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Many women struggle with good triceps development. This can be due to many reasons. One, your triceps are located on the back of your arms and for many people if they don't see the muscle they don't train it fully. Second, the triceps can be a hard muscle to develop on many levels. For most people, the training difficulty lies in the fact that it's underdeveloped and training them means you must use forms of training your triceps are not use to.
Now, I'm not going to fill your head with all the intricate details of the triceps, such as its exact location, function, insertion point and all that other jazz. You can actually find all that kind of detailed information in Iron Dolls.
In this article I'm going to drive the focus on what you need to do to master your triceps training by including skulls.
Overall, to really boost your triceps strength and general mass you should employ the use of good ole compound exercises. This doesn't just go for triceps training; your triceps come into play in many chest and shoulder movements. Make the bulk of your training center around compound movements for overall general muscle mass.
Some of the exercises you should include to hit all the triceps heads fully are close-grip bench presses, overhead extensions, skull crushers, triceps dips, pushdowns, etc. While all of these triceps exercise are important, far too many people put all their faith in pushdowns in hopes to reap the results of well-developed triceps.
Skull crushers are an overlooked triceps exercise. This is not an easy movement and getting the form right can be difficult. For this reason, my suggestion is to start off using light poundage to learn the form of the skull crushers. Starting off light will also allow you to actually feel the muscle work. Once you feel the muscle working during the movement your form will improve greatly.
After you get a good warm-up (5 minutes on a treadmill or bike and another 5-10 minutes of actual warm-up exercises for the triceps) you can begin your first set of skull crushers.
Skull Crusher Form
Step #1 - I recommend starting with free weights, using the EZ curl bar for skulls. After you grab the bar lie back on a flat bench with your feet flat on the floor.
Step #2 - Using a narrow and prone grip, slightly less than shoulder-width, position the bar over your chest area.
Step #3 - Bend your elbows and allow the weight to lower to your forehead. NOTE: As you lower the weight allow ONLY your elbows to bend in the direction the weight is lowering. Your elbows should not sway out; they must stay aligned with your body.
Step #4 - From the lowered position, use your triceps muscle to contract and bring the weight back to the starting position. As the bar reaches the top of the movement, contract the triceps hard.
Step #5 - Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the designated reps in that set.
One-Month Triceps Blast Workout
Note: each week's triceps workout involves different training principles. Please read below the training workout for how to include each training principle each week.
Week #1
Warm-up Parallel bar dips 3 x 10
EZ bar skulls 3 x 10 (DS)
DB overhead ext 3 x 10 (DS)
Pushdowns 2 x 40
Week #2
EZ bar decline skulls 3 x 8 (TS)
Close-grip press 3 x 8 (TS)
Reverse-grip pulldown 3 x 8 (TS)
Week #3
EZ bar overhead ext (21s)
Parallel bar dips (21s)
DB skulls (21s)
Week #4
Warm up
Close-grip press (Neg)
Reverse-grip overhead ext (Neg)
Kickbacks (Neg)
Skulls 2 x 40
Drop Sets (DS) - Drops sets involve doing as many repetitions as you can and begin decreasing the poundage as you hit muscular failure. Keep this process going until you can't do one more rep.
Tri-Sets (TS) - A tri-set is using three consecutive exercises for the same body part. Tri-sets take a lot of strength and energy to complete all three in a consecutive manner, so be sure to keep weight poundage within reason. Rest two to three minutes and then do 2-3 more tri-sets.
Twenty-ones or 21s - Twenty-ones is a training principle in which one set is broken up into 3 different segments of 7 that total 21. The three different aspects of the full set involve 2 partials sets and one full range of motion set.
Negatives - Eccentric contractions are the lengthening of the muscle. This is also known as the negative. The aid of a spotter is helpful when doing negatives. Use about 35% more weight than you use on a concentric lift. Explode the weight up and focus on the downward phase of the lift, keeping your lifting pace slow and controlled.
Close-grip press - Lower the bar to your chest slowly and have a spotter help lift it back to the starting point. Rest 2-3 minutes and repeats
The above triceps workout is a great shocker to get you started for advanced triceps training. Once you are able to feel the muscle move through the movements, you will be better able to handle heavier weight with minimal sets and reps to further advance growth.
Your goal for growth in the gym is to simply tear the muscle down so it can rebuild into a stronger unit.
Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform their bodies. http://www.iron-dolls.com "Use of this article is authorized provided it is reproduced in full, and all web URLS are active hyperlinks directed to the author"
We are all familiar with the ads; in fact, it would be difficult to go for an entire 24 hour period without seeing an ad for a weight loss diet pill. They come in a variety of shapes and colors, with some celebrity endorsements, complete with all the promises you want to hear. But, do they really help with weight loss? And, if they do, are they worth the potential side effects?
When comparing the many available types of oral weight loss support, it becomes immediately apparent that one of the main components is caffeine. Why? Caffeine helps to provide you with an extra source of energy that you may previously have obtained through snacking. While this may prove harmless and somewhat effective for some people, others might suffer increased anxiety, nervousness, and/or a feeling of irritability. The logic here is simple, if you may be caffeine sensitive and find that after using a supplemental pill for weight loss that you fall into the negative side effect category - pass on the pills!
Another common component of these oral supplements is their appetite suppression properties. Various combinations of natural, and not so natural, ingredients are used to reduce your desire to eat. Some people will find themselves with a sensitivity to these ingredients and experience a range of side effects. Cramping, headache, or nausea are very commonly experienced when taking a weight loss diet pill. If you're taking these pills and your side effects are anything more than minor and temporary - stop using the pills!
When it comes to supplementing your diet with any type of weight loss pill, the smartest thing you should do before starting is to consult with your physician. Your physician will advise you as to whether or not you even need this type of supplement. Your answer to weight loss may be as simple as a change in your dietary habits, or getting a little more exercise. Also, your physician is more familiar with your overall health than anyone else, and will provide you with professional advice regarding any over-the-counter weight loss product that may help you with dropping some pounds, and more importantly; point out any product or product ingredient that could create problems for you. When it comes to safe and healthy weight loss, the advice of your primary care physician is priceless.
If this course of action is approved for you, the good news is that the safe use of oral weight loss products can help many people curb their appetites while providing a little extra energy to help your body adjust to the the changes in your eating habits. Report any sign of side effects to your physician, take the weight loss diet pills as directed, and you should be fine.
Copyright 2007 Carl DiNello
Carl DiNello is an Article Author, and Website Owner whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.
To read more on this topic, please visit Weight Loss Solutions!
You may republish this article on your website, or e-zine so long as none of the content, or author information has been edited or changed in any way, and all links are left active and unchanged.
One of the nicer aspects of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan is the online menu generator that you get. You plug in several of your favorite food choices and the menu generator gives you an 11 day meal plan with 4 meals a day.
In addition, unlike many other popular diet programs, Fat Loss 4 Idiots does not require you to buy any special foods or the expensive pre-packaged foods. You are able to simply continue buying fresh foods at your grocery store as you normally do.
So, what kind of meals will you be eating with the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Plan?
Although everyone is different, here is just a quick sample of a few choices you'll have for a typical day.
Meal 1: Banana milk shake or Oatmeal
Meal 2: Tuna salad or fruit salad
Meal 3: Fish Fillet or a sandwich of your choice
Meal 4: Cottage cheese or scrambled eggs meal
At first glance this may not seem like a lot of food, but keep in mind that with Fat Loss 4 Idiots, you are not limited in your portion sizes. Also, you are eating 4 meals per day and not the more typical 3 meals a day we are so accustomed to.
One of the goals of this diet plans to become filled up when eating, but not being overly filled. Add in plenty of water and you will be surprised at how easy it is to get through the day. I think we all know what it's like to be on diet programs where you feel starved and struggle to just get through the day.
Of course, most everyone can only take a few days or weeks of it and they quit. This is just one of the reasons Fat Loss 4 Idiots is different. You get to eat foods you enjoy and you get to eat enough that you're not walking away hungry.
By the way, you can learn more about How To Lose Weight as well as much more information on dieting and weight loss at http://www.FatLoss4IdiotsReview.net
If you really looking to lose a lot of belly fat in 2 weeks, you've come to the right place, and I urge you to read this entire article without skipping a single word.
If you only have 2 weeks to lose belly fat and you want to make to most of your time, you need to act on 2 parallel avenues at the same time.
The first avenue is the nutritional one. You're going to have to eat a healthy diet in order to burn as much belly fat in 2 weeks. The way to do this is to eat only fresh foods which you prepare at home. Don't worry about eating low fat foods. Just make sure they contain only good fat like olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, flax seeds, nuts and almonds. Break down your meals into mini-meals spread out throughout the day to aid the body to handle the calories better.
The second avenue revolves around fitness. This is very important because in order to lose the most belly fat in 2 weeks, you will need to workout often and workout hard. Working out takes 2 forms: weight training and cardiovascular activities. Contrary to popular views, weight training is very important for belly fat loss. The reason is that weight training helps to maintain and build your muscle tissue which increases calorie burning.
As to cardiovascular workout. If you have only 2 weeks to lose belly fat, it's time you lay off the long steady pace cardio and start doing interval, high intensity cardio. If you have only 2 weeks to do this, you need to work your tail off. Long steady pace cardio means that you're not pushing your life to the limit. Do short, 20 minutes interval cardiovascular workouts to burn the most belly fat.
In 2 weeks, you have to make this a mission on your part. If you do, then you will see results.
To read more about how to get flat abs, click here: Tricks To Lose Belly Fat.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read about a massive cardio oriented fitness program, click here: Turbulence Training Reviews - Learn The Secrets Of Cardio.
Lose weight foods are on market shelves everywhere. Many of them are designed to provide a specific tool. For some, that means helping to speed up the metabolism. For others, it means helping to add protein to your diet. No matter what their goal is, the question is, do they work? Many of these foods do have specific goals and should only be used when you want to achieve those specific goals. Yet, even then, you should be aware of several things.
Lose weight foods are designed to provide a specific reaction. For example, you may be on a diet and exercise regimen in which you need to consume a large amount of protein early in the day to help you to gain muscle mass as you workout. Since muscle burns fat faster, you may actually have an effective plan. But, if you go to a replacement meal bar that has extra protein to get this additional protein, several things can happen. If you select one that is well designed, you may get your desired effect. On the other hand, if you select one that has too many sugars, you may actually be putting back the fat that your muscles take off. Therefore, find out the quality of the foods first.
Another problem with some lose weight foods is their taste. If you are on a diet and the only thing you are consuming is a very bad tasting frozen meal, you won't be able to keep yourself on that diet very long. For cases like this, it may make sense to look towards another solution for weight loss instead.
Yet if you purchase good quality lose weight foods, eat them correctly and learn how to eat from them, then you could be giving yourself an extra advantage. Looking for these characteristics will set you apart from the problems that you could face otherwise.
Start Burning Body Fat NOW! Discover How To Lose 14 Pounds in only 7 Days!
Visit http://www.lose-weight-1.info for more information.
You probably picked up this book because you want to lose weight as a way of looking better. But the simple fact is, your weight is more than a matter of taste or aesthetics. It's a matter of health. I encourage you to read this chapter because it is, quite literally, the heart of the matter. Many of the problems associated with overweight affect your heart, and because of that, they affect your life. In this chapter, we discover why it is unhealthy to carry around excess weight.
The medical perils of being overweight
Being over weight increases your risk for many serious medical problems. The vast majority of overweight people suffer from one or more of the following conditions: diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, gall bladder disease, and arthritis. If that isn't bad enough, obesity is the second most important factor contributing to death in the United States. (It should come as no surprise that smoking is the first.)
Nearly 16 million Americans have diabetes, a metabolic disorder in which the body does not make enough insulin or cannot use it effectively. About 95 percent of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes, which is closely tied to being overweight. Each year, more than 190,000 people die from diabetes or its many complications. For people who live with diabetes, it is a frequently disabling disease.
Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people between 20 and 74 years of age.
It is a major cause of kidney disease, requiring dialysis or kidney transplant.
People with diabetes are as much as four times more likely than others to have heart disease or suffer a stroke.
Diabetes causes nerve damage, which may require amputation of a toe, foot, or lower leg.
In men, diabetes is a frequent cause of erectile dysfunction.
There is no cure for diabetes, and it requires lifelong management and medication. All diabetics require a controlled diet to regulate blood sugar levels, and regular checkups to detect damage to the eyes, nerves, and blood vessels. There are ways to lower the risk of developing it, however. Although type 2 diabetes tends to run in families, people who are overweight and inactive are at much greater risk of contracting the disease.
Losing weight, controlling blood cholesterol levels, and engaging in some form of regular exercise are the best ways to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.
Read more on How to lose weight. Check out for daily diet plans and diet supplements.
While men and women may prefer different types of fitness and exercise regimens, each gender can learn from one other. Individuals living in Austin, Dallas, Houston and elsewhere in Texas, are among those who can benefit from shared ideas.
Men and women have distinctive motivations for exercising. Typically, men work out to build muscles and become physically bigger. They challenge themselves to achieve a specific physical goal and utilize numbers to measure their progress. Combine this with the competitive nature of a workout, and it's easy to see why men are motivated to exercise.
Women, on the other hand, often exercise through a desire to look better.
Both men and women tend to overlook the health benefits of exercise, although, once they get past their initial reluctance, women tend to have a balanced approach to fitness. Indeed, workouts by women are more likely to include a mix of cardio, strength training, and mind/-body practices such as yoga or tai chi. Women are also more inclined to seek advice, whether from a personal trainer or by enrolling in group classes.
The choice of exercise varies also, with men selecting sports and athletic-based activities not requiring dance or overt coordination. Women, on the other hand, more frequently enjoy dance-based activities with toning and flexibility.
Women may also participate in group activities due to the social atmosphere. They feel more comfortable in a gym when they're with other people. While men often participate in classes such as spinning or "boot camp" workouts, women dominate other classes, especially those that touch on mind/body techniques -- the idea being that women have a more holistic approach to fitness.
Regardless of the type of fitness routine, women generally work out less than men, possibly the result of putting the care of others ahead of themselves.
Physical differences between men and women are also relevant. A good example is the difference between pelvises. Because women can tilt their pelvises more, they may perform a slightly modified squat to protect their lower backs. This might involve turning the feet outward a bit, standing with the legs slightly wider apart, and not going down so low.
Women also have less muscle than men, and therefore often use lighter weights to avoid the injuries that come from "too much, too often."
Typically, mens bodies tend to be less flexible. And women tend to have better lower body strength, while men have better upper body strength.
Despite the differences between men and women in the fitness arena, the gaps are narrowing. Women, for example, are becoming less intimidated by weight training, perhaps discovering the connection between lean muscle and weight loss.
Men and women can learn from each other in many ways. Men are teaching women that they need not be afraid of intense workouts, a counter to a perception that women are wary of building too much muscle mass. Often, women can handle more than they think they can, and a couple of sessions with a qualified personal trainer can help set an appropriate level of exercise.
Women are teaching men that fitness can be fun, through a variety of exercise routines --among them step classes, spin classes, Pilates, and yoga. Most fitness classes offer variety without sacrificing manliness, and various movement patterns or dance classes can increase balance, core strength, and flexibility in a fun, challenging way.
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If you're reading this, you probably either want to know what you'll have to do for the air force physical fitness test and/or how to train for it.
This article will cover both.
What Is Involved In The Air Force Physical Fitness Test?
You'll be doing exercises in the following 4 areas: aerobic (running), body-composition, push-ups, and crunches.
Now, you'll be rated on a scale of 1-100, but the trick comes with the age groups. You see, with different age groups comes different demands.
Just to state the obvious, the older you are the less you'll be required to do.
If you want a full list of these ages and the requirements you can visit
http://usmilitary.about.com/od/airforce/l/blmalefitness.htm if you're a male and
http://usmilitary.about.com/od/airforce/l/blfitfemale.htm if you're a female.
3 Steps To Training For The Air Force Physical Fitness Test
1) The first thing you'll want to do is write down the top grade you can get for each category. For example, 60 pushups would be a perfect 10 for a 20-25 year old.
After you do this, add a few reps and shoot for that. I would personally shoot for 70-75 just to be safe (and maybe impress your future officers).
2) Since you're going to be training to failure during your air force physical fitness test most likely, I would suggest training to failure while you are preparing for the test. However, this is taxing on your body so do not do it everyday. You can try it every other day or ever 2 days, depending on certain factors such as how much you eat, your genetics, etc.
3) The third thing you'll want to do to pass your air force physical fitness test with ease is to start learning how to visualize. It's going to help you tremendously through the grueling workouts the air force will put you through, and it's going to help you reach your goals faster.
The requirements for the air force physical fitness test aren't too hard, but if you're out of shape now they will prove to be a challenge.
Using these 3 techniques, and making sure you prepare in advance, the air force physical fitness test should be a walk in the park for you.
And if you need to lose a lot of weight to make it easier (remember, doing anything with your body will be much easier if you weigh less), there are a large variety of books that are available to help you get a fit body in the shortest amount of time as possible.
Jeremy Reeves believes he's found the best products on the market to help you get in great shape fast. If you're going to start training for the air force physical fitness test, you have to check out the book called "Turbulence Training" that he's reviewed for you on his website - http://www.fitness-product-reviews.com
We all want to lose fat and gain muscles. But we don't know what to choose because there are number of weight loosing programs around the world. But you want to chose a good weight loosing program. There are several things you should follow when choosing a good weight loosing program.
1. The exercising method it uses.
2. It should be a time saving one.
3. It should be less cost.
The first point means the exercising system it uses and what are the out come. For an example an product uses both strength training and power training. The out come of this product is to lose fat and gaining muscles at the same time. Like this there are many exercising system and you should be able to find the appropriate and most suitable weigh losing program for you.
Another thing you should follow is that it should be a time saving one. For an example if you take about one and half hour a day to do your exercises you should fin an exercising program that saves about 30% to 50% of time to the ratio of your normal time taken. The training system known as turbulence training takes only forty five minutes a day and three days in a week is enough to lose about forty pound in four weeks.
Another thing you should look about is the cost of the weight loosing program. If the program you are looking for is costing more than two hundred dollars it useless of buying it. And gym is better than that. When you are choosing an exercising program see if the price is less than forty dollars. If it provides about two or three bonuses its okay to buy it. But it should be less than hundred dollars. Turbulence training is an good example for this. Its cost is low and you get your desired results.
So these are the top most points you should look into when you are searching for an exercising program.
If you need to get more information on turbulence training click the link given below
To lose fat, one must think. One must exercise their brain, to change their body and reach their weight loss goals.
Everytime I workout, I see the same people doing the exact same exercise routine in the gym. They go through the same machines in the same order using the same weight each day. Then they go to the same piece of cardio equipment and use the same level as yesterday and go at that same slow pace as always.
And do you know what I see the next day?
The same old physique on that same person. No change. Next week? No change. Same workout, same body.
Because they aren't thinking. And no one is thinking for them. They don't have a good trainer, a good program, or a good idea about what they should be doing in the gym.
And you see the same thing on the street. You see the same people running the same slow route around the neighborhood, getting the same (read: zero) results from their "same old-same old" jogging routine.
I've always believed that beginners to fitness take up jogging because its easy. And I don't mean easy on the body, because we know it takes some effort.
I mean that jogging is easy on the mind. Runners don't have to think. They don't have to plan a program. They don't have to pick the best, efficient strength training exercises and then put them in the proper order in an effective routine. Instead, all they have to do is put one foot in front of the other.
But, and there is always a but, isn't there? That easy, no-thinking approach is not going to get them very far. After ten days, there probably won't be much change in their body.
And the same goes for those high-rep, low weight, machine circuit programs. No thinking required, no results guaranteed.
However, if they had exercised their brain and designed a strength and interval workout, they would have seen some startling changes in 14 days, or 10 days, or even 7 days. (Heck, I've had guys swear that they noticed changes in their bodies after only 2 days).
Because you see, planning a workout takes effort. And going through an effective workout of efficient strength exercises and interval training takes even more effort.
But you get out what you put in. That saying goes for just about anything in life, especially for workouts.
So the choice is up to the exercisers in the gym I guess. If they stay in their comfort zone, it will be easier on their body and their mind in the short-term. But over the long-term, they'll probably drop out of the fitness scene as they find they never get the results they want.
Or they can put in the short-term effort, researching the best program for their goals. And with this approach, you get the long-term payoff of success.
Look into strength and interval training and see what the extra mental effort can do for you.
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com
For many of us the weight loss journey is a hard and lonely one.
While some of us can achieve successful weight loss alone, many more need a support network to help us lose weight and keep it off.
This article describes what a weight loss support network is, how it can help, which people make valuable members of one and how to develop one of our own to help us stay motivated and achieve a healthier body weight.
What is a weight loss support network?
Basically, a weight loss support network is a group of people we can share our weight loss goals, challenges, triumphs, thoughts, feelings and journey with, and who will provide support to us when we need it and help us in some way to achieve our goal.
Support networks can be formal, informal, expert, non-expert, online, offline, large or small, or any mix of these depending upon our individual circumstances and needs.
Online networks can be a great help to those of us with weight loss or fitness goals because for many of us losing weight is a daily battle and online support networks are available to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The most effective weight loss support systems combine formal and informal elements, expert and non-expert members, are both online and offline, and provide support across as many areas as needed from the largest number of sources available.
How does a weight loss support network help people lose weight?
Weight loss support groups can help those of us with weight loss goals in many ways including:
Generally speaking, when we are putting together our own weight loss support network, we should be looking to recruit the help of people who:
If we think we need or would like a network larger than just a few people, it may be a good idea to sit down and make a list of the areas in which we would like support. Then we can simply list under each area who we would like to recruit to our support team.
The areas of help we might consider listing may include things like:
Among the professional help available to us are doctors, dietitians, personal trainers, life coaches, weight loss specialists, gym instructors, psychologists, etc, and gaining help from these professionals is as simple as calling their office and making an appointment to see them.
Non-professional help can come from friends, family, neighbours, colleagues and acquaintances, internet support groups and forums (such as the weightloss forum on weightloss.com.au), etc, and help can be gained from them usually just by talking to them about your goal, gauging their reaction (whether they seem supportive or not) and if necessary asking them if they would like to help or get involved in some way on our journey.
Generally, the most useful non-professional network members will be other people who share our weight loss or fitness related goals or have already successfully achieved similar goals.
It is these people who are more likely to form walking or exercise groups with us, share recipe ideas and cooking tips with us and listen to and encourage us when we are finding the going a little tough. They are also the most likely people to really enjoy sharing our experiences and successes.
Scott Haywood is the editor of Australia's leading weight loss and healthy lifestyle website weightloss.com.au. Weightloss.com.au is a free weight loss resource that has healthy recipes, weight loss product reviews, a weight loss business directory and a very popular weight loss forum.
Losing weight has become a national obsession, and with good reason: we all want to look our best. We do it for health, we do it to look sexy to the people to whom we feel attracted. Sure, diet pills from the big drug companies might or might not work, but who knows what they are doing to our bodies: just look at the fen-phen debacle of the late-1990s.
Happily, there are ways to naturally lose weight while avoiding potentially dangerous diet pills manufactured by drug companies. Here are 5 secrets for how to naturally lose weight fast:
Secret #1: Know your calorie math: Put simply, over a given period of time you will lose weight if you burn more calories than what you take in. Pretty simple math, right? The unfair thing is: some people have a naturally slower metabolic rate (the rate at which your body naturally burns calories). That is why you have thinner friends who can eat twice as much as you eat without gaining a pound. However, even they are not exempt from the calorie math. So, start becoming acutely aware of how many calories you are taking in per day versus how many you are burning through exercise. If the math adds up, you will be subtracting pounds from your rear, thighs and tummy before you know it.
Secret #2: Drink more water: Water is the natural way to flush your system clean. As you begin to lose more weight, your blood will be flooded with toxins rejected from the cells in your body. Drinking more water will help flush these toxins out. Water also helps with basic cellular functioning and, importantly, metabolism.
Secret #3: Get a pedometer: Pedometers, or step counters, are really great little inventions. Just attach one to your belt in the morning, reset the counter to zero, and go about your day. At the end of the day, remember or write down your "score" (number of steps). After a few days, you may find yourself trying to outdo your own high score! A pedometer makes it easier to visualize the connection between your daily activity and your calorie burning. Pedometers start at around $1.
Secret #4: Cut out dessert: People who try to diet usually end up gaining all of the weight back within a few weeks. Reason: when we deprive ourselves of food, we end up craving it more and then end up blowing the diet. Try this: instead of going cold turkey on sweets, just cut out your after-dinner dessert. Even shaving those extra 200 calories from your daily diet means taking in 6,000 fewer calories a month!
Secret #5: Learn which snack foods are good for you: Snacking is one of the biggest enemies of a weight loss plan. Eating healthier snacks can actually make you want to eat less. Reason: your body craves healthy food. When you eat right, you will be less hungry.
Losing weight naturally is the best way to go. As you lose weight, you will feel better and you will look better to those to whom you are attracted. By understanding the connection between caloric intake and calorie burning, you have the right foundation in place for seeing significant weight loss.
Looking to burn more fat, faster? Try a proven eating plan invented by a professional bodybuilder: http://www.No-Fat-Yes-Muscle.com/
Probably one of the longest existing diet formulas is the grapefruit-based diet. It has been around since the 1930's. Grapefruit is not only known for its vitamin C content but also its ability to secrete an enzyme that is believed to burn away body fat. As a diet tool, people either drink the juice of a grapefruit made from concentrate take grapefruit pills or eat the actual fruit during every diet fixture. People either drink the juice made from the fruit concentrate, take grapefruit pills, or eat the actual fruit during every meal. This is combined with other diet programs that call for \ lean-meat and a low-calorie intake.
Grapefruit is consumed at least three times a day with a low caloric intake of other meats and vegetables. The modern-day version of the grapefruit diet allows combining the grapefruit formula with today's widely-used weight loss programs like Atkins and South Beach.
Previously, a grapefruit diet prescribed to followers a strict guide in what to eat. For example, breakfasts consisted of protein and fat such as two eggs and two slices of bacon. At lunch and dinner, a dieter could unlimited meats and vegetables.
While many people swear by the effectiveness of grapefruit in reducing tweight, there are several findings that seem to say otherwise. Some diet experts claim that the miracles of a grapefruit diet are baseless and at most an urban legend.
Nobody can really explain how grapefruit or the enzyme it produces melts body fat. The claim was made in the 1930's, yet -- no one can really explain how it is possible. Other diet experts attribute the alleged success to the lean meat and low calorie meal plans that the grapefuit diet is paired with.
These counter allegations are not scientifically proven either. So, if you are on a grapefruit diet and it seems to be working well for you, it may be best for you to continue. After all, what matters is that a diet program works.
Diet Programs provides detailed information on Diet Programs, Free Diet Programs, Online Diet Programs, Weight Loss Diet Programs and more. Diet Programs is affiliated with Weight Loss Diet Plans.
I love to eat! I guess thats why I hate dieting so much.
Most of those fad diets either totally restrict you from eating the foods you love (and crave), or they make you eat an overabundance of the foods that are well, not my favorite.
After all, how many eggs, peanuts or oranges can you really eat? I guess thats why I was so hesitant to follow my friends on the South Beach Diet bandwagon.
They were all trying it, and yes, even losing weight. I watched enviously as their waistlines got smaller and smaller, but couldnt get their groans and complaints out of my head during those first few days and weeks on the program.
Give up all sugar, carbs and fats for two whole weeks! Not me! No way! Not even for a smaller dress size.
Then I went to see my doctor for an unwell feeling I couldnt shake. I wasnt really sick, I just felt tired and icky all of the time. After some tests, he told me my glucose levels were rising, my cholesterol was hitting an all-time high, and even my blood pressure was boiling.
Me? Ms. Healthy? I knew it was time to get serious, so I asked around and did some research and actually found out that, in addition to being a diet, the South Beach plan was being used by people not only as a safe way to lose the weight that affects your health, but it also teaches you how to eat in a more nutritious and satisfying way.
Okay, time to give it a try. And the very first thing I ran up against youre probably heard about it -- was the dreaded Phase I of the South beach Diet Plan: the hell of restriction, as my friends like to cal it.
Luckily, I knew so many people whove been on the diet already, I could turn to them for assurance and advice.
By the way, thats Tip #1: Get a Support System in Place.
For me it made all the difference. I honestly dont know if I would have succeeded without the support of my friends. They shared their tips and stories of surviving the first 14 days on the program and made me feel like I could too. Here are some of my favorite survival tips:
Indulge in one last favorite meal and dessert before starting the diet
Get everything thats not allowed to touch your lips in the first 14 days out of the house and threaten anyone who dares to sneak in contraband foods
Keep a daily journal about your feelings during Phase I (its great to read how those cravings and yearnings really affected the way you think and feel after its all just a distant memory
Avoid mall shopping during Phase I (the smells of the food court will kill you)
Dont plan on attending any family gatherings, school functions, parties, etc. for two full weeks (become a hermit)
Ill admit it, during those first few days on South Beach all I wanted was to dive headfirst into a bag of chocolate chip cookies, dipped in whipped cream, with a side a fries and a big slice of pizza.
But when a friend came over and cooked me the most delicious meal of lean chicken and sauted veggies sprinkled with low-fat cheese (yes, I said cheese!), I knew that Id make it.
Thats Tip #2: Presentation.
The plate she set before me could have rivaled one found in any five-star restaurant. I learned that night that a beautifully prepared plate of colorful veggies cooked to perfection out beats a bag of Oreos 10 to 1.
Within a week my grumpiness was subsiding after all, my sugar levels were leveling out and my blood pressure was coming down and I wasnt even craving junky stuff anymore. I was actually looking forward to finding new ways to prepare and serve my new healthier food choices.
Which leads me to Tip #3: Learn to Cook.
Since starting South Beach I have learned how to really enjoy cooking. Watching a variety of cooking shows and incorporating their ideas using my South Beach approved foods was one way I found to survive the first phase of the program, since you can always find new and interesting ways to prepare and enjoy the foods I was permitted.
I couldnt believe when the two weeks were over. It seemed to go by so fast, and then I was allowed to start reintroducing some of my favorites again into my daily eating plan, like fresh fruit and bread (thank God!).
The best part was I no longer craved some of those no-no foods like cake, ice cream and even, yes, those diet buster cookies! And I managed to lose a whopping 12 pounds, a true triumph for someone like me who had never been able to follow any diet for longer than a day or two before!
Was starting the South Beach Diet difficult? Yes, in the first few days, but it sure was worth it!
Did you know that most people who dont complete the South Beach Diet Plan drop out because they cant make it through Phase 1? Want to avoid becoming a part of that statistic? Check out my South Beach Diet Plan Survival Kit over on HubPages, my South Beach Diet Plan Making it Through Phase 1 page on Squidoo, and my South Beach Diet Plan review page on Rate-Diets.com. Arm yourself with the tools you need to succeed!
The Idiot Proof Diet, also known as the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, has become one of the most popular and successful diet plans today. It has been successfully used by tens of thousands of people around the world. But what is the Idiot Proof Diet? What is it based on and how does it work?
The Idiot Proof Diet was given the name it has, because it's supposed to be so simple that even an idiot can do it. But don't let the name turn you off, it may be simple to use, but the science behind it isn't simple at all.
The Idiot Proof Diet is based on the Shifting Calories Method.
The Shifting Calories Method was created when it was discovered that, over a period of time, your metabolism grows accustomed to the type and quantity of food that you eat. This is the main reason why low carb, low fat, low protein, and low calorie diets may provide an initial weight loss, but not a long termed one. You see, your metabolism adjusts to the new quantity of food that you eat or to the lack of the food group (carbs, proteins, fat) that you deprive yourself of, and slows down.
That's why over 95% of diets fail, because they don't keep the metabolism running at a high level. A slow metabolism means a slow rate of fat burn and it also means that once you get off your diet and go back to eating normally, your metabolism is so slow that you end up gaining all the weight you lost and even more, much faster than you can imagine.
The Shifting Calories method is about keeping the metabolism off balance, never letting it get used to any eating routine so that it remains at a high level of fat burn. You do that by constantly rotating your food. Sounds difficult? That's why the Idiot Proof Diet comes with a unique menu software which tells you what to eat and when. You get to eat 4 meals every day but the type of food is always shifted around, so you continue to burn fat at a high rate for a long time.
The Idiot Proof Diet doesn't involve exercise, so anyone who is interested in developing muscles should try something else. The Idiot Proof Diet is strictly a weight loss diet.
The Idiot Proof Diet states that you can lose 9 lbs. every 11 days you're on this diet. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble here, but that's ambitious and not all users of this diet manage to lose so much. But losing 6 lbs. every 11 days is pretty common on this diet. Sure, there are many users who lose 9 lbs. every 11 days, some even more, but not all of them.
The important thing to remember that it does take commitment. You have to follow the menu you get. It's not hard but it has to be done in order for you to succede.
Overall, the Idiot Proof Diet is what it says it is: a simple to use, reasonable diet that doens't starve you and gets you great results. I'd say that it's a great diet for people who want to lose fat fast and keep it off for a long long time.
To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days in keep it off, visit this webpage:
Idiot Proof Diet Review.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He is an advocate of safe dieting and fitness. To read more about safe diets that just plain work visit this webpage: http://squidoo.com/fatloss4idiotsdiet.
Have you heard of the calorie shifting dieting method for weight loss? You most probably have, as it is fast becoming the most popular way of weight loss today. This unique dieting method claims to achieve fast and healthy weight loss, but does it really work? This article will expose the diet, and tell you whether it is right for you.
1. What Is Calorie Shifting Like?
This method works on the fact that your body will respond by increasing its metabolism and burning more fats when you shift the calories in your diet. This means that you will be changing what you eat every day while you are on the plan. You will also not need to stop eating and starve, which will only hinder your efforts to lose weight.
2. Why Is Calorie Shifting Better Than Other Forms Of Dieting?
One of the best aspects of this diet method is that it will ensure that you will not regain the weight that you lose after the diet. Unlike many other diet plans that only give you temporary weight loss, calorie shifting allows you to keep losing more weight if you adhere to its meal plans.
On top of that, you will not be depriving your body of any necessary nutrients that are essential for your body health.
3. Should You Try The Calorie Shifting Weight Loss Method?
This is one of the best diets that I tried, because it does not make me get cravings for any types of foods, and the meal plans and eating frequencies are very easy to stick to. All the essential diet ingredients, including vegetables, fruits, proteins and carbohydrates, will be used in this diet plan. To try out calorie shifting method and start to achieve effective weight loss, visit the website link below to learn how to calculate your own meal plans and daily requirements.
Do you want to learn the real truth about calorie shifting and fat loss? See the author's review of the Top 3 Breakthrough Diet Plans discovered at http://www.review-best.com/best-weight-loss-site/fat-loss-4-idiots.htm that has helped her lose 55 pounds in total!
Staying on target is one of the most difficult parts of dieting. This is especially difficult during the holidays and when there is a special occasion. How can you stay on target with your weight loss without missing parties and other events? There are ways to lose weight and still not deprive yourself of having fun.
Setting Short Term Goals
One of the first things you want to do in order to assure weight loss is set some short-term goals for yourself. That mans don't focus on losing fifty pounds, but focus on losing something more realistic such as five pounds within the next two weeks. By setting more realistic goals for losing weight, there is less of a chance you will become frustrated and stop your dieting efforts. In order to stay on target, you must be able to see some accomplishments.
Have a Reward System
Another way to remain on target is to treat yourself when you meet your weight loss goals. That doesn't mean you go out and have ice cream or another high calorie food, but treat yourself to something tangible like a new piece of jewellery, bottle of perfume, or extra time at the spa. These are things that allow you the opportunity to reach for goals but do not encourage eating in order to achieve them. Many of us have become used to using food as a reward because our parents did it to us as a way to encourage us to do well in school, go to bed on time, or behave as we should. This early conditioning is one of the easiest ways to gain weight and develop poor eating habits.
Eat Healthy Snacks
When you are attempting to lose weight, it's important to learn to eat healthy snacks instead of sweets. That doesn't mean you will never be able to eat ice cream or cake again, but if you develop the habit of choosing snacks such as fresh fruit, raw vegetables, and other healthy snacks, you will seldom have a craving for those high calorie carbohydrates and sugars.
Instead of depriving yourself of the things you love, enjoy the occasional sweet in small amounts when you have reached or exceeded one of your weight loss goals. Anyone who has ever dieted can attest to the fact that derivation is not the way to stay on target with your weight loss. Knowing that if you lose ten pounds in a month you can enjoy a small dish of ice cream or a small slice or cake or pie gives you something to work toward. If that sounds contradictory to what I stated above that is because we are not talking about something you do all of the time. However, you do need to become accustomed to eating less sweets and more healthy snacks in order to lose weight and stay fit.
Enjoy Your Favourite Foods in Smaller Portions
Unless you eat a great deal of high calorie, high carbohydrate foods, there is no need to give up your favourite foods. The key is learning to eat smaller portions rather than depriving yourself of everything. Certainly for some people it may be necessary to completely eliminate some foods but if you are one of those people who are overweight because of eating too much, you need to cut your portions.
Many of us are pre-conditioned to think that we need to eat until we are stuffed. In order to remain healthy, we need only eat until we are satisfied. Taking longer to eat is one of the best ways to satisfy hunger without eating more than the body requires. Learning to eat less will put you on the track to permanent weight loss and help you stay on target while you are losing weight.
Mary Watson writes weight loss, diet plan, health, beauty and general well-being articles for the Slim Eazy website at http://www.slimeazy.com
Are you ready to burn your belly fat?Have you tried every all new secret solution only to fail?Stop looking for the all new super fad diet pill and exercise machine. 99% of the advertising is total crap. So what's the real solution to burn your belly fat?
Forget about celebrity diets and gym rat fads. You need to finally learn what is true and what is false. Lose your belly fat for good. It's time to learn the truth.
Abs exercises will not burn the fat off your belly. The average person has been misled and spends way too much time doing abs specific exercises. Now don't get me wrong here, your abs muscles may get stronger. That will help with protecting your back from injury. But, I'm sure what your looking for is hot abs that everyone can see. If you continue to do abs specific exercises you are most likely going to rip your shirt off at the beach only to reveal a layer of belly fat hiding your hard work.
Multi-joint exercises are the key to belly fat loss. These full body exercises of the back, legs, and chest will release the fat burning hormones within your body. A good full body workout increases your metabolic rate enough to burn fat.
So when you go to the gym have your workout planned. Do bench presses, squats, dumbbell presses, and other exercises that concentrate on the big three areas - legs, chest and back. Leave the cell phone at home and don't use gym time to socialize. You need to make your workouts intense. Maybe 30 seconds between sets and 2 minutes between exercises.
The goal of your training program should be to enable you to reach your body' potential and maintain and strengthen the most essential and functional muscle groups. What we are looking for here is functional strength. This is how you get a lean muscular body one without unnecessary bulk. Hitting the weight room twice a week for an hour can help prevent or at least slow "middle-aged spread.
Once you get the right workouts down don't forget to eat right. Feeding your body with the proper nutrients will have two results. You will not be adding anymore excess fat to your belly. And you will be giving your body the energy it needs to complete the exercises necessary to lose the belly fat you have.
Looking for the facts about how to burn belly fat? Do you want more information on workouts and nutrition facts that truly get results? Get the true belly reduction strategies at How To Burn Belly Fat Fast
You may be aware that the liver is an important organ in keeping you healthy, but many people fail to recognize the importance of the liver in weight loss. While the liver is needed to detoxify various chemicals such as alcohol and drugs, it also has critical functions in the production and/or activation of many hormones - including all of the hormones involved in your ability to burn fat. Natural weight loss is dramatically impaired if the liver is not working efficiently.
Due to chronic abuse of the liver through things like heavy alcohol use, using medications and drugs, and bad eating habits, especially an overconsumption of fats and heavy animal-based proteins, the liver can become overloaded and irritation can result. This results in an inflammatory response in the abominal cavity, which results in an accumulation of fluid (called ascites). As the retained fluids collect in the stomach area, the stomach will often begin to protrude outward, producing the appearance that is sometimes called a "beer belly". In women, the problem can get bad enough that the protruding belly makes them look pregnant when they are not. For people with this water weight deposition, weight loss can be frustrating because exercise will not "burn it off" - because it's not fat. Since natural weight loss approaches fail to get results in these situations, some people resort to diet drugs, which may work at first, but ultimately harm the liver even more and create even more abdominal water retention.
With liver-related water retention, many diet programs and weight loss aids also actually make things worse. Diets that are high in protein and fat, such as Atkin's, further overload the liver and create even more water retention. Some weight loss aids contain drugs or chemicals that the liver must process, and again, create even more liver irritation and subsequent water retention.
In addition to the water retention issue, good liver function is necessary for the proper production and/or activation of the hormones that stimulate fat burning. For instance, the liver is needed to convert the inactive form of thyroid hormone (T4) to the active form (T3). When the liver is overworked and cannot do the hormone conversions efficiently, the body cannot burn fat efficiently, no matter how much exercise you may do or what other natural weight loss steps you take.
The liver also produces a fat-burning hormone of its own, called insulin-like growth factor (IGF). IGF controls blood sugar during the relatively long-period that you go without eating during sleep. As your blood sugar level falls while you are sleeping, the liver produces IGF to burn fat reserves to mobilize stored energy. Again, if liver function is not as good as it should be, this hormone is not produced efficiently and you don't burn as much fat. The other thing that occurs is that your blood sugar will go lower than it should and you wake up in the morning feeling very fatigued and irritable.
At this point you may be wondering what steps you need to take to help improve liver function to help alleviate abdominal water retention and to help better activate your fat burning hormones to stimulate natural weight loss? To begin with, it is important to reduce the detoxification load on the liver. This means cutting back on alcohol and any unnecessary drugs and medications. If possible, I recommend avoiding alcohol and non-essential medications entirely for at least a few weeks to give the liver an opportunity to recover.
The next step is to clean up you diet to make things as easy as possible on the liver. Probably the simplest and most effective approach is to eat pretty much a vegetarian diet for 14 to 21 days, sticking to mostly fresh vegetables and fresh fruit and using beans, seeds, nuts, and nut and seed butters as your main protein sources. If you can't do that, it is advisable to at least cut out fried and greasy foods and high-fat meats for a while. The better your diet, the faster you'll lose the retained water in the abdomen and the faster you'll make real progress on losing weight.
There are various "liver de-tox" products on the market that contain some combination of herbs and/or nutrients that are reputed to be beneficial for the liver. These can be useful in more extreme cases or for those who simply aren't willing to take the dietary and other lifestyle measures just described. In my opinion, changing the diet and implementing the other natural weight loss lifestyle factors is a much more effective way to go, but using a liver detoxification product is probably better than doing nothing. Because some of these products contain herbs that can interact with certain prescription medications, it is strongly recommended that you consult with a physician or a pharmacist before using any of these products if you are on prescription drugs.
In addition to weight loss, as liver function improves, your skin usually becomes clearer and your mood and energy level will typically improve, especially in the morning. People with chronic headaches often notice that the headaches become less frequent and may go away altogether. In addition, pains in the right shoulder and shoulder blade area can be referred from the liver and some people experience relief of these pains as the health of the liver improves.
It should be noted that as the liver recovers and the body stops retaining water in the abdomen, you will typically lose weight very rapidly (it could be 5 pounds or more per day!) and you will need to urinate frequently (that's how the body gets rid of the excess water). Once the extra water is gone, the weight loss will slow down. If you continue on a natural weight loss program, a reasonable expectation after you have lost the water weight is about 1 to 2 pounds per week.
To learn more, visit Dr. Best's website on natural weight loss.
A large number of populations out there today is obese and has excess fat over the abdomen. Lot of people are self conscious about revealing their body because they think the belly fat that covers their ab muscles and is ugly, the main thing they don't realize is that the fat is not only ugly but also is a large health risk.
Excess fat over the abs is equally dangerous as the general body fat and this is clearly proven by scientific researches. The two types of abdominal fats that are present are called subcutaneous and visceral fat.
Subcutaneous lies right under the skin and on top of the abdominal muscle where as visceral lies beneath the ab muscle and surrounding the organs in a deeper level and is also the reason for the beer belly in lot of men.
Although both subcutaneous and visceral are serious health risks, visceral is more hazardous than subcutaneous. Forms of risks related to both fats are:
-Various forms of Cancer
-Sleep apnea
-High blood pressure
-Heart disease
-Other degenerative disease
Visceral is comparatively more dangerous is because it seemingly releases extra inflammatory molecules into the body on a regular occasion.
Reducing your abdominal fat should be your main priority if you care about yours and your loved ones quality of life! And you just have no other option. Losing your abdominal fat will not only flatten your stomach but also if you lose it enough you will actually see those hot six packs of abs.
Do I have your attention now?
Most importantly you must know that there is just:
-No quick fix resolution
-No pill/supplements of any kind, which will make your fat, go faster.
-No gimmicks such as ab rockers, rollers, ab belts, etc. will help it go either.
-It simply does not happen that way.
-The only way to lose that abdominal fat is combining:
Proper nutritious natural diet [unprocessed foods]
Strategically designed exercise programs [stimulates the essential hormonal and metabolic reaction within the body].
Studies also show that diet & exercise combination proved to be more effective than just diet in terms of abdominal fat reduction.
It's very important to know that to activate the loss of that tight abdominal fat just getting into a good exercise routine is not enough, it also gets boring doing the same. Even adding some occasional crunches, outdated weights training, or side bends won't do any good either. Then they start wondering what's going wrong as they have been doing this for weeks and months with no results.
To cut the stress of finding what the right way of getting is it done there are programs like 'Truth about abs' and 'turbulence training' from experts like Mike Geary and Craig Balentyne in the market to give you the proper direction.
Lots of people have good intentions at first to adopt a new lifestyle, yet they fail in their fitness goals a few weeks or months later by abandoning their good intentions and relax back into their previous habits which got them into that body fat situation in the first place.
If you are aiming at fast weight loss there is only one way to go. To get rid of excessive fat you will need to do 2 things. 1) You need to go on a proven fat burning diet and 2) Exercise in a way that improves the result of the diet.
Choosing diet isn't that hard. You should pursue a calorie shifting diet that will boost your metabolism into burning fat like never before. During the first cycle of dieting it is quite possible to lose 10 pounds in 7 days. The result of the diet comes from many factors and the more you initially weigh the more you will lose. This is because your insulin levels will stabilize and you will lose some water weight. Shifting calories according to a certain scheme will increase your metabolism and have it going at full speed ahead meaning that it will open up your fat cells and release a lot of the fat.
Choosing exercise program is a bit more difficult. You want to lose weight so if you do too much weight lifting you'll gain muscle and weight. On the contrary, if you do too little weight lifting you will lose muscle mass and we don't want that either.
I found that combining cardio-exercising and weight lifting was a great way. I have a free program over at my site. Look below for link. This program is built to burn fat and it burns fat all day and all night. The program should be done about 2-3 times per week. If money isn't an object you should try Turbulence Training as this is a full program.
Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and meanwhile she has finished reading 'Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle' and she is implementing what she learned into daily activities.
She made a mini-site that gives examples of diets, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!
If you are interested in learning more about the calorie-shifting method, please please Click Here!
If you are looking into ways of how you can become fitter or how you can lose weight, this article may be of interest to you. It gives information and advice to help people to successfully lose weight and more importantly to keep this weight off in the long term.
I have had many issues with my own weight and have tried many different weight loss programs and diets. I have lost weight but then after only a short period of time, I would put all of the weight back on again.
A few years ago, I decided to try to reduce the amount I weighed yet again, but was determined that this time the fat would stay off. I had read many books on the subject of fitness and dieting and decided to follow some of the advice which I had learnt.
I wrote down all of the reasons I was trying to lose the excess fat. This is very important as it would be a constant reminder of what I am attempting to achieve and also about why I am attempting to achieve it. It would give me a huge motivation to stick to my weight loss plan. I would advise anybody who is also looking to lose weight to write a similar list as it proved to be very beneficial to me.
On my list I wrote about how I wanted to look and feel stronger and fitter. This I believed would help my self-confidence and self-esteem which were always fairly low. I had had enough of feeling ashamed of my weight and fat belly. I wanted to walk down the street feeling proud and assured.
I wanted to lose weight to avoid all the health problems that being obese can cause, as people become older. I am not sure about you but I rarely see a fat person who is in their seventies or eighties. I am hoping to live until a ripe old age and enjoy my retirement.
Next on my list was about the clothes I wear. Basically I am not able to buy the clothes I really want to as they do not really suit a person of my build. I often look at other people and am impressed with their clothes but then realise that they are a lot of thinner than I am. The clothes may look impressive on them but would not look the same if I wore them.
I also wanted to lose weight in order for me to look more attractive to members of the opposite sex. Being overweight I am sure has a bearing as to why I have not exactly been a stud in my life, well it is my excuse anyway.
The last reason on my list was about my general level of fitness. I love playing football and was a regular in the school football team. That was years ago, when ever I had played recently before writing this list, I had been out of breath after only about fifteen minutes. This was quite a shock for me and made playing the game far less fun and enjoyable. I wrote about how I would love to regain my fitness so that I could participate in this and other sports.
Once I had written my list, I would then read it on regular occasions and it would help me to keep motivated. I am not saying it was an easy road, however I eventually managed to obtain a weight that I was happy with. I am pleased to let you know that I have also been successful in keeping the weight off this time around.
In conclusion, if you are thinking about or hoping to lose some weight, I would recommend you to write a list of reasons why you are doing it. Keep these ideas in mind and if you start to be tempted by that fatty food, quickly read your list to remind you why you should ignore your temptations. Good luck.
Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including: