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Obesity is one of the main causes for the various health problems suffered by people the world over. It has been found that nearly half the population worldwide is overweight or obese. Combating weight gain has become a major concern for doctors and laymen alike. This situation has risen out of sedentary working conditions and bad food habits followed by most of us. Obviously a comprehensive change in lifestyle is much needed to overcome this gargantuan problem. The hoodia diet is a fast, easy and safe way out till necessary changes in lifestyle is made.
Hoodia is a succulent flowering plant found only in the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa. It is also known as xhooba, !khoba, Ghaap, hoodia cactus and South African desert cactus. The plant grows in clumps of green upright stems with spines and looks very similar to cactus. The San Bushmen of the South Kalahari Desert have been using this plant to suppress hunger and thirst while going on long hunts for centuries. It is also used by them as medicine for various ailments. The plant grows wild only in the remote desert areas of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana and is now considered to be an endangered species. It takes around 5 years to mature and flower. Since it needs very hot and arid desert like conditions to grow, it is very difficult to cultivate it commercially.
There are nearly 20 types of hoodia of which only the species hoodia gordonii has appetite suppressing properties. Clinical research has identified a molecule named P57, found only in the species hoodia gordonii, as the ingredient that suppresses hunger and thirst. The P57 molecule tricks the brain into believing that the stomach is full by mimicking the effect of glucose on the nerve cells in the brain. It removes hunger pangs helps to combat your desire to overeat and thus you don't feel deprived or crave for food. It even makes you stop thinking of food. It also acts as a mood enhancer making you feel good. It contains many nutrients making it a good tonic too.
Hoodia works quickly or slowly depending on person to person. It may work as fast as in 30 minutes or may take even as long as 20 days.
Hoodia has been found to be safe during clinical research. Trials done on animals have It is a natural, organically grown herb, having no dangerous stimulants. There is no danger of the side effects associated with other weight reducing drugs. It works by suppressing hunger thus promoting weight loss. Just remember to drink enough water since it also suppresses thirst. The South Kalahari Bushmen has been safely using it for generations.
Hoodia works only as an appetite suppressant. Regular exercise and a healthy diet plan are very necessary for getting the desired result.
Today, hoodia is heavily marketed all over the world in the form of pills, powders and in liquid form as the new miracle diet supplement. Many drug companies are selling hoodia online. Check for certification to ensure it is the genuine article.
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If you lead a sedentary lifestyle or eat food packed with empty calories the chances are that you are overweight.
You are not alone. Excess weight is a major concern for many people and obesity is on the rise. There are a lot of people who have health problems or struggle to find clothes to fit because they are overweight.
Here are some easy weight loss tips that will work if you're ready to take action and lose weight
Don't skip meals
If you are missing meals in an attempt to lose weight, please stop. People who skip meals tend to overeat at the next meal because they've allowed themselves to become so hungry. That defeats the purpose of missing meals in the first place.
Try eating 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day instead of the standard 3 meals a day. When you eat meals more often it helps to regulate your blood sugar levels and keeps your metabolism working efficiently.
Eating more often will help you to balance your calorie intake and keep you from feeling hungry all the time.
Eat more fruit and vegetables
Fruit and vegetables are packed with nutrients and contain fibre. The fibre will help you to feel full for longer and that will keep you from over indulging. Added to which, fruit and vegetables are naturally low in calories and make an easy, portable healthy snack.
Keep clear of fast foods
Most fast food is loaded with fats, and sugar. If you need to eat out, try to choose a restaurant where you can make healthy choices. Or, you could try planning ahead prepare healthy snacks and carry them with you.
Add in some exercise
Choose exercise that you like and make sure it's something that you can easily add into your routine. If you insist on joining a gym when you hate going to the gym, you're setting yourself up for failure. Try scheduling in a swim with the reward of a sauna or take a short walk at lunch time. Whatever exercise you choose, make sure that it's something you will enjoy.
Make wise choices
It's important to choose a weight loss plan that fits with your lifestyle. If you decide on a weight loss plan that involves eating foods that you don't like, you will struggle. Beware of following a weight loss plan that is boring or feels like punishment, you won't be able to keep it up for long.
If you want to get your weight loss off to a good start and and burn fat faster than you have before. Visit http://www.HealthyPermanentWeightLoss.com to discover how to break unhealthy habits, lose weight and keep the weight off.
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I was talking to someone about the glycemic index and they looked at me like I was from another planet. I realized that the concept wasn't as wide spread as I had thought, so I thought I would jot down a few things to help with understanding.
The glycemic index came about as a result of trying to determine how different foods impact your blood sugar levels. The more impact the food has, the higher it is on the glycemic index. For example white bread has a GE of around 70, and oat raison bread (whole grain) has a GE of around 47. jelly beans are around 80, while cherries come in at a low 22. What does all that really mean to you?
If you eat foods that quickly elevate your blood sugar, you may experience a sugar rush; you will then have a crash due to the roller coaster effect of that high. You will also become hungrier more quickly. Food with a low GE will not have that effect. The impact on your blood sugar level is minimal. This stability in your blood sugar levels results in a feeling of satisfaction for longer periods of time. In other words, the low GE foods are more filling and won't cause more food cravings.
How could this affect your health? Less cravings means you will be eating less and thus consuming less calories. (Did I mention that most foods low on the GE have less calories, in addition to the other positive factors?) The obvious effect of consuming less calories is that over time, all other factors remaining constant, you will lose weight.
A scary thought is that it is predicted that 33% of children born in America today are expected to develop type two diabetes and that 50% of black and Hispanic children are expected to develop type two diabetes. This is due in part to obesity and poor eating habits and physical inactivity. Wow. Basically with a diet incorporating more lower-GE foods and some exercise, much of that could be avoided.
Another factor is nutrition. Foods today, even naturally grown, organic, unprocessed foods, do not contain the same levels of nutrients that they once did. Soil is depleted of natural fertilizers and so farmers are filling the soil with chemicals to force the crops to grow. The vegetables you eat may look healthy, but astoundingly enough the same serving of spinach that once contained over 50 milligrams of iron now contains less than 5 milligrams! To get the 400 IU's of vitamin E set forth by the FDA as the recommended daily allowance, you would have to eat 33 pounds of spinach. No wonder the AMA changed its' position on supplements -- specifically a daily multi-vitamin. In 2002 the AMA reversed it's long standing position and now recommends we take a multi-vitamin to help supplement what we get from food.
I wandered off my main point of eating low glycemic foods, but sometimes the passion jumps in. If you have nay questions on the glycemic index or supplementation, please drop me an e-mail; I'd be happy to address any questions that come my way.
Diabetes.net is the most neutral site for information on the glycemic index, meaning they have an easily accessable database of basic foods and their GE. Here's the link:
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Ongoing diet and weight control are not easy. Most people think that once they reach their weight loss goals that they can stop their diet and magically maintain the weight loss. Weight loss is not something you do for a couple of months; it is a change in your life style for the foreseeable future. It takes continued diet and exercise to get the best weight loss. The upside is the scientists and doctors understanding of diet and exercise is increasing daily, but many dieters can not balance their low calorie diets and so their diet is actually unhealthy. Make sure when you diet that you are getting the nutrition your body needs, balances with exercise to keep up your metabolism. Approximately ninety-five percent of repeat dieters fail, putting back on the weight they lost and a lot of times more. So after you achieve your goals, live in moderation to maintain the success.
All too often adults find themselves in midlife with a widening tummy and larger sized close in the closet. Dont we all wish we were the same size and weight as when we graduated high school or maybe college? This happens because our metabolism slows down and we spend less time in active tasks, mostly we sit at a desk all day. Regardless of your weight loss goals, a basic understanding of how the body uses nourishment and metabolism will be required in order to reach your goals as well as understanding how this changes as we get older.
Try choosing a weight loss plan that includes: balanced nutrition, adequate exercise, a good support system, and regular follow-up. It is well know that a good weight loss plan has both diet and exercise, but a University of Illinois study found that exercise is more effective if it is supported by a protein-rich diet. Hypnosis can also be used to change your outlook about food and help to alter your eating habits. Another study showed simply by eating slowly and allowing yourself to feel full will encourage you to eat less and therefore loss weight. There are plenty of fad diets out there for those who have the time and money, but typically they are popular because they advertise effortless weight loss. Most often the weight lost by these diets is the loss of body water and it will come back. Seek a balanced diet with proper nutrition and exercise.
An ability to alter lifelong attitudes toward diet and exercise may ultimately be the key to successful weight management. You must be motivated enough to change habits not for a few weeks or months, but for a lifetime. The better you become at doing these things, the longer, and healthier the rest of your life will be. Good luck and good health.
Simon Volk has been a contributing author for websites and is an acknowledged expert in the field of health and fitness. He can be found on the internet at the website: Health Fitness Articles | Health Fitness Exercise or Mega Traffic Site | Blogs
While the majority of people recognize that exercise is necessary to effective natural weight loss, many are uncertain as to what kind of exercise they should do to get the best results. Many exercise experts disagree on what kind of exercise is best. This disagreement seems to stem from a lack of complete information regarding exercise physiology coupled with the fact that different people actually have different needs when it comes to exercise.
Let's begin with what the current research on exercise physiology tells us. It is well-established that it takes approximately 30 minutes of any kind of exercise for the body to burn off its glycogen (stored sugar) reserves and begin burning fat. Because of this, many experts will recommend half an hour to an hour of exercise to produce a good amount of weight loss. Now, if you are going to be exercising for 30 to 60 minutes, or maybe more, what type of exercise would you be able to do for that length of time? It probably would have to be low to medium intensity. In other words, you're probably not going to be able to run full speed or do any other type of high-intensity exercise for 30 to 60 minutes without a rest, unless you happen to be an elite athlete, and even then you'd be struggling. So, by default, the common recommendation for exercise to lose weight has been 30 to 60 minutes of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise. Aerobic translates to "in the presence of oxygen", which in common language means that aerobic exercise is any type of activity that you can do without gasping for breath.
In recent years, some experts have changed their recommendations to using a more intense anaerobic ("without oxygen") exercise program for weight loss. This would include things like intense weight lifting, and something called "interval training". Interval training involves brief bursts of high intensity activity with periods of rest or low intensity activity in between. For example, you might run full out for 30 seconds or a minute and then walk for a minute or two until you catch your breath and then run again full out for 30 seconds to a minute, walk again, etc.. Because this kind of workout is much more strenuous, it is performed over a much shorter period of total exercise time - about 20 to 40 minutes (at least half of which is rest time), as compared to half an hour to an hour of non-stop exercise as is recommended with low to medium intensity aerobic workouts. But how do the two types of exercise stack up when it comes to fat burning?
The aerobic exercise promoters point to the research that was mentioned earlier that has shown that any exercise, no matter how intense requires at least 30 minutes to use up the body's stored glycogen (the body will normally burn glycogen before it will burn fat) before fat burning can begin. So, they say, short periods of even highly intense exercise won't burn much fat and is therefore not a good choice for promoting weight loss. But they are only seeing part of the story.
It is true that you must exercise for at least 30 minutes to begin to achieve fat burning - but that's at the time you are exercising. Brief bursts of intense anaerobic exercise does something that even quite a lot of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise does not. Intense anaerobic exercise stimulates the production of growth hormone, which is a strong stimulator of fat burning. The thing is, the release of growth hormone triggered by intense anaerobic exercise comes 24 to 48 hours AFTER the exercise, and then it produces considerably more fat burning than is possible with all but extremely long periods of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise.
Because of this effect, most people will lose weight much more easily by doing shorter periods of more intense exercise. 20 to 40 minutes of heavy weightlifting, interval training (which could be done on foot, on a bicycle, swimming, kickboxing, etc.) , wind sprints, soccer, basketball, or any other activity with quick bursts of high intensity with periods of rest or low intensity activity in between is typically much more effective in the long run for weight loss than even hours of aerobic activity.
Now, you'll notice that I said "most people". There is an exception to the rule. Anyone who is seriously emotionally or physically stressed in his or her daily life is prone to overstimulated adrenal glands. The adrenal glands do a lot of things in the body, but with regards to weight loss, they produce two hormones. Cortisol is one of the hormones, and it stimulates fat storage in the lower abdominal area. This is typically a saggy, pendulous fat held below the waistline. The other hormone the adrenals produce is adrenaline (also called epinephrine), which actually promotes fat burning. Since the adrenals produce cortisol which causes fat deposition and adrenaline which promotes fat burning, you might assume that these two hormones cancel each other out. Unfortunately, cortisol production can be carried out by a much longer time by the adrenal glands than can the production of adrenaline, so long-term, the effects of high cortisol production (deposition of fat in the lower belly), will overcome whatever fat burning might occur from the short-term adrenaline production.
The adrenals are influenced by physical stress as well as mental stress, so for someone who is under a lot of stress in general in his or her life, high-intensity exercise will only add to the total stress and will tend to make the adrenals produce a lot of cortisol, and therefore will tend to promote lower abdomen weight gain. That's right - the wrong kind of exercise in this situation can cause weight gain! This can result in the frustrating situation in which one exercises more and more and harder and harder to try to get rid of that lower abdomen stomach "pooch", but never can seem to get rid of it. Due to the fact that the intense exercise is causing even more cortisol to be produced, their efforts are counterproductive. Because of this effect, it is recommended that people under a lot of stress and/or who have most of their weight held in the lower abdomen stick to relatively low intensity aerobic exercise. This kind of activity is usually helpful for controlling stress and reducing the level of cortisol, thereby making it easier to get rid of the deposition of fat around the lower abdomen.
I hope that this article has given you a better concept of how to maximize your exercise routine for the best possible weight loss results.
Dr. George Best is a holistic healthcare provider in San Antonio, Texas. He provides information on natural weight loss through his website and is a consultant for MyFoodWithThought.com He can be reached at DrBest@trainyourbrain4weightloss.com
I have been doing this for years folks. One of the most common questions I get at the gym while I'm training someone is "How Do I Lose Belly Fat"? It's simple I tell them and it really is. You just have to be consistent. That is the key to anything you do in life. It's called ambition. Let's start:
Minutes 1-5
1. Interval training. This is a process which keeps your metabolism high and makes it higher. You can apply this method to any aerobic workout. One example is walking. Let's say you walk for 10 seconds, you run for 20 seconds. Repeat this over and over until you are satisfied. Those 10 seconds of walking in between the runs give you a chance to "rest", therefore letting the body regroup itself and get used to the idea of running. It's great for your metabolism.
Minute 6
2. Sit-ups! The key to having a slimmer looking belly is excersizing your mid-section. You want to work those abdominal muscles. Do 10 regular sit-ups, 10 side-to-side situps, and 10 sit-ups with your feet off the ground. Do this every day and you can have that six-pack you've always dreamed of!
Minute 7
3. Push-ups. I don't think I need to explain this one. Just remember to keep your body straight and off the ground.
Minutes 8-10
4. Jump rope! Sounds like fun? It really is once you get going. When you're jumping, think about your fat just falling off. Your belly is getting smaller. Have this mentality, it is great and once you see results, it is an excellent feeling.
Follow those 4 excersizes for 10 minutes every day. Just 10 minutes! You don't have that much time? Then why did you sit here and read this whole article. Go now and get started! I urge you!
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You only get one body therefore it is your duty to treat it right. But most people out there tend to get a bit lazy with their efforts and get careless when it comes to exercising. You see if you are over weight than there is no one else you can blame but yourself as the weight you have gained is a result of your actions and no one else can control your actions but yourself therefore now it is your job to do something about it. There are some mind blowing ways using which you can start losing weight within a week from now. Read on to discover what these ways are and how you can use them to achieve earth shattering results...
Start treating your body right- This is the very first step towards losing weight naturally. You should start treating your body right starting now. Therefore make sure you stop eating any and every sort of junk food including processed drinks. Make it a point to empty your refrigerator of all the junk possible as if it wouldn't be around you wouldn't get the craving to eat it.
Stop getting stressed- The more you stress over your weight the worse your condition is going to be therefore make sure you stop getting stressed and depressed over your weight and develop a positive mental attitude.
Make exercise a vital part of your daily life- You will never lose weight by just cutting out on the wrong type of foods. You need regular exercise with that too therefore make it a point to do proper regular exercise on a daily basis.
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This year will be different. You have decided that weight loss can and will happen this time. You are following the eating instructions right to the tee. But, do you ever feel it's an uphill battle?
Well, you're probably right. The food you eat can and will affect the success you experience. And I don't just mean carbs.
Would you be surprised to learn that food additives actually contribute to not only weight gain, but to how you look and feel.
Well...It's true, Let's take a look at just some of the 2000 plus approved food additives. Hydrogenated vegetable oils and trans fats have been making news lately. Manufacturers are promoting 0 trans fat for some of their products. But, is this good enough?
Man created these oils. They are not beneficial to you. They raise your bad cholesterol. Hydrogenated oils don't have the essential fatty acids your body needs for all body functions. Not only don't you get nutrients from them, they actually block your absorption of nutrients. Your body needs the nutrients in fat. So, what is the body's response?
Eat. That's right. These fake oils make you keep eating because the body is hungry for the nutrients.
Try this...Remove hydrogenated vegetable oils from your diet and see how you feel and respond. If you want chips, go for organic. This is because removing trans fat is still leaving hydrogenated oil.
Moving on...We have monosodium glutamate or msg. Called a flavor enhancer. This chemical can cause an addictive effect making you crave foods that contain it. Other adverse effects complained of are headaches, migraines, flushing, pain and nausea. The FDA requires that this ingredient be identified on the label.
And to top off it's effects...Scientists use msg to make lab rats fat so they can study obesity and obesity products. You see, these creatures aren't naturally fat.
Next there's aspartame. This has become the sweetener of choice for many people watching their weight. This chemical additive is responsible for 92 various complaints to the FDA. Among them is slow steady weight gain. For a more detailed look at aspartame go to mom-going-organic-sensibly.com.
Another culprit to weight gain is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Not to be confused with the pure corn syrup you find on store shelves. No, HFCS is man made. The food industry's answer to the high sugar prices in the 1970's. Since then, it has made its way into most everything. Even pasta sauce. Would you even think of sweetening your pasta sauce? I wouldn't. This additive will cause weight gain and cravings. Kind of sheds some light on society's weight problem, don't you think?
So, what are you to do...First, continue with your diet changes. You are on the right track and the next actions will give you a boost.
Second, eliminate foods with hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, msg, and aspartame.
Next, reduce processed foods in your diet by increasing fresh fruits and vegetables.
You may choose to use organic products instead of conventional processed foods. This is a good move. However, processed organic foods are still processed. Your body will thrive on wholesome foods. And your rewards last a lifetime.
Copyright 2008 Doris Temple
Doris Temple created http://mom-going-organic-sensibly.com to fill the need for unbiased information. The Website provides information about organic food, products and healthy nutrition. Find out what is in your food and how to eat healthier.
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