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There are many reasons why we would like to get rid of belly fat. The most common is probably that it simply isn't attractive. But nowadays, many of us are equally as concerned with the studies showing that a flabby pot belly and a short lifespan correlate very closely. We also know from studies that with consistent exercise and a healthy diet, flabby stomach fat will eventually go away. However, it is so hard for most of us in a fast-paced society with strict time demands to avoid purchasing some cheap fast food on our way from one appointment to the next.
The biggest mistake in the weight loss attempts of various civilizations throughout history has always been trying to lose belly fat through starvation. Amazingly, after thousands of years of this diet failing to deliver long-term results, the practice is still continued widely today. Sure, you will lose weight in the short-term if you don't eat, but your body will also begin shutting down as it moves into energy conservation mode. You'll find yourself lethargic and unable to think straight. And if you ever decide to eat what your body needs again, you'll gain weight very quickly. If you don't decide to eat what your body needs again, you'll likely die young.
The irony here is that we all know that the proper way to lose weight is by patient exercise and a proper diet. We also know that this will make us healthier and live longer. But so few of us seem able to actually do this.
So, how about a compromise for the rest of us? Instead of eating only healthy food, you can eat mostly healthy food and just reduce the portions of your unhealthy foods. And, of course, no matter what diet compromises you make, daily exercise is a must for proper weight and health. Sorry, we all simply can't live a healthy life without daily exercise. At least you're still allowed to eat the unhealthy foods you love, just in smaller portions.
Don't worry if you are losing weight and your belly size hasn't gone down. Just stick to the program. There is no such thing as a specific type of exercise you should be doing to burn fat from a certain area. Your body has a set order it burns fat in regardless of the type of exercise you do. Just be patient and keep losing body fat and soon you will be able to lose stomach fat as well..
However, if you would like to pack some muscles into your belly, you can do exercises to target that six-pack. Sit-ups are of course the old, sometimes painful way. Many people now prefer twists, where you stand with your legs apart and then twist your upper body side to side. Toe touches are also good, but you may have to start with knee touches and work your way down over time.
Are you struggling to Lose Stomach Fat? Are fed up with not seeing any visible results for your weight loss? Dispel weight loss myths and check out what is the best way to lose stomach fat and get flat sexy abs.
Angela Neo is lifestyle writer and internet marketer. She has written on numerous online publications on subjects like fitness, weight loss, fashion and lifestyle. She runs a weight loss website at http://www.losestomachfat.net
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