths and I'm going to shoot them down with the true facts. There's a ton of these myths and I'll just blast four of them today.
Drink up and lose fat - Myth Buster #1 (AKA - The first of my free weight loss tips)
Stated another way . . . drink enough water and you'll flush out the toxins along with the fat in your body. Sorry. It just doesn't work that way.
While it is true most Americans go through life dehydrated, we still can't magically flush out the bad stuff with gallons of water. The toxins stored in your fat will be processed in your liver in natural detoxification processes. Again, drinking excess amounts of water won't help this.
But here's a rule of thumb that will help. Each day - winter, spring, summer, and fall - you should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water. Say what? If you weight 200 pounds, half of that is 100 and therefore you should drink 100 ounces of water each day. Rain or shine, hot weather or cold. Oh, and drinking ice-water doesn't help you lose weight either by raising your metabolism. Thought I'd toss it in here since I was talking about water.
Lose weight with many small meals - Myth Buster #2
It all comes down to the fundamental rule: Eat more calories than you burn, or need, and you'll gain weight. Do this long enough and you'll get fat. It's that simple.
On the other hand, you may benefit by eating many smaller meals. Or you may do just fine with 3 regular meals throughout the day. The point is to do whatever works for your lifestyle. What makes you feel the best and gives you the best results for losing weight and keeping it off?
If you have better success with several small meals - do it. If you have better success with three regular meals - do it. Your body will adapt to whatever you do on a regular basis. Regardless of which pattern of eating you choose, as long as you eat less (fewer calories) than your body burns you'll lose weight.
Carbohydrates equal weight gain - Myth Buster #3 of free weight loss tips
Bad carbs. Good carbs. Naughty carbs. Angelic carbs. It all makes the same amount of sense. It really isn't whether you eat carbohydrates or not; it's how much you eat. Moderation and control are the real secrets.
Certainly some types of carbohydrates are more nutritional for you (whole grain). Some don't load you with glucose and send your blood sugar on dangerous roller coaster rides (glycemic index). But again, when you eat more calories than your body needs you'll get fat whether the calories come from carbs or another type of food. Nonetheless, if you're addicted to carbohydrates you'll need to cut back.
So monitor your pasta, potatoes, rice, corn, bagels, donuts, cookies, cakes, bread and so on. Here's another related free weight loss tip for you: You CAN have too much of a good thing but you don't need to completely avoid it either.
Zippy Foods Boost Metabolism - Myth Buster #4
I get real "fired up" about this one. The premise is your metabolism is raised when you eat spicy foods which burns extra calories. If it were true this spicy Mexican food fan would be in his glory.
Although there is some scientific research behind this myth, there's not anywhere near enough to load up on spices and expect magical weight loss. Capsaicin is the star of this research. It is the active ingredient in hot peppers. A study showed when combined with caffeine, tyrosine and green tea extract, capsaicin did boost metabolism a tad over a four hour period. This resulted in an extra 20-calorie burn.
Problem is . . . researchers don't know how long that "boost" lasts in any given day. And 20 calories isn't very much. Plus, it's extremely doubtful any of us could consume enough of the right combination long enough to effectively help us lose weight. Eating spicy foods may help you drink more water so you're properly hydrated, but that's about it.
Those are four myth busters and each one is a valuable tip. And that's because these four free weight loss tips will keep you away from false hopes and unproductive rabbit trails. Knowing the real facts will help keep you focused on what DOES work for you. Good luck and remember, eat fewer calories than you burn and you'll lose weight.
Ready for more facts on natural weight loss supplements, or weight loss hypnotherapy? You'll find all this and many more tips and guidelines for exercise, meal planning, weight loss programs, topics just for women, and just about anything you want regarding successful weight loss at our http://www.WeightLossAnswersOnline.com website.
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If you are looking to lose weight and trying to do so by using laxative teas, you are literally endangering yourself in more ways than you probably know.
Laxative teas are probably worse than your regular, over the counter laxatives. Why? Because they taste good and because the are often marketed as harmless and actually beneficial because of their herbal ingredients. Don't be fooled. Laxative teas are dangerous because they can be addicting. Laxative abuse can lead to long term problems and health risks that far out weigh their use. Even at a casual pace.
See, laxatives work in the large intestines, not the small intestine were the majority of calories are stored.
Because laxatives stimulate the large intestine, they produce side effects like runny diarrhea, softening of the bones and intense pain. Worse, if you abuse Laxative Tea for Weightloss, you may find yourself unable to have regular bowel movements and even more terrifying, you could end up wearing a colostomy bag.
Believe it or not, people searching for answers to their weight problem have one thing right. The reason that they can not lose weight is because of the toxin and plaque build up in their bodies. Unfortunately, people are lead to think that these teas will help aid in their removal. But as we have already said, that's where laxatives fall short, they stimulate the large intestine only. The real monster, the real weight loss demon lies within the colon.
You have probably heard the saying, "life and death begin in the colon" well it's true.
People that can't lose weight, and have other chronic illnesses should look to their colon for answers. Parasites and plaque build up in the colon is really what is stopping you from loosing weight. Get rid of this FOR GOOD and the pounds will just melt away.
But don't think for a minute that just by doing a "cleanse" that your problem will go away. There are actually 3 factors to regaining colon health and therefore maintaining the perfect weight for your body.
First, you need to understand why diets don't work--actually we just answered that with the explanation of what lives inside most peoples colons. But here's the thing, how did they get there? What do they live on? And How do I keep them from coming back after I get them out?
These parasites and plaque deposits in your colon are actually what is forcing your body to protect itself with fat. That is why today more than ever, Americans a plagued with love handles, excessive fat under the arms, around the hips and thighs. These fat deposits are your bodies way of trying to protect your organs from these toxins.
Get rid of what's in your colon, don't eat the foods that attract parasites and plaque and balance out your body with the right nutrients. Then, the pounds will melt off and you will never have to worry about finding a dangerous laxative tea for weight loss again!
Visit here for more information on why laxative tea for weight loss don't work. If you want to loose find out how to lose weight without dieting then visit http://www.the-best-weightloss-secret.com
To loss weight effectively, it is necessary to take in fewer calories than the body is burning. In order to burn off excess calories, it is essential to exercise regularly. Talking about exercise, it is not necessary to join a gym or participate in aerobic classes to burn up the fats. Calories can be burn by just simply climbing the stairs, cleaning the house, riding a bike, working in the garden or just by walking thirty minutes every day. Calories can also be burnt during sweat-free exercises. It has been proven that people who take a brisk walk for thirty minutes every day burn body fat, improve their physical fitness and lower their blood pressure as much as people who work out at a gym three or four days per week.
Exercise will help to boost energy as well. With the advent of the computer age, people are forced to do less and less physical labor. It is only logical that this would result in more energy being available for other activities. Exercise improves the efficiency of the lungs, the heart and the circulatory system in their ability to take in and deliver oxygen throughout the entire body. This oxygen is the catalyst that burns the fuel, food taken in to produce energy. Consequently, the more oxygen taken in, the more energy is available for other activities.
Oxygen is the vital ingredient that is necessary for survival. Since oxygen cannot be stored, body cells need a continuous supply in order to remain healthy. Exercise increases the body's ability to extract oxygen from the air so that increased amounts of oxygen are available for every organ, tissue and cell in the body. Exercise actually increases the total volume of blood, making more red blood cells available to carry oxygen and nutrition to the tissues and to remove carbon dioxide and waste products from the body's cells. This increased saturation of the tissues with oxygen is also aided by the opening of small blood vessels.
The first step for energy, fitness and real weight loss is by exercising every day. Exercising regularly will help to keep a fresh supply of oxygen surging through the blood vessels to all the body's cells. Exercise and healthy diet comes hand in hand in any successful weight loss program. In order to lose weight successfully, it is necessary to eat healthily and exercise regularly.
For more information on Weight Loss Diet, Quick Weight Loss Tips or Weight Loss Surgery, you can visit this site: All You Need to Know About Weight Loss
Skyjoe. All rights reserved. This article may be freely distributed as long as it remains unaltered inclusive of the active links and the copyright notice. No alteration is allowed without express written permission from the author.
If you want natural weight loss and improve your health, then consider a raw food diet as an option. There are many benefits including a stronger immune system.
Many believe that a raw vegan diet is the natural diet for humans. It seems like people on raw food diets can eat almost as much as they want and still maintain a healthy weight.
Cavemen didn't eat cooked foods until after they learned how to use fire. Once they begin using fire they slowly incorporated cooked foods into their diet.
This appears to make sense. Raw foods contain all the natural enzymes that assist you to completely digest your food without putting excessive strain on your body. Cooked foods have most if not all of the enzymes destroyed. Even some raw food is processed to death making for a sad substitute for proper food.
We are all aware of the hormones, preservatives and other unhealthy additives that are in our foods today. This is a significant reason to try to eat organic foods as well.
People on raw food diets seem to be healthier, happier and hardly catch a cold. You do have to make sure you have enough vit-b12 though. Have this checked and take a supplement if necessary.
One healthy food that may be particularly good in helping with weight loss is parsnips. They are high in fiber which makes you feel fuller. Parsnips can lower cholesterol and keep your blood sugar even.
If you definitely want to lose weight and keep it off, then you need to follow a healthy lifestyle. This means a natural diet and exercise. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. Only on those Geico comercials will you see a caveman taking an escalator instead of hoofing it.
Make sure you include healthy oils and fats that contains omega 3. Stay away from the unhealthy ones. Avocados also contain healthy oils.
Even if you can't cut out all cooked foods and meats, try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Continue on this path and you will start to feel great and wonder why you haven't started this long ago.
After the cavemen discovered fire they had to chase their dinner. They even had to run from their so-called dinners at times. Before they ate meat they had to thoroughly search for other food. I suppose they exercised a bit more than we do today.
Walking, running, swimming and jogging are some of the ways to exercise more. Maybe those cavemen aren't receiving all the credit they deserve after all.
You can learn more about natural weight loss at http://www.1thinkhealthy.com/weight-loss.htm
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