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Sunday, May 25, 2008

5 Super Weight Loss Tips For Beginners

There are many theories in the world on how you can lose weight easily. 90% of people who haven't got any problems with genes, maintain fit body if they exercise regularly. Same amount of people don't exercise regularly and the quickly gain weight they wanted to lose and they gain even more weight. In both cases if you are a person who wants to lose weight quicker and easier I recommend to read these five, free weight loss tips.

Weight loss tip number one: Choose your food carefully. A lot of people go to gym, work very hard but they don't care about their diet. They eat same amount of food whey they weren't aware that they are overweight and that is why they don't achieve the results they want. Did you know, that if you want to lose one kilogram in a week, you have to reduce your weekly calorie intake by 9000 calories! Even tho, scientists and doctors recommend that a person shouldn't lose more than one kilogram per week, half of a kilogram a week is a great achievement!

You should note that you should not eat less, but you should eat healthy food.

Weight loss tip number two: Do aerobic exercises. When you will do aerobic exercises, you will achieve your results quicker. Aerobic training is the simplest way to get rid of unwanted calories. If you want to lose weight for ever, you should combine weight loss tip number one and two and do them all the time!

Weight loss tips number three: Be patient. You won't have a six pack in two days time. Everything requires time. Trees don't reach their full height in a day. Yes, I am not saying that there aren't ways how you could speed up your weight loss, but anyway like I sad before, everything requires some time.

Weight loss tip number four: Don't forget about anaerobic exercises. If you add some weight training exercises into your weight loss program. Bodybuilding and weight loss are part of the same thing - improving your body and they are related to each other very strongly. Naturally if you do some bodybuilding, you will lose weight and this process will make your program more effective!

Weight loss tip number five: Exercise in the morning. There is one fact you should know. After training your metabolism increases and it stays the same for the next twelve hours after exercise! If you will to exercises in the morning, you will burn more calories during the day. The main mistake all people do is that they exercise the evening then their metabolism is increased without no reason. During the next twelve hours people will sleep.

You should remember that you are responsible for everything. To achieve the most you have to do everything regularly and by doing so, soon you will see how your body shape is improving!

Was this article useful? Are you looking for more information on how you can improve your weight loss plan, especially if you just started to lose weight? Go to my web site and find out how I've lost 10 pounds in 7 seven days and how I can help YOU do the same. Sign up for free e-course at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 11:58 PM |

Create an Effective Weight Loss Plan - Four Steps to Success

There are many characteristics of an effective weight loss plan. One of them is that these plans should be built with practical thinking. Before you even start to create your weight loss plan you must have a vision of the end result of your weight loss efforts. In other words you must know why you want to lose weight. While it can be confusing and very overwhelming to build your own weight loss plan, take a look at these four suggestions to help you get some direction and get started with your own plan right away.

Step 1

As mentioned in the last paragraph, you need a vision as to what the pay off for your weight loss efforts will be. So ask yourself why you want to lose weight. Many people have many different reasons to lose weight. What are your reasons to lose weight? Do you want to lose weight to fit into normal clothes again? Maybe you don't want to be the "fat parent of the town" any more. Or maybe you just want to look good and feel good about yourself. What ever the reason, write it down. Once you have the end result in mind then you can go to the next step.

Step 2

The next step is to define the goal you want to accomplish. The goal should be realistic but you should work for it so you can keep focusing on making an effort. For example, losing 2 lbs in 1 month is way too easy. However, if you want to lose 10 lbs in the next month, that is a good goal where you will need to work for it throughout the month. Plus at the same time the goal is obtainable. Another good goal to have is to eat clean for 6 days during the next week.

Step 3

Now that you have a goal defined, you need to create a plan to reach your goal. First off, your plan needs to be a workable plan that you can stick with. For example, planning to go to the gym twice a day when you work 10 hours a day is not doable. However, you make be able to get to the gym 3 times the following week. Here are some suggestions to help you with your plan.

Eat smaller portions of food. While easier said than done, it's very possible. If you eat every three hours, it will be much easier and you'll be less hungry. So you plan to eat 5 small meals, every 3 hours for 6 days this week.

Eat healthier foods. The best approach is to cut out the fast foods, eat foods with no sugar and cut out the fast foods. Make sure you eat healthy foods that you like or it will be a very tough rule to follow. So your plan should include a menu for each day of the week.

Start exercising. Exercising helps compliment your diet by burning extra calories by building muscle. The best way to build muscle is through weight training. Try making it a habit to work out 2-3 times a week. As a reminder, make sure you can schedule these workouts so you can stick to these workouts. If you need to really simplify things at first, find a way to start walking every day.

Step 4

The last step of an effective weight loss plan is to start executing the plan. Now that you have created your own plan, its now time to start moving with it.

Creating an effective weight loss plan doesn't have to be that challenging but it can be over whelming if you're not sure of the steps needed to put a plan together. Using the four steps discussed above will help you create an effective weight loss plan every week.

To get all the information you need to create an effective weight loss plan, please read our review of the book Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Read our review here:

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 11:50 PM |

Is Emotional Eating Causing You to Blow Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan?

Youve done everything right this time. Youre eating lots of salad, fruit, and protein; using only low fat dressings and even staying away from white flour and refined sugar.

But thenyou have an argument with your spouse. You are bored, stressed, depressed and giving up. You walk by the pantry and see nothing that will satisfy the sudden urge for sugar, salt, potato chips, candy, or whatever your particular poison of choice. So you go down to the grocery store and find what you need, go home and pig out! Maybe you dont need to go to the store... maybe youve thought ahead because you knew this moment would come and you have a secret cabinet with all kinds of binge eating goodies!

Ok, well that might be a little dramatic. But most people have found themselves following a good, healthy diet and all of a sudden, because of some emotional upheaval, theyve found themselves in the middle of an overeating binge. It can really blow your whole healthy eating plan. So whats happening when you find yourself in this situation?And how can you stop emotional eating?

First of all, when you go on an emotional eating binge, strong emotions are causing you to experience stress. This is when your body goes into fight or flight response. You either fightor you fly. All your energy is directed towards one of these responses. Cortisol is released and normally, this causes the energy exerted in fighting or flying to be replaced with an increase in appetite. You are supposed to eat to replace the energy burned.

However, in modern-day times, we are unable to follow through with the fight or flight response. Everything happens as it is designed to happen, except that instead of energy being burned, it is stuffed and we are left with an urge to eat.

So what can you do to stop emotional eating? I have found a very helpful book, Lose It For Life written by Stephen Arterburn and Dr. Linda Mintle, who suggest making a list of alternate activities when you find yourself in such a situation, such as taking a walk, take three deep breaths or call a friend. One other very effective way to battle these urges is to pray. As a Christian, when I find myself having a problem with unpleasant emtions, I seek release and find strength when I turn to God. A moment of prayer can really help you find the balance you need to continue with your healthy weight loss plan.

Sometimes we turn to food out of loneliness or boredom. The same technique could apply. Talking to your friend or playing with your dog could be infinitely more interesting than stuffing your face with a cookie.

Copyright 2005 by Eunice Coughlin. Healthy Living for Moms encourages healthy living habits for moms of all ages and stages. For more information about emotional eating and other healthy living topics, check out

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 9:38 PM |

How To Eliminate Belly Fat Starting Today

As we all know belly fat is really bad for you. It has been linked to conditions such as diabetes. It can also increase your odds of heart disease. So it is really important to get rid of this horrid fat as it will only reduce your quality of life over time. There is no time like the present so you need to get moving.

Exercise alone I am afraid to say will not get rid of visceral fat. With that said exercise is a key component in the war on fat. Another key component is diet and you want to avoid foods that will add to the problem such as foods that are high in saturated fat.

The key to success is to burn more energy than you ingest. As a result the combination of exercise and diet combined will prove to be the most effective. Like anything else in life variety is the spice that will improve your well being.

Eating the same stuff and doing the same exercises day and day out will not get the results you desire. As a consequence you need to mix things up and at the same time you need to somewhat enjoy what you are doing as this will help you maintain motivation.

As for supplements they definitely can help to get things underway but remember they should never substitute diet and exercise. If you want to keep eating pizza while watching TV popping pills then I think your smart enough to know that all you are doing is avoiding the issue and your health overall will not improve.

So use some common sense and apply the basics and soon enough you will have that flat tummy.

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".

Learn more about Hoodia & Weight Loss Finally The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat - starting today! You can also learn how to get Six Pack Abs

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 9:31 PM |

Weight Loss Tips - How to Set Effective Weight Loss Goals

A word of caution: your weight loss plan is probably doomed.

As you probably remember, you just got over the holiday season. You spent a week stuffing your face with everything, from chocolates to cookies, like there's no tomorrow. And the result? You're afraid to step on the scale or look at yourself in the mirror because your weight has soared.

It's probably about then that you decided that you need to start losing weight. But even if you were to put yourself on a starvation diet and spent 6 hours a day on the treadmill, you would probably still not lose weight as effectively as you could with this simple mental exercise - goal-setting!

How do you set goals? Before we go any further, I want to set something straight - goals that you set should be SMART! SMART is a business acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound. In essence, when you set a weight loss goal, it should be:

Here's what this is all about - effective, SMART goals will keep you motivated and stop you from giving up on your weight loss process. You will be able to keep track of your progress and stop yourself from deviating from your plan of action. But here's the real kicker - SMART goal setting takes very little time but increases your likelihood of meeting your diet objectives by a whooping 84%.

As you can see, goal-setting is an extremely powerful - and often overlooked - component of any weight loss effort. But here's something else to keep in mind - goal-setting will also allow you to improve your weight loss effort by being able to tell exactly what works and what doesn't. For example, if you set a goal and it is clear that you are not meeting it in time, you will notice it much earlier and hopefully identify a way to improve the weight loss process.

For more weight loss tips, please check the site in my signature. You'll be amazed how easy it is to take control of your weight in record time.

To YOUR Weight Loss Success,

George Chernikov

Click Here to sign up for 121 free, proven and effective weight loss tips that will burn your fat faster than a greased lightning! Co-authored by George Chernikov, 121 Weight Loss Tips provides $500,000 of weight loss information free of charge. If you look like a Sumo wrestler after a calorie-intensive diet, then you really can't afford to miss out these free tips!

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 8:36 PM |

Fast Weight Loss

Diet pills, diet patches, prepared meals. There seems to be millions of ways to help with fast weight loss these days that it seems strange that we are experiencing record obesity rates around the world does it not?

It seems more about the industries ability to push our "lose weight fast" buttons than it does to actually help anyone with weight loss.

We all know the real key is to learn how to eat and teach ourselves how to do it without being hungry all the time. If we can manage to find the way to drop the pounds without being hungry then we probably have a plan we can stick with and keep that extra weight off for good.

Is there really a quick diet fix? I think that is a matter of what we are willing to do to make it happen.

Finding the right plan and sticking to it is the key and being able to see results fast and steady is all the motivation most people need. Well that and not having to take out a second mortgage to pay for a diet plan. The prepared meal plans have been billed as some of the best but let's be honest that the food does not really taste that good and it is way over priced for what we are getting. Besides that most of us are capable of making our meals if we just knew exactly what it was we were supposed to prepare.

The best fast weight loss I have ever experienced was being able to be flexible with the meals I choose and not having to starve myself or fight urges when I am feeling hungry. I have learned that food is not my enemy when I understand how it reacts within my body and it has been the key for keeping the weight off.

I have a small site that provides more information about fast weight loss without the pills, patches and expensive meals. You can visit it at:

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 8:27 PM |

Weight Loss Tips

Now a days every one is contentious about maintaining their figure. But some people find its very tough to maintain their figure, most of the people want to lose their weight very fast but this is very dangerous. Natural weight loss is simple if we follow some easy tips.

Why Lose Weight?
Losing weight helps to control and check these diseases:-

How can I loose weight effectively?

Author is running a health information site Health Online where information on several diseases like allergies, blood disorders, cancer, childrens health, digestive disorder, liver diseases, weight loss etc. and tips on dieting, nutrition and improving lifestyle has been provided. Find more information about health & diet: weight loss

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 6:16 PM |

Natural Weight Loss Tips

A wise approach for natural weight loss is to ensure your calorific intake meets your physical activity levels; this guidance is lost on many! This should be an easy concept for the many overweight people around the world; with over a third of Americans, and millions in other countries who are gradually catching up, it obviously isn't that easy! Why is it then that vast numbers of overweight people want to lose that weight, is it to look good again or could it be about improving their health?

What most people do not realize is keeping at the right weight is much, much easier than losing it. Subconsciously we all know that if we do not maintain a healthy food program for ourselves, we will start to add extra pounds.

Apparently even if you have lost weight with a calorie controlled diet, it doesn't take long if you come off it to revert to your old ways and you can start watching the pounds go back on again. Natural weight loss is possible though and it can be done before you get stared at in the street or cause others problems because of your weight.

There is a large number of health conditions associated with weight gain and the greater the increase in body weight the more that problems occur. If you think about it, losing excess weight by natural methods is the most acceptable way to get rid of those extra pounds but too many people want a 'quick fix' system.

Natural weight loss requires a balanced approach which means a diet that contains quantities of complex carbohydrates, fiber, reduced fat and not too much protein. A meal containing this group would be something like a baked potato, vegetables and some meat, lean of course but it would not contain gravy or sour cream.

Unfortunately, dietary fat contains higher amounts of calories than ordinary food which when consumed will just be converted to body fat more readily. Food manufacturers have been quick to react and have provided a huge range of low or no fat foods but despite this the American people are getting larger, the simple reason for this may surprise you!

One of the greatest delusions of the 1990s was that no fat meant non-fattening but the truth is you are often getting just as many calories from these foods; the calories are just not coming from fat. Where this goes wrong is with overweight people who think that if it's fat free they can eat more of it instead of eating a healthy snack.

Health experts say it would be better to try eating every three to four hours, which may mean a nutritious low-fat snack between lunch and dinner. If you are really serious about getting rid of those unwanted pounds, you will have to consider natural weight loss as a long term proposition.

Gerald Montgomery

There's a Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to be found. My wife did. See the shocking results:

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 6:07 PM |

A Weight Loss Mindset For Living in Abundance

'Planet Plentiful', that's where we live these days, surrounded by an abundance of food which is unparalleled! So, how on earth do we survive without gaining weight, when, for most of us diets and many healthy eating programmes only make us crave food?

Firstly, let's get one thing straight a dieting mindset where we label food as 'good', or 'bad', really is a...

The reality is that living with such a mindset sets up a pattern of behaviour that swings from food obsession to comfort eating, guilt and shame. You are definitely NOT weak willed, undisciplined or a failure if you have not managed to lose weight permanently using this mindset. It is human nature to crave whatever you make scarce in your mind or life and so, as a means of surviving on 'Planet Plentiful' this 'Scarcity Mindset' is failing us!

This 'Scarcity Mindset' is therefore clearly not working as a means of preventing or reducing the problems of long-term weight gain. A complete mind-shift is needed that links mind, body and spirit in balance with nature and food - an 'Abundance' mindset; in other words a return to healthy eating patterns; the way we viewed and used food before the days of 'Planet Plentiful' and the emergence of the dieting 'Scarcity Mindset'.

Trapped in this negative mindset of 'Scarcity', brought about by the way we see some foods as 'bad', we crave what we restrict and make scarce. Inevitably we lose the ability to see food as a friend. After all it is just the fuel on which to run our bodies! Surrounded by so much abundance it is easy to see why we have switched off our fuel gages in favour of being 'good' or 'bad' with food, often allowing the tank to overflow.

When we are in a 'Scarcity Mindset', we actually give away much of our personal power. This is a power created from making our own choices and decisions. We switch off our link between mind and body. Much more damaging than all this, however, we take our focus away from the joy and beauty of living life to the full. By doing this we replace our focus with fear, guilt and shame - the emotional turmoil of the dieter that further fuels stress and anxiety. Caught in this trap we eventually rebel against control and criticism. This leads to that familiar place of comfort eating, where we try and dispel the stresses caused, more often than not, by the 'Scarcity Mindset' itself!

Some time ago I was on holiday with a friend who had never dieted in her life. As we sat in the hotel restaurant some fellow guests stopped at our table to discuss the fantastic spread of food available to us. On extolling the virtues of the dessert section they asked inquisitively "Aren't you having one?" To our reply of "No, actually we are full". They retorted with the much used, "Aren't you being good!" My friend was amazed as, believe it or not, this had never been said to her before. What followed was an interesting discussion about the differences in how food is viewed, by non-dieters as opposed to dieters.

So, what is it that they do differently from us? Firstly, they see food in all its abundance as a source of fuel. This gives them the advantage over a dieting mindset, as they have no reason to crave food. Because they can have anything they want, at any time they like craving is an anomaly to them.

Of course, there is more to it than that. They do not use food as a comforter when stressed or unhappy. They don't spend serious amounts of the day thinking about food as they usually have far more interesting things to fill their time. They don't usually eat unless they are hungry. They do not take notice of peer pressure about size, shape or weight. They eat food that suits their body. They eat only until they are full and have the ability to leave food on their plate. In fact, they view food in a totally different way to us, from an 'Abundance Mindset'. They have retained their ability to be in tune with their body - nurture and nature working together in harmony. How refreshing!

And what do we do when confronted by this somewhat rare breed of people? We express our jealousy. Well them how unfair it is. We defend our 'corner' by talking about how hard we have to try to loose weight. We avoid them because they make us feel bad. Then we give up on our diet or try even harder, only to rebel when the cravings eventually get to us.

I really think it is time to do things differently - flip that coin on its head - and learn from the 'Abundance' mindset of the non-dieter; after all isn't it easier to go with the flow of nature instead of against it? When we open up our choices, really listen to our body and eat without under or overfilling our 'tank', we discover not only a love of food that is quite surprising. We also discover how easy it is to loose weight and maintain the loss, the more we practice 'Living in Abundance'.

Chrissie Webber 2008

Chrissie Webber is a published author, business coach and leadership trainer. As Managing Director of Life-Shapers Ltd she is developing her online weight-loss motivation company into a franchise of Life Shapers Weight Management Coaches.

Her track record in the area of weight management is firstly a personal one. Following a lifetime of weight issues - at her heaviest, over 21 stone and a massive size 30 - she has personal experience of diets and their devastating effect on size and psyche.

With a background in nursing, psychology and business coaching, coupled with a lifetime of dieting, she developed and successfully used a series of models and tools that enhance weight loss motivation. Now over 5 dress sizes smaller and having sustained her weight loss for several years she has written a book about her motivational journey. Weight Loss, Life Gain - A Motivational Journey to Permanent Weight Loss was published in January 2008 by Accent Press.

Her Blog and free monthly eZine now offer support to others.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 5:09 PM |

Weight Loss Incentive

Sometimes we don't feel motivated to diet unless we have a compelling weight loss incentive.

Let's face it. How can we spend the next several weeks or months sacrificing all of the foods that we love? How can we go without sweets, breads, and fatty foods? We all know that the ultimate incentive is the weight loss. Nevertheless, our minds are oftentimes not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve our goals because the road to get there is fraught with hardships.

What if you could find a diet that addresses all of your concerns? If you could follow a diet that allowed you to eat as much as you want to your satisfaction, would you follow it? If you could follow a diet that required you to eat plentiful food from each of the four major food groups, would you take it on? If you knew that you had the flexibility to choose your own personalized menu plan, and that you were required to eat four full meals every day, would you jump on the chance? What if you knew that by following the diet plan, you would lose 9 pounds every 11 days? If you could follow a diet that requires you to take a mandatory 3-day break from your diet every two weeks, would that be motivation enough to follow it?

This is not just wishful thinking. These are some of the weight loss incentives that constitute a real diet plan. The calorie shifting diet is a revolutionary new diet regimen that is gaining widespread popularity and joining the ranks of the other "mainstream" diet plans out there.

Calorie shifting is basically a diet plan that focuses not on the quantity of the food you eat, but the deliberate regrouping of which foods you eat when. By shifting the types of calories you eat from meal to meal, you can trigger the appropriate metabolic response in your body that induces the burning of fat. It doesn't matter how much you eat, but what you eat and when, that achieves this effect.

Do you want to see yourself being 9 pounds lighter in the next 11 days? The Calorie Shifting Diet will get you there! Learn how at:

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 5:00 PM |

Natural Weight Loss Program To Lose Weight Quickly

Exercise alone will not make you lose the amount of weight that you want if you're still taking in more calories than you burn off. However, eating less and exercising more will only decrease your resting metabolic rate, which accounts for roughly 60-80 percent of daily calorie expenditure. Exercising plays a very important part in learning how to lose weight fast naturally. Exercise alone doesn't work. We need to try something totally different.

Eat veggies raw, fresh or cooked. No fats, no sauces, no butter. Eating fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats and grains is the best. Eat carbs in moderation only, like pasta or white rice. Eating a regular amount of proteins will prevent this from happening.

Drink a protein shake that's a 50:50 mix of whey to casein proteins. The best time to drink the shake depends on your physical activities. Drinking more water will help flush these toxins out. Water also helps with basic cellular functioning and, importantly, metabolism.

Choose low and non fat dairy products, as well as the leanest cuts of meat (round and loin) and skinless poultry. Beans, nuts, and whole grains round out the list of heart-healthy foods as well.

Fast food is readily available and it's very tempting. As you probably already know eating fast food is never as healthy as a well-planned, balanced diet. Millions of people all around the world are flocking to these very unhealthy foods daily. The fast food lifestyle is a epidemic in the United States that is killing us and our future.


One of the biggest conspiracies ever! Learn why you are fat, why you keep getting sick, and how to get rid of the extra fat now but without having to go on a roller coaster diet or take any harmful weight loss drugs that may very well kill you!

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Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 2:52 PM |

How To Lose Fat Without Supplements

Within a few seconds you will discover four effective methods to lose fat without supplements.
But first lets start with a big fat scam.
Take a few fitness magazines and find something they do have in common?
No I dont mean the articles or the muscled persons covering the front page.
Inside these magazines you can find a few ads about weight loss supplements.
If you think that the major fitness companies are making enough money just with selling their
magazines then you are wrong.
All the big fitness magazines are owned by companies who are selling fat loss supplements
or fat loss drugs.
We are talking about a very competitive billion dollars industry
and sat but true money is more important for them then your health.
Take the test yourself do a google search for fat loss supplement x negative side effects
if you search without quotes you will find a lot of results.

I hope now that you are absolutely convinced now that fat loss supplements dont work
and that they are a waste of your hard earned money.
Now we can talk read on and discover how to lose fat without supplements or other crappy products.

1 # Follow a low fat diet
If you want to lose body fat without supplements your best bet is by following a low (not fat free!) diet.
According to Tom Venuto (professional fitness expert) you shoud limit your daily fat intake to 20% of your daily calories
but no more then 15% of total daily calories. Avoid zero fat or very low fat diets.

2 # Workout with Weights
Just like yoga weight lifting is a resistance exercise.
By doing weight lifting you will increase your lean mass and burn calories at the same time.
Keep in mind that not all weight lifting exercises are suitable for everyone.
Always get help from a professional trainer.

3 # What not to eat.
Here are five foods that you have to avoid if you want to lose fat.
- Fast food burgers.
- Fried foods.
- Fruit drinks
- Candy
- Bacon
- Pastries
You wont kill yourself if you eat junk food but you cant expect good results if you eat crap food on a daily base.

4 # Eat small frequent meals.
During the day you will have to eat five(women) or six (men) small but healthy meals.
This way you will boost your metabolism ratio much more then someone who eats only three meals.
There is no doubt about it your first meal should be your biggest meal.
Your last meal should be a light meal and try to eat it two or three hours before going to sleep.

I hope you have an idea now how to lose fat without supplements.
Perhaps you know a friend who is taking supplements and maybe he/she has a sexy body but believe me the results are only temporary.

When it comes to fat burning burn the fat feed the muscle is the only source you need.
This book is written by Tom Venuto a world wide fitness expert.
He tells you exactly why diet's don't work and how to lose body fat the correct way.
The ebook is jampacked with more than 350 pages of valuable information.
If you visit his site today he gives you a free valuable 40 pages mini ebook.
Burn the fat, feed the muscle. The one and only fat burning solution

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 2:44 PM |

Weight Loss Allies

These are your weight loss allies;

Healthy food,
Tolerance for hunger,
Physical exercise.

Most weight loss dieters experience increased-efficiency, as calories are restricted. The quality of food choice at this restricted level of intake is crucial. Fat, sugar, and high protein are definitely avoided. Sugar in excess is converted directly to fat. High sugar foods are addictive and maintain cravings for more sugar.

Diets that depend on fruit and fruit juices, high in sugar are not desirable for weight reduction. Weight loss is directly equated to exercise; not food deprivation. The jogger or swimmer is losing weight. Even the walker is losing weight, although more slowly. Hunger must be restored as a normal, welcome feeling. There is nothing wrong with hunger! In order to establish new healthy eating patterns it is essential to practice being comfortably hungry for periods as long as 4-6 hours before eating. A normal rhythm might be 4 hours between meals.

The less you move, the longer you should stay hungry; another way of looking at weight loss. Of course, weight gain is a feature of a sedentary life style and the problem is that everyday you move too little and eat too much you are gaining weight.

Diets that emphasize changes in the proportions of protein, fat, carbohydrate, fibre, and so on do not have special properties for weight control. Vegetables foods have the most to offer a weight loss program since they have low nutrient density (you can eat a lot more) and seldom trigger cravings and compulsive eating.

The timing of meals is relevant to regulating eating behaviour. More food should be eaten earlier in the day. Compulsive eating is often more difficult to control at night. It is often necessary to restructure evening activities; start new and physical activities instead of sitting all evening. Avoid alcoholic beverages. The social context of drinking alcoholic beverages is seldom conducive to selective eating and impulse control.

Eat Foods with a High Nutrient Density

A key concept in weight management is that appetite and weight regulation is largely determined by the adequacy of the incoming nutrient set. A low nutrient to calorie ratio means you will eat more and gain weight. Remember your appetite control system does not like starvation. Low nutrient density means starvation.

Realistic motivation begins with knowing that it is not easy to change even when the change is beneficial. You do need help.

You need the right information. You need to understand how you got to be overweight. You need a map to guide you to the next state you wish to occupy. You need the right tools. When difficulties arise, you need problem-solving methods and you need to persevere. All worthwhile endeavours require commitment, dedication, and perseverance.

To lose weight you must exercise! The energy cost of physical activity must exceed the energy supplied by your food intake. Remember that weight loss is directly equated to physical exercise, not food deprivation.

If you are really serious about reducing your weight and are prepared to put in the effort required I can help you at this site...

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 1:44 PM |

Lose 10 Pounds Fast By Shifting Calories

Fat Loss 4 Idiots has introduced a new method of dieting which will help you to lose 10 pounds fast. Unlike other diets available that claim to help with fast weight loss this one has continuous results rather than just short term results and this is because it is based around shifting calories.

The diet is based around an 11 day cycle during which you will eat foods of every type in a constantly changing pattern to fool your metabolism into working at a high rate. Once the 11 day cycle is at an end you then receive 3 full days to eat whatever foods you want, these are commonly known as cheat days.

Here are a few tips which make using Fat Loss 4 Idiots shifting calories diet more effective.


Because many dieters are so desperate to lose weight they decide to ignore the 3 cheat days and continue to diet but this should be avoided. Cheat days have several benefits and they have been put there for a reason, so use them, enjoy them and then start the cycle over again.


The diet provides a menu generator which will be based on a list of foods you have told it you like so once you get the menu don't ignore it. The weight loss program gives you 4 meals a day and this is what you should try to follow. Some feel that by leaving one out if they don't feel hungry that they will lose weight faster but this isn't the case. Leaving longer periods between meals gives your metabolism time to work at a slower rate and increases the chances of binging.


Most dieters are in the need to lose weight because they have never gotten enough exercise so the last thing they need is a diet program that requires them to put in a super human effort. Instead try to walk more often, a simple walk to the shops each day can make a massive difference. The program this diet uses doesn't actually require any exercise but this will increase the amount you do lose.


Anyone that has ever dieted will know the habit we have of jumping on the scales each and every morning to see what weight we have lost but this should be avoided. This diet is based around an 11 day cycle so I would suggest you only weigh yourself at the end of each 11 day cycle. This will help prevent a loss in motivation if one day goes extremely well and the next day has poor results.

By using the calorie shifting diet and following this advice you will lose 10 pounds fast without fail.

To read more about how you can lose 10 pounds fast then visit this webpage Shifting Calories Diet.

Katie Turner has lost 34 lbs since the birth of her twins. To find out more on fast weight loss Click Here

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 1:34 PM |

3 Simple Tips To Shed Weight Quickly Before The Holidays

Losing weight these days is actually quite easy to do, especially because there are so many different types of diets out there. But, which diet is the right one to go with. Well, here I am going to go over the main points in which you need to do in order to lose weight and which diets do and don't work.

First off, it really depends on your body weight. If you are slender and are looking to take off an extra 5-10 lbs then the low carb high protein diet is a good one for you. The thing with these diets are that they tend to work better for those that don't have to completely make a lifestyle change to lose a dramatic amount of weight.

For people looking to lose any where between 20-40 lbs, a good diet and exercise is crucial to take the weight off once and for good. When you are looking to lose a lot of weight, you want to make sure that you do it slowly. If you lose the weight too quickly, you will gain it twice as fast as you lost it and maybe even end up heavier then when you started losing weight.

Here are a few good tips to have in your daily life in order to lose weight:

-Drink Lots of Water! This is very crucial to any diet as it takes off all water weight when enough water is consumed.

-Walk, run, or do any type of cardio.

-A big thing to weight loss is NOT eating pass 7:30 at night

Those 3 pointers above can get you started on a very good path to weight loss if done everyday. Make sure that you always have a water bottle with you wherever you go. I can't stress enough how beneficial water is to lose weight. It is the prime thing that flushes your fat away.

A good plan that many fitness models and celebrities use is called Burn the Fat feed the Muscle. You can visit Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Here

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 11:28 AM |

Lose 70 Pounds Fast

In order to lose 70 pounds as fast as possible, you need to change your lifestyle completely. Let's be honest, you didn't become 70 pounds overweight in a single day and for no reason. You led an inappropriate lifestyle and now is the time to take action to rectify this. I don't mean to berate you. Actually, I congratulate you for the desire to lose 70 lbs and the willingness to take action in that direction. Having been overweight myself, I know that it's hard to get things going, but just to let you know, once you start the weight loss ball rolling, it's often easier than you once thought.

The first thing you need to change in order to lose 70 pounds fast is to take a long hard look at your diet. Are you eating junk? If so, you need to quit. Are you drinking a lot of sugary sodas? If so, they have to go. Are you eating a lot of useless candy bars? Replace them with fruit and vegetables which are just as tasty and much healthier.

Only you know what your current dietary lifestyle is. I know it's hard to let go of many of the foods that you like. But believe me, it'll get easier with time. Most people know what they're eating wrong. All that is left is the motivation needed to change that.

To lose 70 pounds fast, in a matter of months, you should also incorporate some sort of physical activity routine into your day to day life. I recommend doing a combination of cardiovascular activity and strength training since that is the way to burn maximum fat and improve your health. Some overweight people are reluctant to go to the gym, but believe me, this reluctance will pass after a few trips. Cardio and weight training is the best way to lose 70 pounds as soon as possible.

I know this article isn't as detailed as some of you would like it to be. I don't give out a formula of how to lose 70 pounds in 3, 4, or 6 months like some other articles claim to do. That's because for each person the road to weight loss is slightly different. In this article I hope I got you motivated to begin the process of losing 70 pounds or more. You will find your way.

To read how you can start to lose weight fast, visit this webpage:
3 Ways To Burn Pounds Fast.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 11:19 AM |

Can Lifting Weights Make You Thinner?

"Weight lifting makes you big and bulky"

Are you familiar with this misconception?

This is a belief that unfortunately so many of us still have.

Millions of people automatically associate weight lifting to big, bulky and muscular bodies. Millions of people believe that you should only lift weights if you want to "get bigger."

Not only is this completely false, but if you ignore weight training (or strength training) then you're missing out on one of the single most effective fat loss methods in existence.

In fact, you should immediately begin associating weight lifting (or any type of strength training) to living life lean.

Yes, weight lifting can certainly be a part of a weight gaining program as well, but lifting weights alone is not what makes you bulky. Do you want to hear the real reason why people get bigger?

They eat lots of food!

In fact, it's virtually impossible for someone to gain a significant amount of weight if they don't increase the amount of calories they take in.

Take heavy-weight body builders for example. I'm talking about the ones that most people associate with body building.

Now let's be clear: they ARE huge. But this is mainly because they take in a very large amount of calories on most (or all) days of the week.

The simple fact is that muscles are essential to a lean and toned body that burns fat on autopilot 24/7, yet muscles continue to be one of the most overlooked components to losing fat effectively and permanently.

Trust me, if you're serious about losing fat quickly and permanently, then this is not something you want to ignore...

Robert Van Gardner is the Founder and CEO of Vitality Publishing LLC, a company that helps people eliminate excess fat, while making breakthrough transformations in their physical vitality and overall quality of life. He's the author of "Living Life Lean: Discover How to Transform Your Body and Your Life -Quickly, Naturally and Permanently." To learn more and sign up for his popular 10 day course visit

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 10:08 AM |

Rapid Weight Loss Diets

There are many kinds of eating habits and they differ from person to person. Some people have a greater tendency to gain weight and some hardly gain any. The human stomach muscle has a tendency to grow as well as to shrink. When we fill our stomach it doesn't have any limit, the more you eat the more it will expand. It will enlarge and form layers of fat. The nutrients in the food will be used up and the access will get stored for later in the form of layer.

Rapid weight loss diet plans work under a process which hampers the body and mind. There are different tonics, pills and diet plans made for this purpose. But they have proved to be unsuccessful and short lived. The use of substances with rapid weight loss qualities slows the body metabolism and starts to store food. Thus when the rapid weight loss diet plan or the use of pills is discontinued the body metabolism reverts back to the same condition.

Tips for Rapid Weight Loss

Here are some natural ways to lose weight rapidly. These tips should be a part of your routine for life. They are not temporary and will give you a healthier life style.

Do not starve yourself, eat often but in small quantities
Do not skip meals, preferably breakfast
Drink lots of water, especially at the start of your meal
Eat slowly and take time chewing
Include fresh raw, leafy and water content vegetables (salads i.e. ice burg lettuce, cucumbers) and seasonal fruits in your meals
Avoid low fat products, they are not worth it
Cut down intake of caffeine
Work out regularly, convert your fat into muscles
Increase your physical exercise

By application of the above mentioned points, you can accelerate your metabolism. Your body will get accustomed to utilizing the food you consume swiftly, thus burn the fat and all the food would not be getting stored. Your body systems will regulate properly.

Rapid Weight Loss Diet Plans

Here are some rapid weight loss diet plans that are suggested, totally natural, free from side effects and irreversible.

Juice Fasting; take only juices to reduce your weight rapidly. You can loose up to 30-40 pounds in a month. This will help you revive your energy level, stay refreshed and decrease your weight as well.
Low Calorie Diets; only eat whole grains, non starchy vegetables, green salad, fruits, high water content.
Low Carb Diet; remove all carbohydrates from your diet i.e. potatoes, noodles, wheat, rice, starchy extracts etc.

For more information, visit

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 9:57 AM |

Fast Weight Loss Exercise Program

A fast weight loss exercise program is fairly simple to develop and implement. The real question is, "Can you stick with it long enough to lose weight?"

We all know that exercise is important to maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy mind. We also know that exercise is an important ingredient in our plan to control our body weight.

There are a variety of fast weight loss plans available. Let's take a look at a fast weight loss exercise program that you can implement immediately. You can use this fast weight loss plan as described or tweak it to fit your individual preferences.

The best fast weight loss exercise program is . . . walking! Are you surprised? Well, let's take a look at why walking is the best of the fast weight loss plans.

Walking is an aerobic exercise. Aerobic means literally "with air" and includes activities that are moderately intense, activities that you can continue for extended periods of time, and activities that use the large muscle groups in our arms and legs.

Jogging, cycling, skiing, and rowing are also forms of aerobic exercise. The reason walking is the best choice is because it can be done by anyone at anytime, anywhere, by ourselves, and with no special equipment. It's simple, invigorating, and effective at assisting with weight loss.

Arguably the most important benefit of walking is that it prepares us mentally for the challenge of weight loss. The most important ingredient in any fast weight loss plan is action. We must take action before any change will occur. Walking is an action that is both simple and easy. The action of walking is a signal to our subconscious that we are ready to include additional actions in our weight loss regimen.

Aerobic exercise offers specific benefits related to weight loss including:

<1> Aerobic exercise burns calories. Most of us discover that we consume less food when we exercise on a regular basis. This combination of exercise and reduced calories results in fast weight loss.

<2> Aerobic exercise burns both carbohydrates and fat during the first 30 minutes. After 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, your body primarily burns fat.

<3> Muscle burns more calories than fat. Aerobic exercise helps to increase muscle mass. Consequently, you will be able consume more calories without gaining weight.

<4> You will find that a moderate amount of aerobic exercise will decrease your desire to eat.

<5> You will also find that with a consistent amount of moderate aerobic exercise your tendency to overeat will decrease. It is well-documented that both stress and depression are reduced as a result of moderate aerobic exercise.

So, there you have it! A fast weight loss exercise program can be structured around moderate aerobic exercise, beginning with walking. And, the great news is that you CAN stick with walking long enough to lose weight.

Now it's up to you. Start right now. Take a walk. That's your first step toward maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy mind.

Take a look at this fast weight loss exercise program. You can read more articles as well as take a closer look at a highly successful fast weight loss plan. Click here for more info about fast weight loss plans. You can do it!

Free Site Traffic

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 8:06 AM |

Be Slimmer Weight Loss - A Little Known Secret To Losing Weight Easily

If you commit to it, then weight loss is really not that difficult. It really just comes down to exercising and eating properly. However, it can be difficult to know exactly what kind of food you should be eating, and many people get it wrong. So here's an absolute secret that clients pay me big money for time and time again...

When someone comes to me who has a stomach that just keeps getting bigger and bigger I limit him or her to water and green tea. That's it that is all that you can drink. Green Tea has so many positive health benefits that I actually give a list of 25 benefits to all of my clients and both drinks contain close to zero calories.

Yes this isn't original information but no one is doing it. Everyone cuts carbs but keeps sugary drinks in their diet. I know that it's hard to just stop whatever you've been doing for so long so just try to add a cup of water and green tea in a day as a replacement for something that you are currently drinking.

Yes I know that juice tastes good and current marketing even points to the vitamins that it contains but that is a lie. Juices are loaded with sugar and there is nothing "natural" about sugar, even in orange juice. No it isn't ok to drink sugar free or diet versions since that just prolongs your habits as well.

So my advice for today is to add in green tea and water. Drink as much as you want and always keep a bottle filled with water by your table or desk. You'll notice immediate changes in your energy and body as well.

Kelly Hutchings is a professional weight loss trainer. Visit his website right now at Burn The Fat Review to see the best weight loss course on the planet. Go there now --> Fat Loss For Idiots Review.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 7:58 AM |

Weight Loss Mindset

It annoys you when you are looking in the mirror. Your jeans will not fit because that flubber just refuses to fit in. Your friends sometimes think you are pregnant. Your lady love does not like your beer belly. Yes! That darn belly fat. It seems not to go away. You cannot just push it away like the pleasures of eating. Ever imagined yourself with flat firm stomach? Ever thought of yourself having that oozing sex appeal that you every dreamed of?

Health specialists conclude that those people who have higher fat density in their stomach predisposes them to acquiring heart ailments in the future. Those with apple-like shaped bodies which have more fat deposition in their stomach are more at risk for a heart attack than those with pear-shaped bodies, with fat concentrations in the thigh and hip areas.

Losing that fat belly is a good step to a healthy you and a healthy future. The best way to get rid of that belly fat is to get rid of your pessimism towards weight loss. A change in perspective can mean a lot. It can even change your life.

Start the change within yourself. It is one of the best ways on how to loose that stubborn belly fat. Try a change in your lifestyle. If you are sedentary or a 'couch potato", it is time for a change in paradigm. Try sweating it out with some exercise you may be surprised at how good you will feel about yourself. Perhaps you have tried all sorts of weight loss remedy in the market. For sure you have tried using the diet pills, lose weight teas, lose weight drugs and read tons of lose weight guides but still all your efforts will be futile if you do not have a structure and system in place to keep you on track.

If you have not made a firm commitment on losing weight you will end up wasting your efforts. Consider this, it is time for you to stop counting on fast weight loss programs, guide books and supplements UNTIL you find the DISCIPLINE and CONVICTION that it is required for such programs to work.

Begin with a good attitude and a positive regard towards losing weight. Remember that all of those things you do to lose weight like controlling your diet, good nutrition and proper exercise are all in vain unless you see things in a different perspective. If you can do this then you are on the right track. Be positive and everything will follow.

W.Yates writes on various subjects of interest, from Internet marketing to fast weight loss methods.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 6:42 AM |

Weight Loss For Life

You may have tried losing weight in the past, with poor or short-lived results. This can put even more stress on the body. What is needed is a healthy, and long-lasting approach. With this plan you will not be losing 10 or 20 pounds in a week or two, but rather a small and steady amount until you reach your target weight.

The steps outlined below are simple, but not always easy. Remind yourself of why you want to lose weight, and the ill effects obesity causes. Think of it this way: would you rather die from the effects of obesity, or would you rather lose some weight and enjoy more vibrant health?

1. Don't go on a diet.

There is no need to deprive yourself. Eat when you are hungry; just eat a better choice of foods in appropriate portions. Skipping meals or eliminating whole groups of foods is a sure way to set yourself up for failure. You want to keep the weight off.

Eat a healthy and hearty breakfast to start your day right. Study after study has shown the benefits of doing so. Have a bit of food from the main food groups, and you will be on the right track.

2. Eat more meals.

Yes, that's right - eating more meals throughout the day keeps you from getting overly hungry. In turn, this prevents overeating. Instead of eating three big meals, you would eat five or six smaller meals. Plus, eating this way will increase your metabolism, causing your calories to burn off faster.

3. About fat and sugar.

Low-fat and no-fat diets were very popular several years ago, but obesity rates still climbed. Eliminating fat from your diet does not work. However, choosing the right kinds of fat does work. Saturated and trans fats are the types to avoid. These are found in meat and other animal products, as well as coconut and palm oils. Avoid these in favor of unsaturated fats and Omega-3 oils. These are found in plant sources and fish.

Regardless of the type of fat, keep in mind that all fat is calorie dense (containing 9 calories per gram).

Naturally occurring sugars found in fruits and vegetables are a part of a healthy eating plan. They also have the benefit of satisfying cravings for something sweet. Refined sugar is a poor choice, and should be avoided where possible. In spite of claims to the contrary, this includes all types of refined sugar - including sucrose, brown, and turbinado sugar.

4. Get moving.

The word 'exercise' makes some people cringe. However, if you simply think of it as 'moving' it is much better. The key is to be active. You do not need a gym membership to get moving. (Though there is nothing wrong with joining a gym if would like to use the latest equipment or enjoy gyms)

Here is a quick example. Some people pride themselves on being able to find the parking space closest to the front of a store. Think about what would happen if they would take pride in how far they had to walk instead. Which leads right into one of the best ways to get moving - walking. Just about anybody can do it, and you don't need special equipment to get started (and you'll save a small fortune on gasoline in the process!)

When you think of your weight as something you do for life, it is much easier to make the changes needed. Following the steps above does not require major changes, but will have long-lasting results. You can start making these small changes right away. You have nothing to lose - except the extra weight you have been carrying around.

Michael Oksa is the co-author of "121 Tips To Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off". He believes in helping people achieve their weight loss goals and provides these tips free of charge at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 6:33 AM |

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentage

Losing weight can sometimes be a very difficult task, requiring a large amount of energy and a lot of motivation. Knowing how to calculate weight loss percentage can really be a morale booster for your rough times because your actual results can only encourage you to perform more of the taken actions - like jogging, dieting or others.

It can also help you stay on track and not exaggerate with anything, as we do know that anything done in excess can harm your body. It can help you set goals and achieve them step by step.

But how do we calculate weight loss percentage? Is it a difficult math task? No way! It's a pretty basic formula. First of all you'll need to remember your initial weight. Secondly, you'll need your actual weight at this point. Now, the formula goes like this:

((IW-AW)/IW) * 100= weight loss percentage

In this formula IW is your initial weight and AW is your actual weight at this point. It's not as complicated as it initially seems: practically all you do is subtract the actual weight from the initial weight and divide the number obtained by your initial weight. Multiply the result with 100 and you'll get the exact percent.

Now you can see that it's pretty basic - but opening a lot of possibilities. For example, you can measure your weight once a week and create an Excel table which instantly calculates the weight loss percentage for you. This can really help you keep track of your progress and can be a real motivation booster as I previously mentioned.

With this you can also create a weight loss percentage graphic - actually drawing your progress at certain points.

Well, if you fully understood how this works, you can conclude that now you know how to calculate weight loss percentage. If not, try to re-read the article more carefully.

You can get more details and download the 1000 Atkins diet recipes ebook for free! You will also discover the top 3 internet weight loss programs plus read other 3 free weight loss articles at my website. Just visit it now!

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 3:35 AM |

Do Not Make These Mistakes If You Want To Lose Weight Successfully

A lot of people wonder why they do not manage to lose those fats on their stomach although they have put in tremendous effort to do so. This is because to lose weight effectively, you will need to set smaller and achievable targets in your weight loss plan.

If you set your target too high, you will tend to remorse on losing weight fast, and in the end turn up that you can't even lose a single pound. If you want to look slimmer, you need to follow a step by step plan and have the discipline to stick to it.

Now, let us discuss some of things that you should not do if you want to lose weight effectively:

1. Do not skip meals

A good diet plan should not encourage you to skip meal. By skipping meal, your body will tend to conserve more fats so as to store energy. This will result in accumulating more fats rather than burning them. By skipping meals and stay hungry, it may even cause some serious health problems especially for those who are diagnosed with diabetes.

2. Dieting without exercising, or vice versa

An effective weight loss program will always include healthy dieting and regular exercising. Exercise is essential to keep the body fit and healthy, as it regulates blood circulation and other activities of the human body system. Therefore, weight loss program without exercising is not effective at all. It will be better to go hand-in-hand with a good diet plan.

3. Eliminate procrastination

Procrastination always denies a person from achieving his or her personal goals. By delaying your plan to lose weight, you will not be able to reach anywhere. Always stick to the weight loss timetable that you have set for yourself. Stick to it and start losing weight now.

Bear these 3 points in mind and have the discipline to stick to your correct plan. Find out how you can lose 9lbs every 11 days using effective dieting secrets from my website below:

Click Here --> Lose 9 lbs Every 11 Days Now

Please feel free to republish this article on your website, or distribute it to your friends or clients, as long as you leave the above resource box intact.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 3:26 AM |

Weight Loss Diet Plan

This article is a comparative look at some of the most popular weight loss plans, and how they measure up to the "new kid on the block" in the diet plan world...

Low Calorie

This weight loss plan basically involves lowering the quantity of food you eat in order to lose weight. Although it does work to reduce some fat, the drawbacks are well known - malnutrition, low energy levels, depression...

Low Fat

At first look this weight loss plan seems like it could work. However, it has one vital flaw - the fat of your body is not caused by the fat in your diet. Most fat on the body is caused by carbohydrates. Which leads to the next plan...

Low Carb

A step in the right direction, this diet can produce very good fat loss results if done for a duration of a few months. Unfortunately, the low carb weight loss plan is much like a low calorie diet in terms of the amount of calories most people can eat whilst on it - due to meal restrictions. As such it can cause low energy levels and depression.

A New Diet Plan...

For many years scientists have been looking for new weight loss plans that are more effective and more PRACTICAL for the dieter than the usual plans (as outlined above.) And one such diet plan has been discovered. It's called the CALORIE SHIFTING DIET...

The Calorie Shifting Diet works on the fact that the brain produces FAT BURNING HORMONES directly AFTER certain food has been eaten. With this in mind, lowering your calorie intake may not be necessary under this new diet plan - rather eating smaller meals MORE OFTEN is the way to go. Find out more about this diet plan at this website.

James Hartnett has recommends the special Calorie Shifting Diet to lose weight fast. Find out more about it from Breakthrough Weight Loss Diet Plans

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 3:18 AM |

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