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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Trying To Lose Weight With Maximum Fat Loss? Here Are 3 Rules to Help You Lose Fat Easily

No one said that losing weight is very simple; if someone did then they have plainly lied to you! Weight Loss and Maximum Fat Loss involves making enormous changes in your lifestyle patterns, one of them being your diet. However, in the long run, you should focus not on your diet, but on the amount of calories you are actually storing inside yourself. You can get this amount by deducting the amount of your calorie intake from the amount of calories you burn off doing exercises. In this article I will tell you three surefire ways to put a check on your calorie intake in order to obtain maximum fat loss.

Rule #1 - Break up your large meal: The number one mistake that most overweight people make is that of eating a large meal at dinner time and then going hungry throughout the day. This will do you more harm than good and before you even know it, it will sabotage all your weight loss efforts. A far better option is to break up that large meal into several smaller meals and eat each small meal every couple of hours. Make sure that the gap between two meals is not too long, as starving can slow down your metabolic rate and as you might know, the slower your metabolic rate, the longer it will take for you to lose weight.

Rule #2 - Say 'No' To Beverages: Barring a few, most beverages are high on calorie count. You should never drink fizzy drinks or sodas or even fruit juices, not just because they won't help satiate your diet in any way, but more importantly, they will make you a lot fatter. You should replace those beverages with water, as water can actually help you lose weight! If you need more flavor than plain water, go ahead and squeeze in some fresh lemon, lime, or even an orange.

Rule #3 - Don't deprive yourself: Some weight loss experts would suggest that if you really want to shed the pounds, you will need to forget about the 'forbidden foods' that have made you overweight. What these experts fail to realize is that it is near impossible to forget about those tasty foods that we used to eat once. If you deprive yourself totally from these delicious foods, sooner or later you will cheat and munch on them. So it is far better to include a few of these 'forbidden foods' in your diet. Of course, you should eat these foods in small quantities, just to satiate your mind.

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Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 9:30 PM |

Weight Loss Tips - Never Skip Breakfast To Lose Weight!

A weight loss regimen does not have to be the ordeal that it is made out to be. The process of reducing unwanted body fat can turn out to be a positively encouraging endeavor that helps you continue on the path to greater vitality and health.

Many people in the hope of achieving fast weight loss, resort to extreme measures, such as skipping breakfast. It is totally a wrong notion that not eating breakfast can make you thinner sooner.

The first meal of the day is very important as it sets the tone for the rest of the day. The next meal, in terms of importance, is lunch. Studies have shown that people, who on a daily basis, consume at least half of their total daily calories in the first two meals, stay slimmer and trimmer.

Skipping breakfast triggers off the "starvation response," and slows down the metabolism. This also may be a contributing factor to calories being stored as fat, which is what you are trying to avoid in the first place.

Eating early is the key to good health. This keeps the energy levels up throughout the rest of the day, but try not to eat three hours before bedtime, as these calories are mostly stored as fat. Another disadvantage of eating very late in the day is the difficulty in waking up in the morning.

Achieving weight loss, even quick weight loss, is possible while eating all the meals. You only need to do it the right way.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, visit

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 9:25 PM |

Try These Easy Weight Loss Tips

Whether you have a little or a lot of weight to lose, it can seem daunting. Nowadays, we are inundated with stories of people who lose weight and gain it back again, or who find it difficult to lose weight at all. Over time, it's easy to become convinced that weight loss just isn't going to happen for you, or that it will require a total change of lifestyle. This just isn't true, as these easy weight loss tips will prove.

Weight loss tip #1: Keeping in mind that society is geared toward large portion size and getting more for your money, simply divide all the portions you've been eating (especially those you eat out) in half. See how it feels to just eat half a restaurant meal, then stop. Have the rest packed up for lunch the next day. Chances are, you won't be hungry after eating half the meal, but if you are, eat another quarter. Then have the rest packed up. You're not depriving yourself - a generation ago, the half- or three-quarter meal you end up eating is more or less the same amount of food as a full meal you would have been served a generation ago. Even cookies and muffins that you buy to go have been supersized - again, eat half.

Weight loss tip #2: Walk as much as possible. Get in the habit. It's great to go to the gym and work out, but in its own way, 'built-in' exercise is even better. It requires no special equipment, you don't have to schedule time for it - you just do it as a matter of course. Remember, until cars became commonplace, walking is how most people got around most of the time. In many European cities, they still do. And people who do this are seldom overweight - go figure!

Weight loss tip #3: Eat real food. In other words, avoid boxes and cans, and eat things that are in their natural form - or as close to it as possible. In the supermarket, shop around the edges - the meat and produce - and avoid the inside aisles. Preparing 'real' food might be a bit more work, but it's very rewarding, and much healthier.

These are not very 'high powered' weight loss tips - you won't lose a pound a day, or whatever the leading programs claim. These are healthy, enjoyable changes that are meant to last a lifetime - and over time, you will lose weight. What's more, your weight loss will be gradual and safe, and you'll keep the weight off permanently.

If you're serious about losing weight, you can make your battle much, much easier. Hoodia Gordonii reduces your appetite so that you do not over eat.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 6:17 PM |

Manipulating Fat Burning Hormones Leads to Weight Loss

Diets often fail or leave you flabby because most diet plans are designed to burn either protein or carbohydrate calories, while ignoring fat tissue. By simply consuming foods that manipulate the production of insulin, your body can double the number of fat burning calories it gets rid of, leaving you with much more lean muscle mass.

Insulin is a hormone released into the bloodstream after every meal. Its job is to transport newly eaten calories into the muscle cells, so that these calories are converted into energy. However, when too much insulin is released into the bloodstream and too many calories are transported into the muscle cells, the body begins to transport these extra calories into the fat cells. They are now stored as fat tissue. This results in flab. The more insulin that gets released after each mean, the fatter you will be. Likewise, the less insulin, the more fat you will burn and the thinner you become.

The secret is in adopting a diet that contains food which will minimize the release of insulin into the blood stream after each meal so that insulin levels stay low and do not become stored as fat tissue. If you are careful to do this, then you will find losing weight and weight maintenance much more effective.

To learn more about the connection between insulin and weight loss find more information at The Insulin and Weight Loss Connection Website For free diet tips, check out the very popular website,

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 6:12 PM |

Exercise And Weight Loss

While the majority of people recognize that exercise is necessary to effective natural weight loss, many are uncertain as to what kind of exercise they should do to get the best results. Many exercise experts disagree on what kind of exercise is best. This disagreement seems to stem from a lack of complete information regarding exercise physiology coupled with the fact that different people actually have different needs when it comes to exercise.

Let's begin with what the current research on exercise physiology tells us. It is well-established that it takes approximately 30 minutes of any kind of exercise for the body to burn off its glycogen (stored sugar) reserves and begin burning fat. Because of this, many experts will recommend half an hour to an hour of exercise to produce a good amount of weight loss. Now, if you are going to be exercising for 30 to 60 minutes, or maybe more, what type of exercise would you be able to do for that length of time? It probably would have to be low to medium intensity. In other words, you're probably not going to be able to run full speed or do any other type of high-intensity exercise for 30 to 60 minutes without a rest, unless you happen to be an elite athlete, and even then you'd be struggling. So, by default, the common recommendation for exercise to lose weight has been 30 to 60 minutes of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise. Aerobic translates to "in the presence of oxygen", which in common language means that aerobic exercise is any type of activity that you can do without gasping for breath.

In recent years, some experts have changed their recommendations to using a more intense anaerobic ("without oxygen") exercise program for weight loss. This would include things like intense weight lifting, and something called "interval training". Interval training involves brief bursts of high intensity activity with periods of rest or low intensity activity in between. For example, you might run full out for 30 seconds or a minute and then walk for a minute or two until you catch your breath and then run again full out for 30 seconds to a minute, walk again, etc.. Because this kind of workout is much more strenuous, it is performed over a much shorter period of total exercise time - about 20 to 40 minutes (at least half of which is rest time), as compared to half an hour to an hour of non-stop exercise as is recommended with low to medium intensity aerobic workouts. But how do the two types of exercise stack up when it comes to fat burning?

The aerobic exercise promoters point to the research that was mentioned earlier that has shown that any exercise, no matter how intense requires at least 30 minutes to use up the body's stored glycogen (the body will normally burn glycogen before it will burn fat) before fat burning can begin. So, they say, short periods of even highly intense exercise won't burn much fat and is therefore not a good choice for promoting weight loss. But they are only seeing part of the story.

It is true that you must exercise for at least 30 minutes to begin to achieve fat burning - but that's at the time you are exercising. Brief bursts of intense anaerobic exercise does something that even quite a lot of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise does not. Intense anaerobic exercise stimulates the production of growth hormone, which is a strong stimulator of fat burning. The thing is, the release of growth hormone triggered by intense anaerobic exercise comes 24 to 48 hours AFTER the exercise, and then it produces considerably more fat burning than is possible with all but extremely long periods of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise.

Because of this effect, most people will lose weight much more easily by doing shorter periods of more intense exercise. 20 to 40 minutes of heavy weightlifting, interval training (which could be done on foot, on a bicycle, swimming, kickboxing, etc.) , wind sprints, soccer, basketball, or any other activity with quick bursts of high intensity with periods of rest or low intensity activity in between is typically much more effective in the long run for weight loss than even hours of aerobic activity.

Now, you'll notice that I said "most people". There is an exception to the rule. Anyone who is seriously emotionally or physically stressed in his or her daily life is prone to overstimulated adrenal glands. The adrenal glands do a lot of things in the body, but with regards to weight loss, they produce two hormones. Cortisol is one of the hormones, and it stimulates fat storage in the lower abdominal area. This is typically a saggy, pendulous fat held below the waistline. The other hormone the adrenals produce is adrenaline (also called epinephrine), which actually promotes fat burning. Since the adrenals produce cortisol which causes fat deposition and adrenaline which promotes fat burning, you might assume that these two hormones cancel each other out. Unfortunately, cortisol production can be carried out by a much longer time by the adrenal glands than can the production of adrenaline, so long-term, the effects of high cortisol production (deposition of fat in the lower belly), will overcome whatever fat burning might occur from the short-term adrenaline production.

The adrenals are influenced by physical stress as well as mental stress, so for someone who is under a lot of stress in general in his or her life, high-intensity exercise will only add to the total stress and will tend to make the adrenals produce a lot of cortisol, and therefore will tend to promote lower abdomen weight gain. That's right - the wrong kind of exercise in this situation can cause weight gain! This can result in the frustrating situation in which one exercises more and more and harder and harder to try to get rid of that lower abdomen stomach "pooch", but never can seem to get rid of it. Due to the fact that the intense exercise is causing even more cortisol to be produced, their efforts are counterproductive. Because of this effect, it is recommended that people under a lot of stress and/or who have most of their weight held in the lower abdomen stick to relatively low intensity aerobic exercise. This kind of activity is usually helpful for controlling stress and reducing the level of cortisol, thereby making it easier to get rid of the deposition of fat around the lower abdomen.

I hope that this article has given you a better concept of how to maximize your exercise routine for the best possible weight loss results.

Dr. George Best is a holistic healthcare provider in San Antonio, Texas. He provides information on natural weight loss through his website and is a consultant for He can be reached at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 3:03 PM |

How To Lose Weight Naturally

Losing weight naturally is the best possible way to shed those unwanted extra pounds.

Here are some tips for natural weight loss:

Only eat when you are hungry. This sounds so basic it's crazy. But most of us eat when we "should" eat. Breakfast, lunch, evening meal, coffee break snacks, and so on. Next time you decide to eat because your watch tells you to, double check and see whether you're really feeling hungry.

Only eat what you need. Too often, we go onto autopilot and finish everything in front of us. Even though we were satiated long before. Start listening to your body. As soon as you start to feel full, it's time to stop. OK, you may sometimes take a few more mouthfuls before finally listening to the signals being sent out by your body, but that's better than finishing another plateful plus dessert and that tempting chocolate next to the coffee.

Don't put any foods "off limits". No matter what the diet books and the government tells you. They'll only become more and more tempting. That chocolate cake will start to chant to you like the sirens sang to Odysseus. And eventually you'll give in and eat more (likely much more) than you would have eaten if you'd just had a small bite or two when the temptation first raised it's ugly head. Far better to have the occasional treat and make food exciting than to face yet another salad without the dressing.

Drink plenty of water. Again, some diets will suggest that you eat foods that are natural diuretics. These are great for the satisfaction of losing pounds fast. But in reality, all you're doing is losing water from your body. We need water. We need to keep hydrated. So keep drinking water. Ideally just regular, neat water. Tap or filtered. If that's too boring, add a slice of lemon or a twist of lime or a squeeze of orange juice. But keep your caffeine consumption down (without making it more tempting by putting it off limits).

Find out more about natural weight loss and make sure that you claim your Secrets Of Successful Weight Loss report.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 2:57 PM |

Do I Really Need Surgery For Weight Loss?

Each person who considers bariatric weight-loss surgery will have unique circumstances and concerns. We are, after all, a world of individuals. But with that being said, there are certain frequently asked questions about bariatric surgery that many patients ask, and it will help you to understand the answers to these common questions.

Is surgery the only option for you, in terms of increasing your health and losing weight? Of course not. There are other options to consider as well, such as the all-important lifestyle changes of eating better and being more active. But for some patients who are morbidly obese, surgery may be the only option to get them on the right track.

But there's the rub. While bariatric surgery used to be reserved for these types of patients -- patients who would otherwise die from their weight conditions -- it now seems to be "in style." You hear about weight loss surgery on the news a lot more these days, and the number of surgical procedures has skyrocketed in recent years.

Here's what you need to remember. Despite all the glossy bariatric brochures with happy, skinny models smiling back at you, this is still surgery we are talking about here. And it has very real risks associated with it. So you should consider other non-surgical options as a matter of course.

Lifestyle Changes Still Required

Here's another thing that many people don't realize about weight loss surgery. Even with the surgery, you still have to change the behavior that led to the overweight condition in the first place. In other words, you have to make lifestyle changes.

So if you have to make those changes anyway, even with surgical intervention, why not start by making those changes first. See what you can accomplish without surgery. Need some serious motivation? How about this. The cost of bariatric surgery runs anywhere from $10,000 to $40,000, and insurance doesn't always cover it. The risks associated with these procedures range from vitamin deficiency to death.

If those two facts don't motivate you to change your lifestyle for the better, then how can you expect surgery to be a magical cure?

Brandon Cornett is the publisher of Bariatric Learning Center, an educational website that covers all aspects of this topic, from bariatric vitamins to surgery criteria and beyond. Learn more by visiting

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 11:49 AM |

Wedding And Rapid Weight Loss - How Realistic Is It?

Since I've lost a good bit of weight in anticipation of my wedding day, I'm often asked by fellow brides to be how much weight they can lose and how fast. I can only go by my own experiences and my research for my own weight loss, but here is my opinion on the issue.

Like everything else with a wedding, your appearance and weight is going to take a bit of planning. I am on a very effective weight loss plan (medifast) and there has not been any week on this plan where I haven't lost weight. However, I knew I was not going to lose all of the weight overnight.

Medifast states that the typical weight loss is 2-3 pounds per week. However, with adding a bit of exercise and toning, I have been able to beat this estimate quite a bit. I do believe though that this is a realistic estimate of any effective weight loss plan if you're not going to add exercise.

So you'll need to use this estimate as a bottom baseline and know that you can expect more if you're willing to add in exercise. I have found that power walking and effective targeted toning has really enhanced my body shape. In looking around and researching, I've learned that a toned body will look 10-15 pounds thinner than an un toned body of the same weight. In that way, being toned is every bit as important as weight loss. That said, if you're not at a weight where you can see the shape of your body and muscles, you'll need to lose a bit of weight to show off your newly toned muscles, as most bridal gowns are cut to focus on your shape.

Also, I have promised myself to take the time to lose the weight correctly. We've all been or seen women on crash diets and can't help but notice the sunken eyes, clammy skin, and dry hair that losing weight the wrong way can bring. Every bride's ultimate goal is to look her best on her wedding day. If you look sick because you've crash dieted and lost weight the wrong way, you are probably not going to look your best.

Medifast has offered me steady, drastic weight loss but never have I felt it was unsafe and never have I felt faint, weak or hungry. I eat six times per day on medifast so I know I am getting what I need to nourish my body during the stressful time of planning and anticipating my wedding.

I'm going to comfortably fit into my size 4 wedding dress, but I didn't get here overnight. I've stuck to my diet plan and committed to exercise. My best advice to anyone would be to find a sensible plan you can stick with and be willing to move a bit more to kick up the speed of your weight loss. Hope this helped and have a great wedding.

Lindsey Price has lost 50 pounds in anticipation of her wedding. Click here to visit her "Lose Weight For Your Wedding website" at she shares how she lost so much weight safely.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 11:43 AM |

Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast - 2 Surefire Habits

Looking for easy ways to lose weight fast? Losing weight is actually not very easy but that does not mean it cannot be easy. What you ought to embark is a journey of change. Total change perhaps on your lifestyle is probably the most important thing.

The reason why you are gaining weight fast like rising water from a flooded riverbank is because of your dietary lifestyle. If you do not decrease the amount of food intake or calories you consume, you will continue to grow and one day overflow with health problems.

Habits die hard some say but if you want to have easy ways to lose weight fast, you have to actually put your desire into much-needed action.

Here are 2 surefire habits you can undertake to help you undergo change.

Habit #1 - Stop Drinking Unhealthy Drinks

That does rhyme doesn't it? If you have been consuming fizzy drinks, sodas, juices of sorts and alcohol, you are actually promoting the act of gaining unhealthy weight. These mouth-watering beverages contain large amounts of sugar and calories which adds to your daily intake from the food you eat.

Start changing to normal plain water instead. While it may not taste sweet or sour or carbonated, it helps you lose weight by not adding calories to your body and it helps you cleanse your body of toxics as well. Call that a 2-in-1 benefit. If you really need to have flavoring, a tiny addition of fresh lime or lemon should do the trick.

Habit #2 - Stop Eating Big Meals At One Go

Perhaps you may think that you'd rather have a big lunch and forsake your dinner and go to sleep hungry. This is harmful to any process of losing weight as you lose your metabolism when you are hungry and your metabolism plays a huge role in reducing your weight. The higher it is the better. What you need to change is to have more meals a day but having small portions each time. Some experts say having 6 small meals a day is crucial to balancing your metabolism.

Break down your meals and focus on quality food enriched with high fiber so that you take small amounts yet you do not feel hungry easily. By embracing change and practicing these 2 habits makes them easy ways to lose weight fast for you.

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Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 8:35 AM |

Weight Loss Truths - Calorie Restriction is the Key to Weight Loss Success

All successful weight loss programs rely on one common denominator; calorie restriction.

What is calorie restriction? Calorie restriction is an effort to reduce the amount of calories one consumes in order for the body to achieve a negative energy balance. This is simply a person reducing food consumption to the point that they are burning more energy than they are consuming. The body is then forced to use stored fuel (muscle tissue, glycogen and body fat) in order to survive. The burning of these stored fuels is cause of the weight loss phenomenon.

How does a person achieve this negative energy balance through calorie restriction? First a person must have an idea on what a calorie is. A calorie is a measure of heat. Food is the fuel our body needs to generate heat. If the body is not getting enough fuel from food consumption then the fuel must be found elsewhere. That fuel is found in our body fat.

The best analogy for this process is gasoline and an automobile. Cars run on gasoline. Without gasoline, a car is useless. We drive our car and fill up with gasoline when we are getting low on fuel.

What would happen if we put 18 gallons on gas in our car if we only burned 16 gallons? We would have extra gas left over. That extra gas has to go somewhere so it goes into storage for when we only have 14 gallons available but we need 16 gallons.

What would happen if we never tapped into our gas reserves? The surplus would keep growing and growing causing a need for larger storage tanks.

The human body works in the exact same way. The surplus fuel (food) is turned into stored energy (body fat) and the only way to reduce how much fuel is stored in reserve is to limit new consumption of fuel (food). This is the only way that the human body can body fat. A caloric deficit must be established so stored energy (body fat) can be burned to keep us alive.

How is a calorie deficit achieved? The simplest answer is to eat a fewer number of calories then it takes to fuel your basal metabolic rate. The BMR (basal metabolic rate) is the measure of energy a person needs to subsist. People can figure out their BMR by using any of the numerous BMR calculators that can be found online.

Once the BMR is calculated a person can then have a goal to shot for. If the BMR is 2500 calories a day, they a person should shoot to try to eat fewer the 2500 calories a day for a consistent period of time.

How can a person effectively create a caloric deficit? Part 2 of this article will address this issue.

W.S. Evans (Bill) is one of the millions of people who have battled a life long weight problem. Bill has a passion for helping others battle their weight problems by sharing what he has learned with his struggles with obesity. Bill's struggle can be viewed on his blog called "My next 60 pounds". Bill's blog can be found at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 8:29 AM |

Hypnosis For Weight Loss - Seriously?

As you may know, obesity is at an all time high in the US, and people with weight problems are constantly looking for a way to lose weight quickly and safely. In other words people want a simple answer to a complex situation. While hypnosis can be simple, many people are unaware of it's benefits. Self hypnosis can change a person's thought process when a person truly wants to change for the better.

Hypnosis equips users with the proper thought process to lose the weight on their own by eating in a much healthier manner. Today, people can pay to go to a qualified hypnotist, or they can take advantage of various self hypnosis options available online, such as the popular Mind-Optimizer programs, which are not only proven just as effective, but can be used in the convenience of your home.

Hypnosis for weight loss can effectively provide a person with the motivation that they need to maintain a healthy diet and stay on track. Hypnosis is a way to retrain the subconscious mind, by focusing on the part of the mind that is responsible for cravings and impulses. The fact that you need to be aware of is that hypnosis will not cause anyone to lose weight but rather it will equip one with the tools to lose weight on their own without struggling each and every step of the way.

Hypnosis can help change the way that your mind thinks in terms of weight loss and change the factors that have caused prior weight loss attempts to fail. Consider why most diets fail and you will see that in most cases it is because the person is not in the right mind frame to do so. Literally, their mouths have stated that they want to lose weight but their actions show something else entirely. Some people have even gone to great lengths to go to the grocery store and purchase all of the right things to eat while on a diet but still cannot pass up that Twinkie or that cheeseburger. This is because they are letting their conscious mind overtake their subconscious mind.

During hypnosis, as the conscious mind is pushed aside for a bit, the subconscious mind can be suggestively spoken to. This will help the next time that you reach for that Twinkie or that cheeseburger. While before hypnosis, you may not have had the inner strength to let your subconscious win, you will now have much more strength to make the correct choices. For example, let's assume you are out with a friend for lunch and she orders the most deliciously rich high calorie dish while while you opt for a salad and an iced tea with Splenda. Of course, it is normal to feel a bit envious for a moment, but not enough to switch your order. This is the strength of the power of suggestion.

Studies have shown that regardless of the diet of choice, one in four people who go on a diet actually stick to it. It does not matter which diet it is, everything depends on your ability to follow through with whichever diet that you choose.

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Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 5:20 AM |

How To Follow Your Most Cost Effective Weight Loss System?

Even if you have researched the most effective weight loss system. The most important part towards achieving your goal of weight loss is taking your first successful step towards your goal.

If until now you were not taking your doing something then you need to take your first step towards your goal of weight loss.

Here I am listing my top 3 strategies which I use personally.

1. What other's will think strategy

Imagine yourself slimmer in view of others like your husband or wife. Imagine that they are telling you that you are looking good these days. Be an example for your family members or your children. Tell yourself that you will look good so that your friends and relatives can proud of you. You can share your weight loss target with dates and pounds.

2. Do it for yourself strategy

Even you know that you are doing for yourself, It will be very beneficial for you use a factor of your liking to motivate yourself to get your weight loss goal. You can attach anything of your most valued wish like having a beautiful girlfriend or a handsome boyfriend.

3. Competition strategy

If you know any friend or relative who is also suffering from this same problem and he or she also have the same goal as you have of weight loss then you can use competition in your advantage. Share your weight loss system with him or her and your own goal and have a competition with him or her. You should also share your progress with him or her and if you are making more progress than your competitor then you will feel like motivated and achieve your goal with ease and if you are behind your competitor then learn from him or her, what they have done better than you. It is definitely a win-win situation for you and your friend.

However, In this method as per my experience you should stick to only 2 to 3 members for competition.

Wishing You success,

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Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 5:15 AM |

Weight Loss Surgery - Possible Complications and Risks

Any type of surgery comes with a certain degree of risk, and weight loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery) is no different. But what are the potential complications of weight loss surgery, and how common are they? We will attempt to answer these questions here.

What is Weight Loss Surgery?
Before we talk about the possible complications of weight loss surgery, we need to define what this type of surgery entails, just so we are on the same page. Simply stated, bariatric surgery and weight loss surgery both refer to the same thing -- various types of surgery intended to help obese patients lose weight.

In her book The Patients Guide to Weight Loss Surgery, author April Hochstrasser defines bariatric surgery as "surgery on the stomach and/or intestines to help people lose weight by altering the normal digestive process."

Complications of Weight Loss Surgery
The complications associated with weight loss surgery vary, based on the type of surgery being performed. And, of course, the potential risks and complications of general surgery apply here as well.

Potential complications of general surgery:

Potential complications of weight loss surgery:

The major risks of weight loss surgery:

According to the University of Iowa report "Mortality in Obesity Surgery," the majority of patients who die within a month of weight loss surgery suffer one of the three major complications above.

* You may republish this article online if you retain the author's byline and the active hyperlinks below.

Learn More
Brandon Cornett is the publisher of the Bariatric Learning Center. To learn more about the possible complications of bariatric surgery, and much more on this topic, visit the Learning Center at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 2:07 AM |

How To Reach Weight Loss Goal

The very first thing is to adopt a healthier diet. Notice that I did not say dieting. If you are to succeed in your weight loss efforts it is important to make lifestyle changes. Decide what you are going to eat. Plan ahead and stick with it.

Whatever you do, don't give up. You fail only when you quit. Most of us do no succeed the first time. Persistence alone is omnipotent. Nothing else comes close including talent and intelligence.

Keep in mind that diet and exercise a two halves of one coin. If either one is missing from the equation you lessen your chances for success. You can exercise until the cows come home, but if you are consuming the wrong foods it is likely that you will not experience any dramatic changes. Likewise, without exercise you will burn muscle instead of fat. Keep in mind that aerobic exercise burns fat. If you starve yourself you will be burning muscle.

The most important factor for healthy weight loss is consistency. Skipping your meals or missing your physical activity will slow down your progress. You have to ask yourself how much do you want this? Create a good, solid program and stick with it. Keep in mind that you will get out of it only what you put into it.

The most important thing that we can do is to eat a health diet. Almost no one comes close to eating a healthy diet. When you concentrate on eating healthy, natural foods and have a regular physical activity routine, weight loss will be effortless.

Before you begin you should know that there are certain diet myths that should be dispelled.

Many fad diets suggest that certain food groups should be eliminated. The truth is that you need a balance diet that supplies you with all the nutrients that keeps you healthy. The core of your diet should be built around whole grains, vegetables, beans, fruit, nuts and seeds. This type of diet will strengthen your body, create health and vitality.

Another myth is that you have to eat meat to get your protein. Grains, nuts, oil, legumes and fermented soy products contain complete proteins. The protein in meat is actually incomplete. Both meat and dairy products are high in sodium and fat. This makes weight loss difficult.

If you have any doubts, consider for example the cow. A cow weighs anywhere from 1,100 to 1,600 pounds. It is made up of protein and fat. Yet a cow eats only grass, which is a complex carbohydrate. Somehow it is able to manufacture everything that it needs from this simple food.

Another popular myth is that you have to eliminate fat from your diet in order to lose weight. The truth is that you need good quality fat in your diet. It is perfectly okay to cook with good quality oil, but avoid deep fried foods.

Finally the biggest misconception of all, you have to starve yourself to lose weight. The truth is that if you eat natural foods there is no need to go hungry. There is a transition period in the beginning and it will take a little while for your body to adjust. You will discover that natural foods taste better and are more fulfilling than commercial, processed foods.

So there you have it, some very practical pointer on how to reach your weight goal. Just focus and take action. Before you know it you will be healthier, feel better and of course, you will have lost weight.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

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Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 2:02 AM |

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