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Monday, May 19, 2008

Beat Muscle Soreness for Good

As you exercise, your main goal is to invoke a significant change in your body that will trigger your body to adapt to this change. Change is good and adaptation is what produces results.

Exercise training can have multitude of factors. A few are when you exercise, you can change the level of resistance you are using such as increasing the weight. You can change the level of stability your are using, such as switching from barbell movement to dumbell movement and you can decrease the amount of rest interval between sets. These factors are just a few that I will mention in this exercise article.

With new exercise training factors, come new muscle soreness.

To beat muscle soreness follow these three exercise recovery steps. You can start these right away to get best exercise recovery results.

You will notice improved recovery and decreased in delayed onset of muscle soreness, and you will notice that you will have more energy for your next exercise workout.

With better exercise recovery, your body will stay in the race and adapt well without setting off an alarm response which can greatly hinder your training.

In future articles I will write in detail about the benefits of each of the exercise recovery steps.

Robert Lagana

Rob Lagana has competed in numerous bodybuilding competitions and is a multi-title winner. He currently holds the 2006 Mr. Canada Natural Bodybuilding title in the NFSO & IFSB. Along with experience, Lagana Fitness provides the ultimate pathway to achieving your cosmetic, health and wellness goals. Lagana Fitness offers unique motivational, bodybuilding and fitness tips with free subscription to his newsletter.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 11:52 PM |

Punching The Heavy Bag For Fat Loss And Getting Lean

You may be thinking, Me hit the heavy bag? Are you crazy? No, I'm not! I'm very serious, and know from experience what this training tool can do for you.

The great thing about the heavy bag is that it takes little space and can be used in your garage, attic, basement, or spare room. So you can get a great workout in without leaving your home!

You will need a pair of hand wraps which you can buy at any sporting goods store. They are very inexpensive and will last along time. !2 or 16 ounce bag gloves can be bought at the sporting good store to, along with the heavy bag. Really everything you need is just a short drive from you at the sporting goods store.

The heavy bag gets you in shape quick because it's an anaerobic workout. You also use muscles that you haven't used in awhile. Your punching against resistance and that's the secret to the fast results you get. Hitting the bag releases A LOT of stress too. Hey, who wouldn't want that?!

That's why the fat literally is melted of your body. This fun and exciting workout burns allot of calories, do to the way you are punching the bag. This is not a passive workout.

People become addicted to it and fall in love with it because of the above results. Their bad moods are punched away, along with the pounds. So you can enter a workout session unhappy and when it's over, leave rejuvenated and full of energy.

You can perform 2-4 rounds of heavy bag work. Depending on your condition, you can use any wear between 1-3 minute rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds.

Doesn't seem like much you may be asking? I'm telling you, give it a try and feel for your self. You will be glad you did. You will also know why people are truly addicted to this fine underused training tool.

For basic instruction, you can go to my website. and get my free special report that gives you a sample boxing workout, heavy bag workout with pictures. People are telling me I'm crazy to be giving this amazing info away for free. So hurry up and get your special report before I come to my senses and take it down.

Rob Pilger of is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Level II USA Boxing Coach. Visit and get your free special report. The five biggest training myths. Are they in your training? Rob has successfully trained people using the boxing workout for improved fitness levels, and fat loss Rob is also creator of The Ultimate Boxing Workout DVD. Please visit to begin your quest for an improved physique. You can also sign up for Rob's loaded Special Report. Theultimateboxing workout sample workout.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 11:42 PM |

Fast Easy Ways To Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself

When you take on a weight loss plan, you want fast easy ways to lose weight. You want to see results as soon as reasonably possible or you'll end up frustrated about something you feel is beyond reach. This shouldn't be the case! Find helpful food tips below that promote fast easy ways to lose weight. When you're done reading that, I'll show you another surefire way to slim down real quick.

Eat smaller portions but more meals. Forget eating large portions of the usual three-a-day meals. Eat smaller ones of five to six meals spread out through the day. Listen to your body, you'll find that it needs nourishment every three hours or so. Feeding yourself at the right intervals will prevent you from overeating.

Fill up on H2O. Eight to ten glasses is all it takes but more is even better. It nourishes, makes your skin supple and cleanses your insides, taking out what wastes you can live without.

Quality over quantity. With regards to eating, it's just as beneficial to select what to eat as to how small you eat. You'll need good, healthy doses of carbohydrates, some fiber and protein. Don't reach for that pizza slice yet! Doesn't it have all three? Yeah, along with everything fat. Very detrimental if you want fast easy ways to lose weight.

Put color on your plate. Make eating fun so you won't think you're dieting. Eat different varieties of healthy carbohydrates and a lot of fruits and vegetables. For protein, avoid red meat! Go for some fish and lean meat instead.

Mind the midnight munching. Avoid snacking in the middle of the night, or before bedtime. Eating something close to the time you go to bed will mean a slowdown in the digestion process. If you must satisfy the food cravings at night, prepare something light.

Food is our friend and a good diet does not promote a no-eating policy. If you think you shouldn't eat to make the weight drop, you'll find that it will be much harder shed off the pounds. Whoever said crash diets worked long term? Stick to the tips I mentioned and find out how fast easy ways to lose weight will work for you.

Corey is a self proclaimed Weight Lost expert. You can view a surefire secret method to losing weight at his blog and get a in dept detailed weight loss guide on fast easy ways to lose weight today!

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 11:38 PM |

Weight Loss Will Kill You!

Many people get robbed when using online weight loss programs or guides. Not only are they losing money, they are losing their life as well. People don't realize that weight loss is lethal.

Weight loss products involve using drugs that your body doesn't need and eventually deteriorates it. You don't need these drug pills in your body. Some people actually lose about 5 pounds with this method only to pay huge health consequences later that sometimes leads to death. Is 5 pounds worth your life?

There's this great idea of "if I don't eat at all, I can't gain weight!" Huge mistake. It is a disastrous idea to starve your body simply because your metabolism slows down so much that the next time you eat, your body will store that fat because it thinks that you might not eat for a while. This was a popular idea and i saw for myself that people gained more weight weeks after they started eating regularly. Of coarse there are those situations where people starve themselves to death.

Diet food is relatively fake food that doesn't fill anyone up and leaves you hungry. Not only do you starve from hunger, but also starve for nutrients and minerals that was taken out by this diet food.

My friend recently tried this so called "proven diet". I gave her my overwhelming negative opinion, but she did it anyways. To make a long story short she lost 10 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks.

Now it was judgment time as I tried this diet plan myself. I definitely learned a ton of these "fat facts" that i never knew made me fat! It is safe which was a must for me. Also it is results driven because it has many years of success. I found rave reviews about it which is important. It's nothing that takes up the whole day and easy to use. If anything went wrong or if it didn't work, there was always a money back guarantee.

I followed all the instructions and weighed myself everyday which is probably over doing it because i wanted to see results! I lost 15 pounds in a month which isn't a staggering amount but I was shocked as how simple it was to do so. I gave up a while ago and my friend saved me! I went to a review website of people that have tried this diet and gave their reviews and personal thoughts on.

Here's the blog:

Good Luck and shed those pesky pounds!

Contact: Jane Mazo
Occupation: Dietitian

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 11:29 PM |

5 Tips to Lose Weight the Fastest & Healthiest Way Possible

Fast, healthy weight loss is not only achievable, but it can also be long-term weight loss. Even though it took time to reach this uncomfortable weight gain, no one wants to workout and eat right and get their results slowly. Fast Weight Loss does not have to mean starving through the day, living on fluids and a single meal. Believe it or not there is a natural and healthy way to lose weight quickly and some what effortlessly.

There are 5 things that you can do to maximize your weight loss. These tips can help you lose weight quickly and in the healthiest way possible.

1) Drink Plenty of Water - I know, you heard this a thousand times. I did too, before I took it serious. Let's just remind ourselves of the benefits of drinking more water. The most important reason to drink plenty of water is because it keeps your body well hydrated. When your body is dehydrated it tends to hold onto excess water weight. the next major reason is that drinking water helps your body eliminate toxins built up in your system and encourage elimination both through the bowels and kidneys.

2) Add More Fiber - It's not necessary to take a fiber supplement in order to add more fiber to your diet. There are some great foods that have a high fiber content that should be a part of your daily diet. Some of them are: Apples (5g), bran cereals (8g), whole wheat bread (4g per slice), grapefruit (6g), 1 cup broccoli(6g). These are just a few choices. It's recommended that you get at least 25-30 grams of fiber a day, so if you have 2 apples, 1 bowel of bran cereal(raisin bran is good choice), 2 slices of whole wheat bread and 1 cup of broccoli, you've covered your daily requirement.

3) Eat 5-6 times a day waiting 3 hours before meals - You can turn your metabolism into a fuel burning furnace by eating frequently during the day. 5- 6 mini meals during the day will keep your metabolism high. This technique signals your metabolism and telling it that there is fuel constantly coming in ready to be burned (which is true). So your metabolism burns what comes in and some of the stored energy just to keep up and make room for the constant supply of food.

I remember when I learned this little trick, I was surprised to see just how fast I dropped pounds. It's nice to know that you are actually allowed to "eat" while losing weight.

4) Completely eliminate or at least drastically reduce the sugar - Sugar is one of the most over looked cause of weight gain. Don't be misled by the fact that it doesn't contain fat. Sugar can cause a huge spike in your insulin production which can shut down your fat burning capacity and keeps it low which will promote fat storage.

5) Supplements to add to your daily diet - Add Enzymes, a good Multi-vitamin, and Green Tea to your daily diet. Adding Enzymes to your diet can improve your digestion and make sure that you have maximum absorption of nutrients in your food.

Taking a good multivitamin will make sure you get all of the essential vitamins and minerals that help regulate and support the function of key organs such as liver, kidneys and heart.

Green Tea is a superior tea because it contains polyphenols which inhibits the growth of cancer cells. This tea also lowers cholesterol, gives you energy and helps suppress appetite. All without the usual side effects of other diet stimulants.

Applying the 5 tips can help kick your fat burning weight losing furnace into overdrive. Making you lose the weight a lot quicker and get lean a lot sooner.

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. Now she offers this information in an e-book entitled Wrap Yourself Slim: Body Wrap Exposed. Monthly newsletter is also available at her web site. For more information go to Body Wraps Exposed

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 8:27 PM |

Recent Research on Exercise and Cancer

Nausea, pain, fatigue...these are just a few of the results of undergoing chemotherapy. Those symptoms make it difficult to want to exercise, even if it is good for the patient. Also, when the treatment is over, patients usually do not know what, if any, exercise they should be doing.

One recent study shown introducing aerobic training, as simple as a basic walking program, one week prior to and continuing through eight weeks of chemotherapy improved five out of seven functional measures and decreased fatigue during and after performing activities of daily living.

Another recent study prescribed exercise programs (thirty minutes of ergometer daily, in an interval pattern) to hospitalized chemotherapy patients and compared the results to a control group. The exercise group showed reduced fatigue and had fewer complaints about pain than the control group. They also decreased their psychological stress over the course of the hospital stay.

Resistance exercise is also important for cancer patients. A 2007 study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology followed three groups throughout their chemotherapy: aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, and control. Those engaging in aerobic exercise improved their self-esteem, aerobic fitness, and percent body fat. The resistance exercise group showed improvements in self-esteem, muscular strength, lean body mass, and chemotherapy completion rate. Both groups showed increased quality of life scores and decreased fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

Exercise is also important after the cancer has gone into remission. A 2005 study followed nearly three hundred women who had been previously diagnosed with breast cancer. Survivors who engaged in more than nine MET hours per week (three hours of walking 2-2.9 mph) reduced their risk of mortality by six percent. The greatest benefits from exercise while in remission occurred in women who performed the equivalent of walking three to five hours per week at an average pace (2-2.9 mph). There was no evidence of correlation between greater energy expenditure and increased benefit. The exercise benefits especially helped women who had had hormone-responsive tumors.

In another study, twenty-seven breast cancer survivors were placed on an eight-week full-body resistance and aerobic training program. The sum of their skinfolds, waist girth, and hip girth were significantly reduced posttraining. Their body weight did not change, but that was most likely due to an increase in lean tissue mass. Improvements were also made in upper body strength and endurance, lower body strength and endurance, VO2max, trunk flexibility, and flexibility of both the surgical and non-surgical shoulder joints (in lymphadenectomy patients). Both psychological and overall quality of life also improved.

This recent research shows that exercise is both safe and beneficial for those undergoing cancer treatments, and for those who have been through treatment in the past. In patients undergoing chemotherapy, exercise can reduce fatigue, improve function, increase fitness, and improve psychological stress. Breast cancer survivors can safely engage in full-body exercise, and physical activity after breast cancer reduces risk of death from the disease.


"Effects of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Adjuvant Chemotherapy: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial." Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007.

"Effects of Aerobic Training Prior to and During Chemotherapy in a Breast Cancer Patient: A Case Study." The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research," 2006.

"Effects of Physical Activity on the Fatigue and Psychologic Status of Cancer Patients During Chemotherapy." Cancer, 1999.

"Full Body Exercise Training Improves Fitness and Quality of Life in Survivors of Breast Cancer." The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2006.

"Physical Activity and Survival After Breast Cancer Diagnosis." Journal of the American Medical Association, 2005.

Dr. Heller is a chiropractor and certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS), practicing in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. She has extensive experience teaching fitness classes, including aquatics, to all age groups and abilities.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 8:17 PM |

10 Diet Free Weight Loss Tips

These 10 diet free weight loss tips will help you to see results.

1. Don't count every gram of fat. You need the essential fatty acids for their nutrients. In fact, lacking healthy fat sources will make you hungry and prevent weight loss.

2. Avoid hydrogenated oils. These have been highly processed. They will make you hungry because they lack nutrients.

3. Get healthy oils as a supplement. Tonalin CLA (Tonalin is a registered trademark) is high quality. Supplementing healthy oils can aide in weight loss. It worked for me. This you can pick up at most health food stores.

4. Do some sort of exercise three or four days a week. Most everyone can walk. Getting started with exercise helps with weight loss and your overall health.

5. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. This helps to flush out toxins. And for many who are dehydrated, it provides fluids just for normal body function.

6. Buy organic food whenever possible. Because of the high nutrient content, you'll actually find you are eating less.

7. Prepare meals yourself and cut back on the processed food. Processed foods do contain ingredients to make you fat.

8. Avoid MSG, a source of weight gain.

9. Avoid aspartame another source of weight gain. This despite the high number of weight conscious people that use it.

10. Only weigh yourself once a week at the same time each week. Your weight will naturally fluctuate so you needn't worry about the minor changes.

Making changes are a necessary part of weight loss. When the changes are practical and make sense, then you have a greater chance of sticking to them. Use these tips to achieve success for your weight loss goals.

Doris Temple created to fill the need for unbiased information. The Website provides information about organic food, products and healthy nutrition. Sign up for a free monthly email newsletter (ezine) to get the answers you need and keep updated:

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 8:13 PM |

Laxatives For Weight Loss

Laxatives are initially used to cure constipation and such. But nowadays, these laxatives are selling hot off the shelves for the purpose of weight loss. Many women now view laxatives as the new weight loss pill and they are popping them in desperate attempt to get the desired figure.

When these laxatives are taken in excess, they can cause several side effects such as bloody diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. It is definitely not an ideal way to a healthy and long lasting weight loss.

The purpose of the laxative is to increase the bowel activity. At the same time, they would disallow the large intestine to absorb food. If these laxatives are taken in large amount over a greater period of time, it can lead to greasy diarrhea, and hence resulting in weight loss. However, one must remember that the consumption laxatives can also cause damage to certain organs of the body.

These laxatives help to remove water from the system, hence causing rapid weight loss. But the weight loss is only temporary. As you re-hydrate your body, the weight will come back in an instant. At the same time, if your body gets too dehydrated, you might suffer from other very serious health problems.

Laxatives consumers failed to realize that they actually lose more than just their weight. There are so many health risks relating to the consumption of laxatives and many of these are fatal. A study conducted by the Eating Disorders Association stated that 1 out of 5 women consumed weight-inducing laxatives. The figures for male consumers were much less. More appalling is the fact that most laxative users remain unaware of its massive health risks especially since laxatives are relatively cheap and can be easily purchased anywhere.

The most popular laxative product available in the market takes the form of tea. These form of laxatives are very affordable. Slimming tea and dieter's tea may seem to be very effective, but what they failed to know is that it can actually harm them. These products help to ensure swift bowel movement and aids in the removal of toxins. It is best if one choose a slimming tea that is made up of herbal products, as they can be quite beneficial.

These laxatives in the form of slimming teas does not have a direct effect on the woman's fertility and menstrual cycle, but they should watch out as drinking these can cause them to shed off weight rapidly, and this can be very unhealthy and dangerous for their body.

These laxatives have more negative effects than the positives. It is best if one does not consider taking laxatives as part of losing weight the easy way. Laxatives and weight loss is a lethal combination and it does not work! So, do try to avoid it at all costs.

Choosing Supplements for Diet can be a confusing journey when you embark on your weight loss journey. Click Here for more information of how you can make the right decisions

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 8:04 PM |

Effective Weight Loss Guide That You Always Forget

Keeping off unwanted pounds is never a walk in the park. There is always something or someone out there that will ruin your weight loss plans for you. Therefore, it is crucial that you find other ways to step-up your existing program for shedding excess weight. Here are a few tips that can give you more thrust on your weight loss plans.

Small Frequent Feeding Is The Key

By limiting your food intake to only three times in a day, you allow your body to starve needlessly between mealtimes. In turn, your body will react as if there is a mini-famine going on, so it will shift into mini-survival mode, meaning it will reduce your metabolic rate to conserve energy.

In contrast, by eating 5-6 small meals in a day, your metabolic rate will be revved up; burning more calories and helping you lose weight. Remember, the trick is to eat small amounts of food without allowing your body to feel starved; so do not overfeed yourself during mealtime.

List Down The Food You Eat

You are what you eat. So by writing down everything that passes through your mouth, you will have a better chance of getting to know yourself. At the end of the day, you will be surprised at what type of foods you eat. As an added enlightenment, your list will allow you to realize how much money and effort ultimately goes down the sewer; this will compel you to spend less on junk or unnecessary food items.

Never Skip Breakfast

Whatever you do, never forget breakfast. Why? Because it will allow you to fire up your metabolism early on in the day. That means you will have longer hours to burn off calories. If you skip breakfast, on the other hand, your body will try to conserve more energy by slowing down metabolism.

You will also find that having breakfast will spare you from hunger pangs later in the day; this will allow you to be more careful or discriminating on your food choices which means you will have a lesser tendency to binge on food.

Walk By The Minutes, Not Distance

Usually, fitness experts suggest that thirty minutes of walking is enough exercise for most people. In reality, spending this amount of time walking is only good if you want to maintain your present weight. If you really want to lose weight, you need to do more than the usual thirty minutes. Adding fifteen minutes more to this exercise regimen, making it forty-five minutes, will allow you to burn more calories; that is an additional 300 calories, which can translate to about thirty pounds in one year.

Use Smaller Plates

This is one of the best ways to trick your appetite. You see, scientists have found out that a person tends to eat more when a bigger quantity of food is served, while lesser food on the table would mean lesser food intake. Using this data, you can cheat your appetite by serving food on smaller plates. This way, your plate will always look as if it is filled to the brim, but the actual amount of food in front of you is less than you imagine.

Take Your Time When You're Eating

It takes time for a train to travel from Station A to Station B. In the same manner, the distance between your brain and your stomach will require several minutes before your whole system will realize that you are already full and that you do not need food anymore. Studies have shown that it takes about 20 minutes before the brain will realize that you are indeed stuffed. By eating slowly, you allow your brain to catch up with your body signals which makes you feel satiated.

Indeed, doing the usual weight loss plans may not work for you. Nonetheless, instead of making excuses, you should let your creative juices flow. Losing weight demands a high level of creativity, so you should never leave your weight loss plans at the mercy of fortuitous events. You can boost your efforts by using products like Zylorin. Click on for more details about this supplement.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 7:59 PM |

Weight Loss, Do It Today

If you are over 25 now, then you most probably have decided at least once in your life that you want to follow a weight loss plan; however it may seem that with every day that passes, that goal seems harder and harder to reach. When we are young, weight loss means nothing, it is a simple task to perform and it is also quick and painless; however, with time, it seems that we gain weight much easier, and it also seems like getting rid of a few pounds takes an eternity.

The reason why weight loss becomes increasingly difficult with time is because your metabolism will slow down as you age, which means that you will be absorbing fat much faster than you can dispose it. It also means that, with time, you will not be getting any taller, but you will definitely start getting much wider. If you are living this situation, fear not, for there is an answer for your prayers.

Weight loss is a process that does not need to be that hard, however it seems that society has placed this task under the near impossible label, the only thing that you need to do is watch your nutrition closely and practice some exercise routines at least twice a week; but the most important thing that you should do when aiming to follow a weight loss routine is to have discipline and the motivation to strictly do whatever it takes. Once you have made up your mind about following a weight loss procedure, then believe me, you are half done.

Check what you eat, you will probably need to lower the amount of calories you consume every day. The problem with todays food is that it contains outrageous amounts of calories, and we have grown used to them, however if you take a closer look at what you eat, you may quickly start developing a taste for healthier meals, which will seriously boost your chances of being successful in your new quest for weight loss.

Food and exercise, these are the 2 main factors that a person aiming to follow a weight loss procedure should practice, and since we have already discussed the eating factor, it is time for us to start talking about the exercise routines. Exercise is essential in mostly every weight loss procedure because it will help you in burning the excessive amounts of fat that you have accumulated in your body, and also because it will decrease your chances from suffering an illness related to an excessive weight.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus all the hyperlinks must be made active just like below.

Jean Lam is a writer, author, publisher and owns several sites. Visit his weight loss obesity website for lots of articles about losing weight. Also check out the weight loss eBook that will give you tips for your weight loss problems.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 7:50 PM |

Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #2

Welcome to lesson #2. First of all, I believe that gratitude is so important in everyday life. With this in mind, I am in awe at the response for this ezine and I want to thank you for trusting the process and believing in yourself. When I woke up the next day after setting this up and saw the number of people who subscribed, I broke down in tears. I owe everything I have created to God. He led me to do this and through Him I will help you. I am here to be the light for you to know that you already possess the wholeness within. We have several layers that we will be uncovering. You will then be able to make new choices in your quest for weight loss and be putting daily plans for yourself in place. You will be amazed at the difference. My intention is that you get results!

As we proceed through each lesson, I will be reviewing some of the content in the previous lessons as well to recap. Hey, it doesnt hurt for you to hear information over and over again, does it? Remember it takes 21 days to create a habit. In lesson #1, we discussed how everything is made up of energy. Your thoughts are pure energy. Whatever you put out, is what you will get back. The Law of Attraction is set up and will manifest those things in your life which you attract with your thoughts. Changing your thoughts will be your greatest challenge. It was for me and it took daily effort to do so. When you look at your life currently, what have you attracted with your thoughts? If youre overweight, then what do you believe about yourself? If you believed that you could actually lose weight, these thoughts would have been released into the Universe to produce a completely different response.

I mentioned previously Louise Hays book, You Can Heal Your Life, and in it she talks about how anger is the core issue of weight issues. Now, did you do your homework assignment? The homework assignment was to write down those people in your life who youre angry with and remember you can include yourself. You were also supposed to write down what they did that made you angry.

For me, I didnt feel love from either parent, but I had such a special bond with my father so I held on to his energy in a more devastating way in my body. My father died when I was fourteen, and theres an entire story behind that one in an e-book, Close Kept Secrets to Overcoming Illness. I felt responsible for his life and for his death and that book will detail everything about how I attracted a horrific illness because I carried so much negative energy in me relating to childhood. With this in mind, I carried anger at not feeling loved and having the childhood I believed I deserved.

Okay, ready to release that anger? First, I want to explain the process. As an integrative body therapist, I work with clients face-to-face or over the telephone to help release their pain using Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques. Energy is energy and can be utilized all over the world. I did hear from a subscriber that she felt tingly all over after this process so it does work. Were on this journey together being supported by God. It is similar to prayer energythe person doesnt have to be right there in order to see that prayer works.

What is Rapid Eye Technology (RET)? Its a technology which was developed to help release pain and trauma so that a person can experience love and joy on a deeper level. It stimulates the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep cycle, a natural release process. Your eyes flutter when you are in REM sleep similar to watching a baby sleep and this is where the release process takes place. How many of you have experienced waking up in the middle of the night remembering that you were supposed to do something? This is your brain at work for you while you sleep. Well, in RET, youre awake and youre processing and releasing your stuff. Theres also guided imagery, charka clearing, affirmations and life skills which are part of this process as well. RET is great for balancing left and right brains because the left brain has to know why whereas the right brain sees the positive/spiritual aspect of the world. In addition, well be using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). The premise of this technique is that when one experiences a negative emotion like anger, there is a disruption in the bodys energy system resulting in various symptoms. EFT is similar to acupuncture without the needles.

When I work with clients, we go through six to twelve sessions. Depending upon the amount of stuff one is carrying will determine how long the duration of the sessions so just keep this in mind. The results are absolutely amazing as the person feels lighter after releasing.

I do have to mention a Disclaimer now as you might be triggered by these processes. I know, I know! Disclaimers are part of our lives now.

Here it is:

You understand these ezine sessions(s) are for the purpose of weight loss, stress reduction and personal growth and you take full responsibility for them. This is not a substitute for medical examinations and/or diagnosis by physicians. You agree to hold the therapist completely harmless from any and all problems that might arise as a result of these ezine sessions.

Okay, we have that out of the way. Now lets proceed.

These processes address the underlying cause of most weight issuesthe need to tranquilize with food the anxiety which is felt by you with unresolved emotional issues. Until ones underlying issue is dealt with, the need to overeat will continue. This is why many weight loss programs fail over the long term. People may lose weight using them but since the underlying emotional issue is still there, the need to medicate feelings through food will ever be present. It has been my experience in working with people who are overweight that the underlying emotion has to be released in order for new choices to be made; otherwise they will just revert back.

Right now, sit back and think about your anger. Judge where you are on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) with your anger that we spoke about earlierwho youre mad at and why. Now, if youre not feeling anger, then identify if its sadness, guilt or shame.

Release Process

State your intention for what you want out of your personal session and ask God, angels or your guides for assistance. If uncomfortable emotions surface, acknowledge them by writing down what youre feeling. Read the entire process (you'll be doing several things) to the end of the ezine before proceeding.

1) Get comfortable in a chair or on the couch. Find two spots. One in each corner of the room at eye level.

2) Move your eyes to the left and right as rapidly as possible for the intent to release (as you move your eyes from left to right, look up at the seam between the ceiling and the wall and then slowly move your gaze downward to the seam between the wall and the floor, then return to eye level. Its like a zigzag sequence.

3) After several seconds of this, open your eyes wide and then scrunch them closed as you breathe in and out. Do this no more than three times.

4) If the emotion still seems strong, return to step 2 and begin again. Only do this process twice.

5) Open your mouth wide and take a big breath, hold it in a second and then blast the energy out to dissolve in the light. Do this three times.

While youre doing the above process, you can say the following while moving your eyes:

Release all trauma/Release all the anger/Release all the sadness/Release all the frustration/Release all the grief/Release all the helplessness/Release all the hopelessness/Release all pity/Release all the poor me/Release it.

Energy Realignment

Tap the pressure points outlined below with the first two fingers (index and middle fingers) on your hand 7-10 times while repeating the phrases below. Heres some you can use or you can make up your own to make it unique to your situation.

Youll always fill in the blank and then complete the statement with the same phrase.

Even though my mother didnt like me, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though I didnt feel love from my father, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though my mother doesnt think Im good enough, I deeply and completely accept myself. Even though Im embarrassed by my weight, I deeply and completed accept myself.

1) Beginning of the eyebrow towards your nose
2) Side of the eye (either eye)
3) Under center of eye on cheekbone (either eye)
4) Under nose
5) Under bottom lip
6) Right below the collarbone (either collarbone)
7) Under the arm, about 4 inches below the arm pit (either arm)
8) Tap all over the top of head for good energy flow
9) Form a fist and rub in the clockwise motion over your heart

Dont worry if youre not sure if youre hitting the right points and saying it just right. You will still get results. There are many energy points all over your body. Trust in yourself and know that God is with you every step of the way.

Now, judge the intensity on a scale of 1-10. If youre not at a 1 or a 2, then repeat the tapping.

You can tap throughout the day, especially when issues of food begin to arise (even though I have this craving for chips, I deeply and completely accept myself). I do a morning routine of tapping and I include exercise, meditation and prayer. I tap throughout the day and it keeps me centered and then I do a night routine as well. I tap when I have to do a presentation and Im experiencing fear. I tap when Im about to have a conversation which is uncomfortable and Im experiencing fear. I tap in my car. Im sure it must be funny to the person who is in the car next to me. Just like me, this will become part of your daily routine.

Positive Affirmations

The mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. Athletes use this concept to envision themselves as already have completed their feat. They visualize themselves being triumphant. This is what separates those who are successful and those who still are presented with challenges. You must believe yourself as if you have already are at your desired weight.

With this in mind, its important to use these as if they are already occurring. Once you do this, you will manifest and attract exactly what you focus your thoughts on. Use these or create your own and say them throughout the dayseveral times a day. It works to put them on sticky notes or 3x5 cards so youre reminded to do them. Place them on your refrigerator, your mirror..any place that is visible.

Thank you, God!

I am my ideal weight!

I weigh ____________! (fill in the blank with your ideal weight)

I am peace!

I am happy in my body!

I am loved!

I breathe in joy!

I am wholeness!

I am beautiful!

I have thin thighs!

I love you _____________ !(fill in your name)

I am powerful!

I am a sexy, love machine!

I am perfect just as God created me!

I am so hot, I make fire jealous!


If you are feeling like youre not fully in this space and time, here are some things you can do:

Firmly press the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth and hold your fingertips together for about 30 seconds.

Place your right hand on top of your head while imagining energy coming in through the top of your head and flowing down your spine connecting to the middle of the earth.

Tap all over the top of your head

Drink some water

Were an awesome team! I appreciate you and know that youre an amazing child of God, whole and complete just as He made you!

Stay tuned for more lessons and hearing about powerful cleansing and fat burning products. For the last nine years I have been in search for a nutritional product line in which I could put my heart. I have tried everything imaginable in my quest for those products I could use myself and promote to others. I have found the perfect answer. Check out

With hugs and love,

Tami Close

Tami Close is an Integrative Body Therapist and has a successful energy practice. She is certified in Rapid Eye Technology and has a basic and advanced certificate in Emotional Freedom Techniques. She is also a Reiki Master. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author, Wake Up... Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. The other authors include Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and others.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 5:00 PM |

Fad Diets - What's Wrong With Them?

If you go on a fad diet and it helps you lose weight fast and get results, what's wrong with that?

I'm sure you've seen many ads on the internet and in magazines promising you huge weight loss in only a few days time.

Is this type of weight loss really possible? Yes - but ... in almost every case the weight loss from a fad diet is temporary and usually due to loss of water weight. Our bodies are made up of a large percentage of water so as soon as your body rehydrates itself you'll put that quick weight loss right back on.

What are some of the reasons a fad diet is bad for you?

#1 A fad diet usually tells you to focus on a single food type and avoid all others. This means you miss out on the nutrition you really need and can get from a more balanced diet approach. Quite often these fad diets will even tell you to take vitamins and supplements to make up for all the nutritional deficiencies you experience while on that fad diet. However, your body will not be able to absorb the nutrients from the recommended supplements unless you take them with food. And many of the foods that help you absorb nutrients are banned on fad diets.

#2 Fad diets are usually so restrictive and unappetizing that, after as little as one day, you'll begin having overwhelming cravings for other foods and most likely you'll give up. This can also wreak havoc on your self esteem if you beat yourself up for not having enough willpower to stick it out with the diet.

#3 Fad diets are temporary solutions to your weight problems. Even if you do follow through to the end with a fad diet you have not made permanent, healthy changes to the way you handle food in your life. So fad dieters tend to be yo-yo dieters that go back and forth between extreme low-calorie fad diets to periods of bingeing on food groups that were missing from the fad diet. So fad dieters will inevitably end up on a roller coaster of gaining and losing the same pounds, over and over.

No matter what you see in the media about quick weight loss fad diets, realize that these diets will never work long term.

The best way to lose weight and sustain that weight loss (so you never have to diet again) is to eat a variety of healthy foods, avoid overeating, and do regular exercise. This simple formula works every time.

Keira Adams is publisher of The Internet Spa at

Get the information you need to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 4:45 PM |

Weight Loss Programs - Natural Weight Loss

There are many free weight loss programs available today. They come in many different types as well. There are fasting programs which are diet programs that only allow you to drink liquids and most of the time it is only water. There are cleansing programs which generally only allow you to drink liquids and natural fruits and vegatables.

Other types of weight loss programs include low carb diets and diets that only allow you to drink lemonade mixtures. The most popular diets today include weight loss programs like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, The Zone and Atkins. These diets have been around for a while and are trusted by many experts worldwide.

Still the best kind of weight loss is natural weight loss. Natural weight loss is the simple process of taking in less food and exercising more. This is the healthiest and cleanest way to lose weight. Everyone should try the natural weight loss approach first before looking for other weight loss programs. Trying this dieting approach is generally cheaper and safer than other programs. Also this is the best way to loss weight over the long term and keep it off of the longest period of time.

If you are looking for a free weight loss program be sure to check with your doctor of physician first as some diet plans and weight loss programs have adverse side effects. Your doctor will be able to tell you if it is safe for you to start one of the programs listed above.

For more information on this subject be sure to visit Weight Loss Programs

Also visit Natural Weight Loss or sign up for our Free Diet Programs Newsletter

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 4:43 PM |

Considering Quick Weight Loss Programs?

Most people agree, sure, there's a time and place for moderate, slow-results diets, but if you're out of shape and have a deadline to look better, quick weight loss is what you're after. No matter how tight your deadline is, it never helps to panic. Quick weight loss is a goal you can achieve, and there are a few ways to get there. Remember, extreme results are never easy, but then again what goal was ever worth reaching that was easy? Where do you go? Not the bookstore. Most of those diets are more mainstream, "lifestyle fitness" kinds of books that aren't catered to the extreme reader who really wants quick weight loss as a result.

Okay, so at a very minimum, you need to keep track of ALL calories you're taking in. Set a daily quota, and don't go over it. I don't know what your limit should be of course; that will depend on your size, weight, and typical diet up until now. Your plan of action for quick weight loss will be tweaked more to your individual circumstances. Absolutely take into account your lifestyle. If you work in an office all day, sitting down, it should be lower. More active people might want to allow for a little more. Spread the calories out properly throughout the day as well. It makes much more sense to have three to five evenly sized meals than skipping breakfast, having a light lunch, then gorging yourself for dinner. That's a recipe for hunger pains and being bloated, rather than quick weight loss. Start reading food labels as well. I tell all of my clients to stay away from anything hydrogenated, even though the bad publicity is forcing most companies to cut back on trans fat anyway. Serving size can be misleading if you're looking for quick weight loss, because since the mid 1990's, the FDA standard (if you're in the US at least) has been based on a 3,000 calorie diet. The Calorie-Count website is great for keeping track of all of this. Keeping track of everything is one sure way to achieve your quick weight loss goal. I like how a bodybuilder friend of mine put it, "If you don't track it, you didn't do it."

Liquids are another important part of this quick weight loss goal. Nothing carbonated. These just contain a lot of sodium and force your body to retain water, derailing your efforts to be more active. More and more authorities on nutrition and general medicine recommend green tea and water. Full grown adults should take in two liters of liquids each day (about three-quarters of a gallon). If you're serious about your quick weight loss goal, you might want to stay as close to that amount as possible.

And no matter what kind of quick weight loss program you get into, you just can't take physical exercise out of the equation. While some people hope to, jumping from one silly "lemonade cleansing" diet to the next "low carb" craze, they can never figure out why they stay in bad shape. Try to stick to activities you enjoy, that way you'll at least have a shot of keeping up with them. Most people are surprised by how much they can actually work more physical activity into their regular days. You can skip the elevator, ride a bike to work, or walk if it's feasible. If you're in an office go out during the day whenever you can, even if it's just to walk around. So you can combine decent physical exertion with an effective diet, and you'll realize your quick weight loss goal faster than you probably thought possible.

But even with all of this in mind, most quick weight loss programs are more of a "'last ditch effort" kind of thing. You can lose muscle tissue as well if your body isn't properly nourished. Most people want to avoid the negative image of looking "sickly", or "weak" when they drop several pounds quickly. That's why adequate nutrition is essential. The best all-natural diet programs are the best place to start if you're looking for the right fuel to keep you going in your quick weight loss objectives.

Rob Jacobs has consulted on weight loss and nutrition for 20 years. He helps world class bodybuilders and dieters alike on how they can improve their health, and overall life. For more information on Rob's approach to health, please visit Quick Weight Loss

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 4:33 PM |

Does Hoodia Work for Weight Loss, or Just Empty Your Pockets?

I bet you want to know... Does Hoodia really work to help you lose weight? After all, billions of dollars are being spent worldwide annually on this supposed "miracle" diet pill that, if you were to believe the hype spouted off by all of its manufacturers, you would think that hoodia is the miracle cure to obesity and excess weight that will save the world. Ahh, if it were only that easy to lose weight!

So... Does Hoodia actually work for lasting weight loss, or even have any effects whatsoever? Let's dig a little deeper beyond all of the marketing hype and see if it actually has any merit.

The fact is that you can't search the internet or listen to the radio without being bombarded by Hoodia advertisements promising all sorts of miraculous claims. The reason I wanted to bring up the subject and it's validity is that I don't want any of my readers to waste their money and fall for this scam.

Now let me preface this by saying that not all companies selling hoodia are crooked. Some are legitimate and honest and actually selling real Hoodia. However, with the lack of federal regulation on supplements, it is quite easy for shady smaller companies to get away with selling pills that don't even have any in them. Also, we are not even saying anything regarding whether Hoodia (if it were the real stuff) actually does work or not for lasting weight loss.

Sure, the Hoodia ads sound great... no exercise necessary, just sit on your couch, pop a couple diet pills, and you'll start melting fat off your bones like a furnace... Please, give me a frickin break! Let's get this straight... Quick fixes NEVER work, and they NEVER will work in the future. Even if a miracle weight loss pill is developed in the future, there will always be an adverse side effect... it's simply against the laws of nature, and homeostasis of the body.

I can't even tell you how many people I get writing me and they're totally sold on this Hoodia stuff by the slick advertising and hype. They buy it and they get no weight loss results whatsoever. Well, there was a good $50 or $100 down the drain! I can't blame them for being suckered... I mean these scammers are pretty good marketers.

You'll see in a minute that a large percentage of what is labeled and sold as hoodia may not even contain ANY Hoodia at all. A lot of it is completely counterfeit.

At first glance, it might appear that this supposed "magical herb" has some promise. All of the hype started a couple years ago when a popular night-time network TV show presented Hoodia as a new and potentially exciting weight-loss pill. Well, it didn't take long for the internet and late night advertising scamsters to follow suit, fill some capsules with any old crap they could find, and start spamming bazillions of people around the world saying that their pills were the magical answer to the dream body they've been looking for their entire life.

Hoodia has been used by the Bushmen of Southern Africa for centuries as an appetite suppressant for their journeys. The fact is thatin its natural state might actually work as a decent appetite suppressant (although that doesn't necessarily mean it will help with permanent weight loss). The problem lies in the fact that the supplement industry is not federally regulated in the US, and any scammer can put whatever they want in a capsule and sell it for huge profits.

The fact is that the quantity of Hoodia being sold throughout the world in supplement stores and online FAR EXCEEDS the amount that is actually produced. It is only grown in a small area of southern Africa and is a very slow growing plant, and there is a much larger quantity of "supposed hoodia" sold than is produced. Obviously, this means that a large amount of what is sold as hoodia is simply counterfeit.

Basically what they put in the pill doesn't even have to be Hoodia, because ever since the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, there is no regulation or testing to assure that what their label claims is actually in the bottle. Now even if they did put real Hoodia extract in the capsules, there is also no scientific proof at this point that these small doses that they are using will actually cause any type of weight loss at all in humans.

Even if it were to actually help curb appetite, that is not always a good thing, as it may simply deprive your body of the nutrition it needs to function properly and maintain lean muscle mass, all of which regulates your metabolic rate. If you did lose weight, this would not be a good weight loss, as you would lose muscle and end up with a slower metabolism, which would lead to excess fat gain in the future.

So you're left with these major problems:

1. A certain percentage of the Hoodia being sold out there might not even be real. You simply could be buying any old junk powder that they fill the capsules with.

2. Even if certain brands are honest (which a lot of the bigger companies ARE honest), and actually put the amount of Hoodia that they claim in the bottle, there is no proof that those quantities are ample enough to curb the appetite (compared to the raw plant that the bushmen eat), nor is there any evidence that it will result in lasting weight loss.

So does Hoodia really work? The answer is that no one really knows for sure, however with all of the uncertainties that we've highlighted here, it is highly unlikely that Hoodia will create long lasting permanent weight loss for you, even if you do get lucky enough to get the "real stuff".

As you've probably heard me say a thousand times before... the bottom line is that there are no "miracles in a bottle". If you want to be truly healthy, lean, and strong for life, it takes some actual real exercise and a nutritious diet full of natural unprocessed healthy foods... a healthy diet that you can live with for life! There are no substitutes, but there are plenty of scams if you want to throw away your money.

If you're ready to stop searching for the miracle pills and find out a true solution to a lean sexy body for life, you have some legitimate options below.

To discover over 27 fat-loss and metabolism-boosting secrets, go to Best Fat Loss Workout and Diet Tips

Another honest and informative website that gets past all of the scams and gives you the honest truth about fat loss is Lose Body Fat and Build Muscle

For the ladies, be sure to check out Sexy Butt Exercises

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 3:05 PM |

New Weight Loss Drug Makes Progress

One year ago millions of obese Americans were waiting to hear whether or not the Food and Drugs Agency would give approval to the diet drug rimonabant (Acomplia). Obviously there was huge disappointment when this approval was not given. Rimonabant never actually made it to the American market although it is thought that the patent holder will return for another bite of the cherry at a later date, armed with deeper clinical trial data.

There is, therefore, a great deal if excitement over Merck's new diet drug taranabant. The results from the second phase of testing were encouraging and now after another two years of testing it seems that the results for phase three may be equally exciting, though the final report is yet to be published.

Researchers announced that study participants taking varying doses of taranabant lost 8 to 14 pounds over a 12-week period. There was one question, however, which still remains unanswered. Does taranabant have less significant side effects than rimonabant? Both drugs work in a similar way, by targeting particular receptors in the brain. Acomplia, however, was not approved by the FDA after concerns were raised over its psychiatric side effects which may include depression and suicidal thoughts in patients prone to mental health problems. So how does taranabant compare? Initial feedback seems to suggest that between one-fifth and one-third of patients had experienced adverse side effects which included depressed mood, irritability, anger, mood swings and insomnia. Unlike rimonabant, however, patients reported no suicidal thoughts though it was conceded that the question had not been asked in a systematic way.

There will, of course, have to be more conclusive evidence provided before the FDA grants approval to the new drug. The company expects the phase III report to be published later this year and for taranabant to be submitted for FDA approval before the end of 2008. Taranabant will also be submitted to the European Medicines Agency although it is believed that Merck wants to get it approved in the US first.

Taranabant is a CB1 receptor reverse agonist which is slightly different form Acomplia, which is a CB1 receptor antagonist. Although they are both targeting the endocannabinoid system, the slightly different way in which they work could be crucial. Acomplia was approved for use in the UK in June 2006 and since then it has helped a number of people to lose weight but many have been disappointed by the lack of progress and ceased treatment after one or two months. Many also found the cost of this medication on private prescription to be prohibitive. The unfortunate thing is that all new weight loss drugs seem to get hyped up by the media and this ultimately leads to disappointment as the results, for most people, rarely match the hype. It cannot be emphasised enough that weight loss medications should only ever be used as an adjunct to diet and exercise. Obesity is a burgeoning problem in gthe West and medications that get regulatory approval do work but there has to be some effort on the part of the patient.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 2:55 PM |

Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet - How to Lose Weight

First and foremost, know that the original purpose of the master cleanse diet is not simply to lose weight. Losing weight is a healthy bi-product of going through the lemonade diet. The Master Cleanse also known as the Lemonade Diet, Master Cleanser, or Lemon Cleanse is a detox diet that is made to help the body expunge all the built-up amount of toxins that exists within. In a naturally clean environment lacking such things as car exhuast, food additives, artifical colors and flavors, processed products and fast foods, the body would normally function without fail to detox the body and keep the blood, liver and kidneys clean. However, this is not the case in today's world.

The Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet was established to give the body a clean start and help us eliminate food addictions as well as other kinds of addictions the body may have to keep us healthy. During the Master Cleanse Diet most people lose around 20 lbs. or more, however this will only be temporary if we decide not to eat properly after the cleanse. The good news is that because the body resets itself, you will most likely not crave the foods that you have long been addicted to. This is because you have wiped these foods clean from your diet, therefore, they do not seem as tasty and fulfilling as they once did. Most people after the cleanse crave ravenousley raw fruits and vegetables which is a far cry from french fries and a cheeseburger. So if losing weight is your goal, then think of the master cleanser as a fresh start to eating healthy, and rest assured, eating better after the cleanse is much more easier than you could imagine.

Learning about your body is possibly the most fantastic part about the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet and it helps ensure that you will lead a healthier lifestyle afterwards. Most going through this detox diet find that towards the end of the cleanse they feel much healthier and much more renewed, close to what they experienced through childhood. However, it is extremely important to go through the lemonade diet correctly as to avoid complications during the detox.

Below are some basic suggestions for those wanting to lose weight with the Master Cleanse and how to keep it off:

1. Get lots of rest before, during and after the cleanse - Studies have shown that those who get more sleep are much less prone to obesity. In addition, during the cleanse, your body will need more rest because you don't ingest nearly as many calories as you are used to.

2. Stick to the program. By following the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet completely and correctly, you will gain the most benefits and go through the program much easier and more effectively. This is also very important to go through Detox safely. Know the facts before attempting any diet.

3. Continue to eat healthy even after the detox is complete. After you've gone through the Master Cleanse Diet, be sure to give away any unhealthy foods, or eat them before you start the cleanse. Make only healthy food available to you, you will probably not crave the bad stuff anyways. Be sure to keep plenty of raw fruits and vegetables to snack on as well as a variety of non-habit forming foods free of additives and sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup.

4. After the Lemonade Diet be sure to watch what kind of sugars you eat. Stay away from such sweeteners such as high fructose corn syrup and artifical sweeteners that contain such things as aspartame. Artificial sweeteners have also been contributed to weight gain. Try to use sweeteners such as agave nectar, raw (unbleached) sugar, Grade B Maple Syrup, and honey.

By following these simple steps you should be well on your way losing weight on the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet. But most importantly, do it for your health and longevity and go though the cleanse safely and correctly.

For more information on the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet and commonly asked questions on the cleanse


To receive free information and general facts.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 1:21 PM |

3 Common Ab Exercise Myths

Ab exercises aren't the only thing you have to do in order to get your 6-pack. You also have to work hard on your diet as well, sticking to a fat-burning, muscle-building diet all year round.

Here's a list of 3 common myths about abs.

Myth 1) Exercise is more important that nutrition

Diet is first and foremost the key factor when trying to get 6-pack abs. Plan your nutrition in advance, to avoid dietary downfalls. Focus on protein, green vegetables, fiber-rich fruits, and zero calorie drinks such as Green Tea and water. Avoid all sugar.

Myth 2) You can "Spot reduce" the fat on your abs with crunches

No matter how many crunches you do, you won't be able to get rid of your ab fat with crunches alone. You need a good diet and an increase in your calorie burning from strength training and interval training.

When I trained athletes, most of them had 6-packs, yet didnt do a single crunch in their programs. Instead, the total body movements of their sports and quick, intense workouts helped them shed the fat and build enough muscle to help them achieve the coveted 6-pack.

Myth 3) You must do abs every day

You don't need to do direct ab training every day. Instead, train them twice per week and use non-conventional exercises such as Mountain Climbers and Stability Ball Jackknives to reduce the stress on your low back.

I actually avoid the overuse of crunches and sit-ups in my training programs. Instead, for beginners, we focus on abdominal endurance with planks and side planks, and work up to more advanced exercises, but still avoid doing hundreds of ab crunches lying on your back.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Ripped Abs have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Total body abdominal workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for lean abs help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 1:07 PM |

How Hoodia Is Effective In Controlling A Person's Urge To Eat

The art of dieting today, especially in fast-paced Western socities, has always been an uphill battle for many individuals.

This battle has pitted a person's incessant appetite, which is the result of hunger, as against the ability to remain satisfied through abandoning almost all dietary restrictions. As the number of obese individuals are fast-rising today, the challenge to find the best, and less painful method of losing weight is of utmost importance to people who find it truly hard to lose weight the traditional way.

The entry of the natural supplement Hoodia Gordonii has created a storm of interest and increased talk in the weight-loss world. Hoodia is a cactus-like plan that predominantly grows in the desert regions of Southern Africa. In recent times, this purple-flowered plant has been getting a large amount of attention from media and the health sectors, because of its reported weight loss benefits.

What Components Are Effective In Hoodia?

Since this weight loss supplement is relatively new to the dieting industry , there has not yet been a considerable amount of published medical research available to vouch for the product's efficacy, but the available data given shows extreme promise of the products benefits. Laboratory researchers have been known to isolate a set of particular compounds in the plant that have been reviewed to effectively work in suppressing thirst and hunger. The research team has identified a molecule that they have named P57.

This molecule is steroidal glycoside, which is a chemical that reacts in a manner like glucose in the body, but is substantially more active. This should mean that in using Hoodia, the molecule helps the brain signal the other senses that food been consumed in an adequate amount, and that the individual need not eat any further.

Comparing Hoodia With Other Natural Appetite Suppressants

While the supplement is certainly not the only product or natural element that can efectively serve as an appetite suppressant, there are also fruits like apples, which has a high-fiber content, and also allows a person to temporarily hold-down hunger pangs. The high protein content of pine nuts also possesses certain characteristics that are associated with effectively suppressing appetites. Oatmeal is also seen an effective appetite suppressant, as it ensures those who have consumed it a long period of satisfaction.

The supplement however is seen to surpass all of the above fruits and wheat foods in its more potent ability to delay the body's demand for the consumption of more food. As apples, pine nuts nor oatmeal do not contain a compound like p57, this chemical compound has been studied to effectively trick the brain into telling a person that he or she has plenty of glucose in his or her bloodstream.

The increasing popularity and promise of the Hoodia supplement has recently ignited an industry of scammers and con artists, who either try to sneak into the desert and steal these plants, or are creating so-called natural products and marketing them as the "real thing", but only have useless fillers and other derivatives in them.

Many products even make full use of the plant's other components or parts, as they think this would also offer the same benefits to users. However, most experts note that the plant's flowers are the only ones that have been tested to offer effective weight-loss properties, and is more potent as other supplements that use the plant's other parts. - Hoodia Store

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 12:11 PM |


Everyone is in competition nowadays to look good and live healthy. So to look good usually they go for dieting with the aim of losing weight as personality with overweight is not pleasing.

People diet for many reasons. Some are at an unhealthy weight and need to pay closer attention to their eating and exercise habits. Some play sports and want to be in top physical condition. Others may think they would look and feel better if they lost a few pounds. Lots of people feel pressured to lose weight and try different types of diets. But if you really need to lose weight, improving your eating habits and exercising will help you more than any diet. Dieting could be a solution if done in a right manner. Unhealthy Dieting, especially extreme food-intake reduction and rapid weight loss, can have the following side effects:

The best way to diet is to eat a wide variety of enough food to meet your body needs. Aim to eat more fruits and veggies, cut back on meats high in fat (like burgers and hot dogs), greasy fried foods, and sweets, and drink more water instead of sugary drinks like sports drinks or sodas. Great Dieting Tips to loose weight safely:

Author is running a health information site where information on several diseases like allergies, blood disorders, cancer, childrens health, digestive disorder, liver diseases etc. and tips on dieting, nutrition and improving lifestyle has been provided. Find some useful articles on dieting here-

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 12:01 PM |

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