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Monday, May 5, 2008

Permanent Weight Loss: 5 Simple Steps

Have you ever noticed that diets dont work? Oh, sure, you may lose weight, but it boomerangs right back, and with a vengeance. Then you feel guilty, weak, frustrated, and like a hopeless failureone more time.

Diets are designed to fail. They are too restrictive, too loaded with fat and cholesterol, and too empty of life-saving nutrients.

Besides that, they leave you hungry.

Guess what? You cant fight your hunger drive. Just like your thirst instinct, your hunger instinct keeps you alive, and it will win every time. If youre hungry, sooner or later youll eat, and often the very same foods that trap you in the layers you hate.

How about jumping off the diet-go-round and trying this. Fill-up on the best-for-you foods first that are calorie-low (yeah! permanent weight loss) and nutrient-dense to prevent scary diseases like cancer, diabetes type 2, heart disease, and strokes: whole, unrefined fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans, our health heroes and disease warriors.

Here are 5 simple guidelines to losing weight forever:

1. Think addition, not subtraction. Dont go to that place of deprivation, like having to give up meat.

2. Add 10+10 again and again. Get those fresh fruits and vegetables in you every day.

3. Fill-up on premium foods before eating other foods. Dont even think about which foods you may naturally gravitate away from because you simply dont have enough room in your stomach or the desire (believe it or not) to eat them.

4. Ask yourself, Does this food feed me or deplete me? If you dont know, just ask yourself, Which foods prevent cancer? Answer: whole, fresh fruits and vegetables. Okay, then eat them FIRST! Remind yourself that there are choices and consequences.

5. Follow the Dr. Leslie Casual/Dress-Up Rule or 80/20 Rule. Eat impeccably 80% of the time and the rest of the timedont worry about it.

Satisfy your hunger drive and your desire to get down to the size you long to be. Feel good about YOUonce and forever!

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a health motivational speaker, writer, and lifestyle coach. Visit for more inspiration.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 10:37 PM |

What If The Weight Loss Product You're Buying is Poison?

These days, obese people suffer less from obesity related problems and more from the side effects of weight loss products that they use. If you don't exercise caution when buying a weight loss product, it can be harmful for your health. Doing your due diligence and arming yourself with the correct knowledge is very much essential, especially when it comes to weight loss. Before buying any weight loss product, make sure that you have researched it thoroughly. During your search, you should try to get as much information as possible about the product, its good and bad effects, the ingredients that it is made up of, etc., as these things can seriously affect your health, either positively or negatively! In this article I will tell you how to know a good weight loss product from the bad ones.

To start with, you shouldn't accept everything at face value. The internet is littered with both good and bad information, and more often than not, the bad information overshadows the good one. There is a lot of misleading information regarding several weight loss products doing the rounds of the World Wide Web, and in case you don't know, the perpetrators of this misleading information are either the product manufacturers themselves or their partners who promote the products on their behalf. You may come across websites offering you what seems to be 'honest reviews' regarding your product, but is that really so? Most of these reviews are filled up with dishonest, misleading and fraudulent information, and if you rely on this information when purchasing a weight loss product, you are doomed!

I will give an example to clarify my point. You maybe aware of the fact that there are several websites out there claiming to offer natural weight loss products. Well, at one point of time, some experts of the Johns Hopkins University surveyed those sites in order to find out whether the outrageous claims made by these sites are true or not. Not surprisingly, many websites failed the test; some failed to give information regarding the correct dosage of the supplement, others failed to reveal about the harmful side effects of the products, and yet others failed to offer information regarding the ingredients of the products. Believe it or not, lack of such vital pieces of information can harm the consumer more than anyone else.

So, how to separate the wheat from the chaff? As a rule of thumb, you should avoid products whose claims seem to be outrageous or impossible. An old saying goes that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is! If you find a website that claims that their product can do miracles for you, chances are that reality is exactly the opposite - that is, it will harm your body in a 'miraculous' way.

Your best bet is to consult a doctor or a nutritionist before you even decide to buy any weight loss pill. Your doctor should be able to clarify what side effects the consumption of a particular medicine may have, and this piece of information alone will save you from a lot of troubles down the road!

Sick and tired of your weight problem? Want to finally lose weight? Then go to my site and get your FREE report on weight loss. Start losing weight today!

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 7:29 PM |

Weight Loss Motivation - Weight Loss Is All In The Mind!

Ever wondered why people fail at weight loss? Why people fall off the wagon as they say? Its not because they seriously can't do it or that the exercise program was to difficult its all down to one thing and that's motivation.

A major component within your body to assist in losing weight is your mind and what you are thinking. Your mind believe it or not controls your actions whether it be "saying no to that extra helping of ice cream" or "making you believe you can't achieve". This is what puts a sudden stop to most peoples weight loss plans.

Actions you carry out can change the way you think about things but most importantly have your mind thinking what you want it to think while keeping you motivated to carry on. When losing weight the biggest motivational kick is witnessing the results staring back at you in the mirror and the feeling of achievement at the way you have changed your body.

But when you stare in the mirror and don't see the results you expected staring back at you it is enough to have you throwing in the towel. So what can you do to avoid this and keep you motivated?

Setting realistic goals is a huge way of keeping you motivated. If you look at it realistically and aim to lose weight slowly and surely you will stay ahead of the game. Nobody can lose weight overnight and as soon as you set an unrealistic target that you can never achieve that is when you are most likely going to throw in that towel.

So look at your lifestyle and your fitness levels and aim for realistic targets every month and this will keep you fulfilled. Whether it be 1 pound a week or 4 pounds a week make sure it's a goal you can achieve with hard work.

Keep a diary!

Diaries are full of motivational kicks and I'm sure if you have read through success stories on the internet or in books they will make you feel excited at what you can achieve. So why not go one better and keep a diary of your success story! Keep food diaries and exercise diaries and even photographs along the way. At any time when you feel disappointed with your results refer back to your diary and what you have achieved so far and I guarantee that feeling of excitement will return at what you can really get out of your body.

Diaries are essential packed full of results and previous goals in which you have achieved while allowing you to look at what you once were and what you have grown into today.

It's a fact though that a lack of motivation in anything not just weight loss can destroy any chance of you reaching your goals. By incorporating two little techniques into your routine it not only maximises the odds of you achieving but also reminds you not to forget what you have already achieved and how far you have come.

Most importantly keeping you effectively one step ahead of your mind.

Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. In my exclusive review of Mike Geary's book, The Truth About Six Pack Abs, you will discover that YOU CAN lose all the weight you ever dreamt of...and how to get your OWN sexy flat stomach with ease...but only if you know this one secret...find out more here:

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 4:21 PM |

Role Of Green Tea In Weight Loss Programs

Green Tea is very commonly used in China since several hundred years as a cure for many ailments. These days, it is used in a broad spectrum of treatments and cures from cancer prevention, weight loss, antioxidant applications to anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Regular intake of a single cup or a capsule of green tea extract a day is all it takes. You should bear in mind that there is no miracle remedy for weight loss.

It is extracted from the plant called Camellia sinensis which is native to Asia. This plant is rich in the substance called epigallochatechin gallate or EGCG. It acts as the main ingredient for destruction of free radicals in our body, the main cause for aging process and disease generation. EGCG also contains antioxidant which helps keep cholesterol levels under control.

It has been proved by scientific studies that green tea can be used in weight loss programs. Ten healthy young men were used as the subjects. Then difference in energy expenditures of different food intakes was observed. It showed that green tea boosted energy expenditure by a almost four percent, quite an increase.

If you are on a weight loss program, green tea is a good alternative to drinking coffee and cream which area high in calories. It provides a two-pronged benefit. While on one hand calorie consumption is controlled, on the other hand your body gets a regular supply of many healthy substances like polyphenols and flavonoids. Caffeine has appetite-suppressant properties. It also contains a small amount of caffeine, which makes it all the more useful for loosing weight.

Statistical reports provide one more benefit of using green tea as a vital ingredient in your daily food intake. It helps reduce fat by inhibiting the effects of insulin. Insulin is known for converting glucose into energy for the body to be stored into fat. By delaying insulin, green tea weight loss programs enable sugar to be sent directly to the muscles for instant use, thus preventing fats from forming.

The process within our body of burning fat and releasing calories is also known as thermogenesis. Low carb weight loss diet plans which use green tea, promote the process of thermogenesis. It is caused by an interaction of caffeine content and catechin polyphenols present in green tea. It is what makes such weight loss programs very effective in stimulating metabolic rates.

Laxmi Keshav gathers information about health and fitness. You can get it here - can green tea lose my weight and low fat low carb recipes

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 1:16 PM |

Weight Loss Exercise Programs - The Single Best One You Can Do Bar None

When it comes to losing weight, there is no quicker way than combining diet with exercise but then I'm sure you already know that. What you might not know is that there is only one single best way to lose weight bar none. Discover this great technique in this article.

I'll get straight to the point - the single fastest weight loss exercise is HIIT, also known as High Impact Interval Training. Let's dissect this - the "high impact" means that this is at rapid pace, not a walk in the park. The "interval training" means that this is not a constant rate, you keep varying it.

So What Does HIIT Look Like Then?

First of all you should start in the morning on an empty stomach, this way you'll be burning fat only and not food. Then jog quickly (not slowly) for 20 seconds. Then run as fast as you can i.e. sprint, for 20 seconds. And when I say as fast as you can, I mean as if you were running for your life and no matter what, you cannot run any faster. The go back to jogging and repeat between this and sprinting. This sounds really tough doesn't it? Read on and you'll realise that it isn't.

Well there are two great bonuses to HIIT. First of all, you only need to do it for a total of 15 minute per day. Yes, only 15 minutes! Although you push yourself hard, there is no need to work out for any longer than you need to. Sure beats a one hour workout doesn't it? The next great thing is that not only do you burn fat whilst doing the exercise but you also continue to burn fat during the day and at a much greater rate than for any other type of exercise.

So how does HIIT work? Well obviously, the "high impact" aspect means you burn more but the "interval training" aspect means that your body and its metabolism never quite gets used to the exercise and is always trying to react but never can. The result is that you burn a ton of weight.

Want to learn even more great weight loss tips? Then click here to get weekly weight loss tips that really work, from

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 10:11 AM |

Free Calorie Shifting Menu

Why are you unable to stay motivated to follow a diet? Is it because you get headaches? Is it because you are constantly waging an uphill battle against your cravings? Is it because you always feel hungry and are on the brink of starvation while dieting? Is it because you feel lethargic due to the lack of energy from the foods you used to eat?

There is a new type of diet out there, known as calorie shifting, that addresses these issues. You can eat as much as you want on this diet, from all four major food groups, over the course of four full meals every day. What kind of results can you expect on this diet? Most typically, you can expect to lose about 9 pounds for every 11 days. That is just shy of 1 pound per day!

Calorie shifting gives you a great deal of flexibility in terms of the foods you can eat. You devise your own customized meal plans within the context of the calorie shifting dietary structure. Basically, what calorie shifting means is that you lose weight by shifting the types, not the quantity, of the foods you eat, from meal to meal. In doing so on a rotational basis continuously over the course of several days, you are simulating a sustained nutritional deficit which triggers your body's metabolism to go into fat-burning mode as a means of "self-preservation". Of course, you aren't really depriving yourself of any nutrients. You are merely shuffling your calories around so as to simulate the effect with every food groups, rather than with one food group.

One noteworthy feature of this diet plan is that you are required to take a 3-day break from the diet every 2 weeks, during which you can eat anything you want. So for every 14 days on the diet, you spend the first 11 actually dieting, and the remaining 3 days eating normally.

Essentially, if you lose 9 pounds in 11 days, take a 3-day break, and then lose 9 pounds during the next 11 days, before taking another 3-day break, that's a total of 18 pounds in 28 days. In a 31-day month, you can easily burn off at least 20 pounds!

Download a free 11-day sample menu plan that illustrates how the diet works. You can be 20 pounds lighter this month!

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 7:04 AM |

Do Weight Loss Programs Really Work?

Do weight loss programs really work? Yes, most of the weight loss programs available today will work at least temporarily. The problem is that many of them can be quite dangerous to your health.

Fad diets, for example, are designed for rapid weight loss. By taking extreme majors you will lose weight at a rapid pace for a couple of weeks. Because the plans are usually so extreme most people can not stay with the program for much longer than those couple of weeks and go back to their normal diet which puts the weight right back on. So, are those type of plans to be considered successful? I would think not. Regardless of how popular the fad diet may be, and Lord knows there are plenty of them, a weight loss program can not be considered successful unless it renders permanent, life time changes.

Many weight loss programs consist of special foods, or drinks that are to be consumed in unusual amounts or at strange intervals during the day. This type of dieting can cause problems with your digestive system and upset your metabolic structure as well. While it will be necessary to speed up your metabolic rate somewhat for successful weight loss, their are safer ways to do this other than drinking a quart of grapefruit or lemon juice before a "meal" of sliced cucumbers and spinach leaves. By simply adding 20-30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine your metabolic rate will increase.

Weight loss programs really do work, but if you want to know how to lose weight and keep it off use some common sense. Cut back on your proportions, limit yourself to one helping, cut out fatty and fried foods and limit desserts to fresh fruit. If you really need help, there are good programs available that really do a nice job. Just be sure and do your research. Make certain the program you select is safe.

For a review of 4 weight loss programs that are considered very safe and effective, visit my blog at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 3:56 AM |

Think Yourself Thin - Weight Loss Tips

If you're the sort of person who dreads the sweat and soreness of exercise and loathes the discipline diets, you'll be happy to hear that there's something you can do just by sitting and thinking which can speed you along to a svelte new physique. You've probably heard of the power of the mind over the body before, and some exciting new research has shown a correlation between imagining yourself as slim and healthy and actually reaching your fitness goals. Unfortunately, it can't totally take the place of diet and exercise. But if you harness the power of your mind your body won't have to work as hard.

Keep a Positive Attitude

When you feel discouraged and depressed about your weight, you're likely to decide your efforts are all in vain and that you might as well console yourself with a bag of chips. You'll wonder why you bother working out and choose to sleep in instead of heading to the gym. So stay positive! Picture yourself as thin, strong, active, and happy. Remind yourself that those Oreos might taste good for a few minutes but that you'll derive a lot more long-term pleasure from the confidence and energy that comes with being trim and healthy. Stress can make you gain weight, so avoid tension-inducing situations and make a conscious effort to think calmly, clearly, and above all, positively.

Wear Clothing That Makes You Feel Thin

Don't wait until you reach your goal weight to start dressing in stylish, well-fitted clothing. Loose baggy clothes make you look bigger than you really are. Dressing stylishly and taking pride in your appearance will make you feel better about your body, and that in turn will make you more likely to want to treat your body right with nourishing food and fun physical activity.

Set Goals

Setting concrete goals and keeping them at the forefront of your mind will help you to stay on track in your journey toward a healthier new you. Realistic, mini-milestones will do you the most good. If you're goal is to be a size 2 by next weekend you're only setting yourself up for disappointment. A healthy, attainable goal is to lose two pounds a week. As you start to reach your goals you'll find a positive, confident outlook on life becomes more and more automatic.

You might be thinking that these steps are too simple and painless to actually work. But they really can be hugely beneficial. If you imagine yourself as healthy and attractive, your thoughts will come to manifest themselves as reality.

Brent Crouch is the owner of He has dedicated this site to providing information on using the power of your mind to lose weight and discussing other weight loss issues.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 12:51 AM |

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