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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Using The Power Of Food To Boost Metabolism

What comes to mind when you think about metabolism? Do you only think about it when you are trying to lose weight? Although most people only think about their metabolism rate when they are trying to slim down, you really should be in tune with your rate at all times. This way you can keep it at it's highest level at all times so that it is burning calories efficiently.

When people notice that their metabolism had slowed down they will often start doing a search for the latest and greatest weight loss pill that promises that their body will become a fat fueling furnace. Unfortunately either the product does not work as claimed or the side effects outweigh the results.

Instead of looking for pills or potions we should be looking at our current and past diets to see where how can improve what and when we eat. In the past have you been into fad diets? A fad diet may be popular and it may give excellent results but the weight slowly returns. Fad diets often leave out one food group or restricts it's use greatly, think low carb or no carb diets. It may sound good at the time but in the long run it slows down your metabolism and causes you to start gaining weight when just a bit of this "forbidden" food is added back into the diet.

So how can food help us boost our metabolism?

You are probably already familiar with the term "starvation mode" This is when you cut back so severely on calories that your body slows down all calorie burning and holds on to as much fat as it can because it believes that it is literally being slowly starved. So in order to have your body believe that food is plentiful you should be feeding it often. Sounds easy doesn't it? Well, it's really not that easy, because we all know that if we over eat we become fat so here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Try to keep your stomach always digesting food.

This is easy accomplished with eating 6 smaller meals every day instead of 3 large meals. By this I mean to eat a bit less for breakfast, lunch and dinner and then have 3 healthy snacks in between.

Try to eat the food in it's most natural state. Instead of drinking juice, eat the whole fruit instead. A glass of orange juice has approximately 100 calories and very little fiber. By eating an orange which has only 85 calories and much more fiber keeping your stomach feeling fuller longer and since it contains more fiber the sugar will get digested more slowly so that you don't have a spiking of blood sugar.

Increase the amount of fiber you eat daily.

Your body uses a lot more calories to burn a high fiber food then it does for a low fiber food. When you have a choice of white flour breads or pasta choose 100% whole grain products. These will not only cause your body to burn more calories to digest but also like the whole fruit keep your body working longer to digest them so that your body does not believe it is going into starvation mode and your metabolism will stay high.

Choose your fat wisely.

Fat is not your enemy, it is needed by the body to keep up with normal bodily functions. Instead of eating fried foods or processed foods with additional fats saturated or trans fats added choose low fat dairy products, lean meats, fish or use a small amount of olive oil on your salad. Like fiber, having fat in your diet will keep you feeling satisfied and not hungry.

If you follow the above tips daily you will be keeping your metabolism rate high and you will be training your body to utilize food more efficiently. This will in turn will help you burn more calories every day and you will find that you can "cheat" every once in a while a not have to worry about the scale always creeping up. It will also help you keep your weight in check so that you don't have a need to look for the latest fad diet or diet pills.

Want more tips on how to boost your metabolism? Visit and pick up your Free copy of the very popular special report "The Stubborn Fat Solution" and get rid of that hard to remove fat forever.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 10:43 PM |

Choosing a Canada Weight Loss Spa

A Canada weight loss spa can either inspire or discourage you to lose weight so you have to choose one wisely. In choosing a Canada weight loss spa, you need to consider a few things.

Determine where a Canada weight loss spa is located. Is it conveniently near your home, office or both? Make sure it is near you so you won't experience any hassle getting there. A 15 to 20-minute travel time or less is ideal but consider looking for another one if you need to spare around 45 minutes to an hour just getting there.

The price
Another important factor to consider in choosing a Canada weight loss spa is the price that you have to pay to avail of their services. A weight loss spa that charges high fees does not necessarily mean that it is better. Apparently, there are a lot of Canadian weight loss spas that have very affordable fees but their facilities and services are more useful for you compared to more expensive ones.

Signing contracts
Read everything prior to signing up for a weight loss spa. Make sure that you are paying for the right services that can truly benefit you. If the contract is stating that you can only use a limited number of equipment even though you are paying for a full membership, chances are, you are being fooled. Remember that if it is not worth spending your hard earned cash to something you can never use, then do not do it.

Never settle
Keep in mind that you must never settle for services that you believe you can never benefit from. Also, never settle for a spa that has limited services to offer for you. There are a lot of weight loss spas that can give you better and more services that can prove to be of more value for your money.

Ask questions
If you know someone who is already a member of a weight loss spa, ask that person for quotes on services and the prices. Otherwise, you can call up a weight loss spa or visit the one nearest to you. That way, you can have an idea on what you can expect from each weight loss spas you are thinking of joining in.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 10:34 PM |

Ways to Lose Stomach Fat By Eating More - Part 1

Want the best ways to lose stomach fat - Eat more!

Diet and proper nutrition plays an important role in fat loss.

And the cornerstone of any fat loss is a good metabolism.

It is the key ingredient to reducing stomach fat.

But how do you adjust your diet to make sure the foods you eat are as metabolism friendly as possible?

Here are 3 ways to lose stomach fat-

1) Eat healthy to lose stomach fat

A healthy diet needs to be well rounded with the proper amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. As well, We need fiber, protein, and good source of fat.

2) Food is Not the Enemy

Not only do we need a balanced diet, a proper meal plan is also required. Instead of eating three meals throughout the day, eat several little meals, say times a day.

You don't have to reduce the number of calories you eat, but just reduce the portions of your meals in half and space them out throughout the day.

Or simply sticking to the policy of only 1 plate portions is a good start.

The benefit of doing this is, it keeps your blood sugar up, which gives you more energy. Initially, this might be difficult for some people, but after a while it will feel natural.

3) If you want a fast metabolism, avoid the 'stuffing' yourself to the point of a belly discomfort.

We've all been guilty of over indulging ourselves, especially over Christmas, thanksgiving, and the buffet meals.

Over-eating does not allow your metabolism to handle efficiently, and a lot of it will be

stored as fat.

You will gain weight, have less energy, and just make it more difficult to lose the weight.

Stay tuned for Part two on More "Ways to Lose Stomach Fat By Eating More" series coming up soon!

For More Information On How to Lose Body Fat and Build Muscle, Visit Turbulence Training at For the Best Exercises To Blowtorch Your Body Fat For Good.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 10:34 PM |

The One True Secret of Weight Loss

Are you ready for the one true secret of weight loss? You feel like you've tried all the diet products and every diet program to burn your body fat and yet still haven't cracked the weight control diet code. You've had it up to your top chin with fitness tips and exercise tips and all the health and fitness information that's been flung your way.

Do you want the good news or the bad news? Actually they are both the same and they are in fact, old news. So here is the news.

The news is that if you intend to lose fat and get fit, the secret of successful weight loss has 3 basic parts. You have to

1. Consume less calories and make better food choices

2. Exercise regularly, 6 days out of 7

3. Be patient. You know by now that there is no quick fix.

If you are not prepared to accept these facts, you are going to keep on dreaming, flinging time and money into frustrating sure-fail snake oil, smoke and distortion mirror strategies. I think life's too short to delude yourself and you deserve better.

Let's just do it. Let's burn your body fat and get fit, starting today. You might hate me now, but you'll thank me for it later.

In order to consume less calories and make better food choices, you just have to be informed. Get a decent pocket calorie counter that also tells you the basics about protein, carbs and fats as well as nutritional information on vitamins and minerals. It will set you back pennies and take probably about an hour to read, cover to cover. While you're at it, invest a piddling amount for a diet and exercise diary and write in it every day.

Just by buying these 2 cheap products, you will have increased the likelihood of losing weight and maintaining your goal weight by an exponential figure. You don't have to believe me, this is a fact from health and fitness research scientists the world over.

Get into an exercise routine. Set aside a time that you will find difficult to sabotage and fill it with walking, walking, walking (briskly, mind you - no waddling). Take 45 minutes to 1 hour and learn to enjoy your energetic walk. You will ache like mad for the first few weeks or even months, but that is just your muscles waking up in a bit of a state of pleased shock and surprise that you have actually found some use for them. You will get past the discomfort (pain, if you're a sook) and this habit will be the best fitness strategy you will ever invest in.

You cannot expect a magic fix for the fat you've spent months or even years accumulating. Once you can face this sour little snippet, you will start to lose weight. Yes, it will be slower than you want, but much faster than if you just loll about plumply wishing for it in a vague and negative kind of way.

After 6 weeks of decent diet and regular exercise, you will feel good every day. After 12 weeks, people around you will want to know your weight loss secret. After 6 months, you will never look back. You can thank me for it then.

Rosie Peters gives common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Sometimes it's not what you want to hear, but what you need to know. Visit Rosie at

Rosie's e-Book Weight Loss is Simple may be what you're after. Check it out & get a free copy of her popular e-Book Fat No More, while you're there.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 10:26 PM |

4 Great And Proven Weight Loss Products

1) Diet drinks
Powdered diet drinks are the most common weight loss product. They have been there and used by many many dieters and all have given the thumbs up for it. They are generally substituted for one proper meal. The amount of nutrients in them are basically what you have in a meal. However this should be a short term plan. Why? there are a lot of complains that after dropping the shakes, they tend to gain weight. The reason behind this is because they have failed to slowly break away from this method as they failed to understand its a way to lose weight. Not to live.

2) Diet Pills
Yes, they too are also one of the most common product for weight loss. However there are many scams out there. Do ensure that the pills you buy are from a certified and renown buyer. Do not hesitate not to buy if you think you are in doubt about it. However do look out for their nutritional value, the vitamins involved and the natural ingredients used. If consumed properly, dieting pills may prove to be extremely effective.

3) Books On weight loss
It may sound weird and unorthodox, but yes it does work. Reading and know about the right ways to diet is actually a powerful tool in making your body a haven for you. Once again, check out for the most popular books and check if they actually do fit your profile. Be sure to carry out what you have learnt from the book and keep working in that direction. Results will be guaranteed.

4) Nutritional Bar
Basically, these bars are made of natural flavors and ingredients. Nutrition Bars maybe a good substitute for you. It is also good for your busy and hectic lifestyle. These weight loss products will contain the same amount of nutrition. Why wait? Go for it!

Chng Siang Sheng is a leading enthusiast of weight loss programs, zapping calories, safe and easy weight loss and reducing your calorie intake. For more information and concrete strategies on healthy weight loss, please visit the extremely successful website at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 9:28 PM |

Weight Loss As Easy As 1-2-3

Most people attempting to lose weight struggle to do so. The truth of the matter is that when approached properly losing weight can be easy and effortless. Looking and feeling better is the reward we achieve by making the effort.

Step 1: Dieting doesn't work. Engaging in fad diets, or for that matter any diet, may actually do more harm than good. It produces a pendulum effect that creates a cycle of losing and gaining weight. It is much more effective to implement health lifestyle habits that we carry with us for the rest of our lives.

Our bodies have the innate ability to heal themselves. The only requirement is to provide it with the proper nourishment. By eating the appropriate foods we strengthen our blood and cleanse our organs. By altering our daily routine we create the necessary environment for our system to thrive.

The very first step in the process to losing weight and improving our health is to change what we eat. First, eliminate processed and prepared foods. Cut things such as soda, artificial drinks and artificial sweeteners from you diet. Avoid red meat. The primary stable for humans is whole grains, vegetables and fruit.

Step 2: Don't rush when you eat. Take the time to sit down and properly enjoy your meal. Chew your food extremely well. When you chew your food well 90% of the digestion will take place in your mouth. You will absorb more nutrition from your food and be satisfied with less. Chewing your food well will take the burden off your stomach and digestive tract.

Don't eat before bed for at least three hours. While eating before bed may soothe your nerves it doesn't really give you time to digest your food thoroughly. Also, sit down when you eat and enjoy your meal.

Salt should only be used when preparing your meal. Don't put salt on your food at the table. Avoid prepared foods high in sodium. Excess salt binds fat to our system and makes it more difficult to lose weight. Sea salt is preferable to processed salt. Sea salt is rich in trace elements that are essential for our health. Also, I'm not a believer in counting calories. You should eat as much as you wish with the following caveats. You should chew extremely well and eat wholesome, natural foods.

Step 3: You need some form of activity. I'm not fond of the idea of joining a gym for exercise. While this may work for some people, in a sense it is very much like dieting. It seems to create an endless cycle of joining and quitting, only to vow starting again. Exercise should be an organic part of our daily routine. Walking, running, riding a bike or even swimming are ideal ways to oxygenate our blood and burn calories.

That's it in a nutshell. Do not obsess about your weight. By making these changes an integral part of your daily life, losing weight and regaining your health will be natural and effortless.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 9:19 PM |

3 Day Tuna Fish Diet Review

Well like most people I had put a little weight on over the winter and decided to try and take a bit off. I only needed to lose about 10 pounds or so to get to my normal weight so as silly as it seemed I decided to give the 3 day tuna fish diet a try. I figured it was quick and not to complicated so no harm done if it didn't work. So off I went to the grocery store with my shopping list.

For those who have never heard of this diet, basically it involves eating tuna every day at one meal and your suppose to be able to lose about 10 pounds which was right in my sweet spot. You can find several variations of it online, you may have even had it sent to you via email spam. I must say I did modify it a bit and ate tuna every day at lunch even though on day 3 I was suppose to eat it a dinner, but other than that I ate what the diet told me to. I am sure this had no drastic effect on my results.

My first day of the 3 day tuna fish diet was very easy as it hardly seemed like a diet at all. Not sure what this says about my normal eating habits. On the second day I did become a little hungry though as it felt like I had missed a meal some where. By the third day though I was hungry and very sick of tuna, I was not bothered by it to much as I knew it was pretty much going to be over soon.

The Results
I had checked my weight on the morning I began the 3 day tuna fish diet before breakfast so I waited till the morning of day 4 before breakfast to check the results. As I stepped on the scale with my stomach growling in anticipation I was expecting great things, well net result was I lost 2.5 pounds. That is probably the same as I would of lost if I had just restricted my diet a little over the 3 day period. It wasn't that difficult to stick to but don't really think the results are more than you get with just healthy eating. In the past the Dean Ornish diet is the diet I have had the most success with but it is very hard to stick to.

To see the exact 3 Day Tuna Fish Diet I followed and learn more about the Dean Ornish Diet and other diet reviews visit

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 7:17 PM |

Healthy Weight Loss Requires Motivation

Healthy weight loss is a popular goal for countless people. And today, more than ever, we are heavier than at any time in history. And even though it seems that everyone is on a diet these days, the majority never seem to understand how to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Part of this lack of understanding is due, in part, to having too much information. With all of the resources available including countless diet books, magazines and all of the information available online, knowledge is definitely not the problem. However, too much of a good thing is.

With so many sources, it's difficult to know which weight loss program to follow and who to listen to. In reality, there are a lot of good plans out there and if you happen to choose one of those it would be difficult to go wrong. If you actually manage to get to this point, program in hand, the key to success is learning what to do and then doing it. Really - it's that simple.

So many people like the idea of learning and reading about the latest and greatest diet plan but never put any of the recommendations into daily practice. They become extremely knowledgeable about weight loss and know how many calories the most popular foods contain. What they fail to do however, is make use of that information. Instead, they buy another diet book because the first one didn't work.

If implementation is the real problem, how can you beat the odds and solve it for your own situation? The answer is simple, really. Once you determine the best plan for your needs, you must find a way to constantly motivate yourself to stay on track. Because everyone is wired a bit differently, this will be a highly individual undertaking.

Some people find that having another person hold them accountable works well. They will generally confide in a friend that they are trying to lose weight and ask the friend to give a gentle reminder when it appears they have slipped up in some way. Alternatively, the friend may occasionally ask about how things are going as a subtle reminder to stay on track. The friend may even be an exercise buddy and you can hold each other accountable for fitness activities. If this strategy works for you, then use it to you and your friend's best advantage. If not, there are many other ways to stay motivated.

The most important component of a motivational tactic is that it have meaning to you. You must be able to identify with and internalize it. Ideally you'll want to find several different motivators to have in your arsenal in case one isn't working particularly well at any given moment - you can just trade it out for a new one. Develop a list of motivational tips and you'll be well on your way to a successful and healthy weight loss.

Need additional motivational tips to stick with your weight loss program?

Visit for more information and diet plan reviews.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 7:10 PM |

Cortisol and Its Negative Effects on Weight Loss

It is interesting to note that one of the major concerns of the medical fraternity at present is obesity and its harmful effects on society. In most of the premier countries of the world, obesity is a growing menace and not only adults, even children are falling victim to it now. One of the major causes that facilitate weight gain and obesity is the practicing of an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of regular exercising. It is to be remembered that being overweight can make one susceptible to contracting various harmful diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart ailments and therefore weight loss is the only way out The current pressures and competitive atmospheres of professional life leave individuals with very little to unwind and this along with unhealthy food habits lead to obesity. There are innumerable fast food chains in almost every nook and corner and most individuals today consume these fast food varieties which are high in calories and low in terms of real nutritional value. They are one of the major causes leading to obesity. It is also important to point out that psychological factors can also have a negative effect on weight loss and lead to obesity. One of the most important factors to be discussed in this case is stress. Modern life is full of ups and downs and not everyone is successful. Several factors may contribute to a person becoming stressful and medical science has proved that under immense stress, the human body releases a hormone known as cortisol which is secreted form the adrenaline glands. This unique component called cortisol can cause weight gain in an individual. This is because the cortisol hormone is quite instrumental in producing excess glucose in the body by means of the glucocorticoid effect which leads the protein content within the body to release glucose. This excess glucose thus released leads to the production of extra fat and therefore it makes a person overweight.

One of the most important means of countering the adverse effects of the cortisol hormone is by ensuring that one is stress free as much as possible and also ensure that one maintains a healthy lifestyle and follows a balanced diet. This is because gaining of weigh is noticed even more in those individuals who consume food items having higher proportions of fat than those consuming items having lower fat content. It is also suggested that one can opt foe anti-obesity hormones like DHEA which facilitate weight loss considerably.

liposuction, weight loss and more at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 7:07 PM |

The Real Secret of How to Lose Belly Fat

Crunch after crunch, sit-up after sit-up; the more time you spend in the gym working on those abs, the flatter they'll get, right? Wrong. Crunches and sit-ups are not the answer when wondering how to lose belly fat. While it's true that these exercises will tone and tighten the muscles of your stomach, this does sometimes give you a slightly leaner look around the belly simply because you're more toned, crunches and sit-ups don't actually cause you to lose fat at the midsection.

Why Crunches Are Not the Answer

To really understand how to lose belly fat, you need to understand how the body actually burns fat in the first place, and it really has nothing to do with resistance training or weight lifting. The body holds fat when you eat more calories than you expend; these excess calories are converted to fat and stored in the body, whether it's around your stomach or arms or legs or anyplace else. In reality, fat is fat, and the only way to learn how to lose belly fat is to learn how your body burns that excess fat in the first placed.

To reduce these fatty deposits in your body, you need to adjust that balance of calories consumed versus calories burned. This might mean decreasing your calories every day, expending your calories burned by increasing your physical activity, or a combination of both. This is the only solution to the problem of how to lose belly fat. When you begin to expend more calories than you consume, your body burns those stores of fat to compensate. It calls upon those "reserves" of fat to provide the necessary energy, and the fat begins to melt from your body.

How to Lose Belly Fat Versus Other Body Fat

The one problem that many people face when wondering how to lose belly fat is that they are trying to target this specific area for trimming. Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing you can do to decide where your body is going to draw those fat reserves from. It might start burning the fat on your arms, legs, butt, face, or anyplace else before it takes fat from your belly. Crunches and sit-ups won't cause your body to take fat from that area any sooner or any quicker.

However, there is an upside to doing all those crunches and sit-ups when considering how to lose belly fat, and that is that this will make your stomach look more toned once that fat does start melting off. Also, doing resistance training and muscle building of any type will help your metabolism speed up, as people with more muscle mass have a higher metabolism, meaning that they are burning more calories even at rest, then those without. The body needs to work harder to constantly feed those muscles, so it's burning more calories overall. So don't discount the idea of doing crunches and sit-ups when learning how to lose belly fat, just don't expect them to perform miracles either!

Britney Smith writes her blog daily on slimming tips and weight loss, visit her blog at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 7:01 PM |

How Do I Lose Weight?

People are often in less than optimal shape. It's not like anybody wants to be out of shape, it's just so hard to keep a fit body nowadays. So it may lead you to ask, how do I lose weight? If this sounds like you, then you might need to consider methods to slim down.

There are many options when trying to slim down, be it natural or artificial. But artificial methods wouldn't really be satisfying, because you wouldn't do it under your own power. So now your question would become something along the lines of "how do I lose weight naturally?"

Diet would be the first thing that comes to mind in losing weight. But most diets work only for the short term, because they would only do so much before the body adapts. This is how calorie shifting diets work, so that the body can't adapt to a new pattern in time.

By now, knowing this, your question will be changed again. This time, it's "how do I lose weight through a calorie shifting diet?" It's because the body can't cope up with constant changes to intake, so you keep shedding pounds while your body is still trying to change its metabolic rate.

So how do I lose weight? By taking the right diet, of course. To do this you have to work with your body's metabolism so that you can lose weight constantly. Now that you know how dieting works, consult with the experts to get the right diet for you.

Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about women's issues, parenting and other health related stuffs. Click on the link to learn more about How Do I Lose Weight...

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 4:39 PM |

Using New Technology To Meet Your Weight-Loss Goals

January 1 has come and gone, and like many people, those ambitious weight-loss goals you had at the turn of the new year are becoming less and less of a priority as 2008 moves from February to March. However, summer is right around the corner, and you still need to fit into that bathing suit!

Really, you've only got 30 minutes for lunch, so it wouldn't be that bad to grab a quick snack at the gas station to tide you over until you get off work, or would it? Or you don't have enough time to cook dinner, so is it really that bad to swing through the Burger King drive through just this once?

There are times when sticking to your weight-loss goals just isn't convenient. Keeping track of gym visits? Counting carbohydrates and calories? Who has time to do all that stuff?

Modern technology can help you finally keep those weight loss resolutions. Attempting to keep track of your fruits and vegetables, carbs and calories, and exercise goals with a pen and paper is tedious and trying at best. Thankfully, new technology can make keeping track of your diet information a breeze.

Imagine if...

Imagine if, instead of having a notebook you had to drag around with you, you just had a PDA, or a handheld diet counter. It fits easily inside a purse or pocket, so you don't really have to carry anything extra around with you.

Instead of having to open your notebook, write what you had to eat, look up how many carbs or calories it had, and write that down as well, all you have to do is pick up your PDA and tap a few keys with your stylus to enter your information.

You could also use it to create recipes. Instead of having to wrack your brain or scour cookbooks for something healthy to make, you could just call up a few healthy favorites on your PDA.

You could also use it to track exercise, so you not only know how healthy you're eating, but also how often you're making it to the gym.

This kind of technology can make it nearly effortless to stick with a weight-loss goal.

Handheld accountability

Working out with a friend means you can hold each other accountable for meeting your goals. A handheld diet counter can help you achieve that accountability everywhere you go.

Whenever you look at that little screen, you can see what you've eaten and when you've exercised. You know if you've met your goals for the day or if you've been shirking them.

Imagine the sense of accomplishment you'd feel if you saw that you met your weight-loss goals every single day.

Weight loss technology can keep pace with your daily life

We're busy people. That's just the way it is in today's world. That's why it's nice to have technology that can keep up with it. Make sure you get the features you need.

Look for technology that's simple and usable. It should easy fit it in with your daily schedule. You're probably already stretched after adding time to go to the gym, or drive out of your way to shop at a health food store rather than Wal-Mart. Don't make losing weight harder rather than easier.

Adding something like a handheld diet counter or PDA software program won't add more time to your day. Rather, it will make it easier to keep track of all the myriad things you need for your diet and weight-loss goals.

Meeting your weight-loss goals doesn't have to be difficult. There's technology out there to help make the more tedious parts of working out a bit easier. Do some research and find a handheld diet counter that works for you. You may find that sticking to your diet becomes easier than ever.

About the Author
Nap Napowocki is the COO of HealthFitCounter, Inc. With the HealthFitCounter, people can easily manage their diets by keeping track of anything from Weight Watchers points and calories to carbohydrates and sodium. Make managing your diet easier by visiting them online at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 4:29 PM |

Getting Rid Of Love Handles - How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

The key to successful fat loss is a gentle, healthy, gradual process. Too many ketones indicate that you are burning fat too quickly, and may irritate your bladder. Fast fat loss is a sure road to failure, because your body will compensate by slowing your metabolic rate, leaving you feeling tired and toxic from the high ketone levels in your system. So to get rid of your love handles and do it permanently, you must follow a strict plan.

Also, you won't be able to stabilize your desired weight if you achieve it too quickly. Our bodies establish weight "set points" over time. Once you lose weight, you need to maintain that weight for at least two years before your body adjusts fully to its new set point. This is why most dieters gain back the weight they have lost, and even a few more pounds, and those love handles feel bigger and more repulsive. Your body has to be taught at a metabolic level to be comfortable at a lower weight set point.

A weight loss diet is a long-term commitment to new habits and health. If you cannot commit yourself to two years of maintenance after the weight is off, it is better not to diet at all, because the backlash weight gain can leave you heavier than when you started. And then all the work to get rid of your love handles will be wasted.

Most bariatric (weight loss) doctors feel that 2 lbs. per week is a safe and efficient amount to set as a permanent weight loss target.

While two pounds a week may not seem like much, it will put you on the road to where you want to be and more importantly...safely getting rid of your love handles.

What most people don't see when trying to get rid of love handles is the bigger picture and how simple it can be with the right guidance. Get it here

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 3:48 PM |

What Are the Current Weight Loss Surgery Techniques Available?

The preferred method of losing weight is by dieting and an exercise program.

But sometimes other methods are needed. And the reasons are many, among them are long-term poor development of willpower, genetic disposition, disease or other factors. Maintaining the proper weight for the obese sometimes requires outside assistance.

Because fad diets rarely work for very long, and nutritional supplements and other compounds can only help to a degree, for the truly obese, weight loss surgery is the only hope. In today's market, there are many types of weight loss surgery techniques. All have their own pros and cons. The most important criteria therefore, are effectiveness, risk and side effects.

Surgical procedures have advanced over the past few decades. Most of them have attained their goal, which is bringing about substantial weight loss. That loss comes about usually as the result of restricted caloric intake, by eating less, or by absorbing less of the food that is eaten.

An early type of weight loss surgery technique was referred to a bypass surgery. All or part of the stomach was removed and the digestive system reconnected. Originally extremely dangerous, it has evolved but still carries substantial risks. It is no longer the preferred method. Patients who undergo the procedure have to take supplements forever after and the risk of disease and nutritional deficiencies remains high.

Another weight loss surgery technique that has been around for many years is called stomach stapling. Initially highly dangerous, it has become much safer in the past 10 years.

The procedure consists of opening the patient and clamping portions of the stomach with specialized surgical staples. Newer methods sometimes make possible laparoscopy, in which a small hole is created through which the surgeon works, but the patient isn't opened up.

There are risks of bleeding, though small. Patients can become ill if they attempt to eat more than the recommended amount. They may also suffer from nutritional deficiencies that can be lifelong, requiring supplements.

The net effect is to create a smaller stomach, leading to a more rapid feeling of fullness. The patient simply eats less and therefore takes in fewer calories. The body turns to stored fat for energy and the result is less fat and lower weight.

A newer form involves installing an adjustable Lap Band around the stomach. This eliminates the need to puncture the stomach and makes it possible for the physician to adjust the effect as the patient loses weight.

Generally safe, the procedure can be done on an outpatient basis. Most consider it a minor inconvenience, though like any medical procedure it's expensive and insurance companies increasingly won't pay for it.

The band itself is not painful. Patients typically experience rapid weight loss, but at the same time (as fat comes out of adipose tissue) many hormonal changes take place. Close, regular medical observation is important for the success of the procedure and the health of the patient.

There are dozens of various types of weight loss surgery today. But whichever procedure an individual considers, careful thought should be given to weighing the risks and benefits. For many, a commitment to long-term dietary and lifestyle changes is a better option. For those who believe surgery is the best option, consulting with an experienced physician is essential.

Gary Machado writes on a variety of topics on health issues. Did you find these tips on weight management useful? For more information go to:

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 3:41 PM |

Cortisol and Its Negative Effects on Weight Loss

It is interesting to note that one of the major concerns of the medical fraternity at present is obesity and its harmful effects on society. In most of the premier countries of the world, obesity is a growing menace and not only adults, even children are falling victim to it now. One of the major causes that facilitate weight gain and obesity is the practicing of an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of regular exercising. It is to be remembered that being overweight can make one susceptible to contracting various harmful diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart ailments and therefore weight loss is the only way out The current pressures and competitive atmospheres of professional life leave individuals with very little to unwind and this along with unhealthy food habits lead to obesity. There are innumerable fast food chains in almost every nook and corner and most individuals today consume these fast food varieties which are high in calories and low in terms of real nutritional value. They are one of the major causes leading to obesity. It is also important to point out that psychological factors can also have a negative effect on weight loss and lead to obesity. One of the most important factors to be discussed in this case is stress. Modern life is full of ups and downs and not everyone is successful. Several factors may contribute to a person becoming stressful and medical science has proved that under immense stress, the human body releases a hormone known as cortisol which is secreted form the adrenaline glands. This unique component called cortisol can cause weight gain in an individual. This is because the cortisol hormone is quite instrumental in producing excess glucose in the body by means of the glucocorticoid effect which leads the protein content within the body to release glucose. This excess glucose thus released leads to the production of extra fat and therefore it makes a person overweight.

One of the most important means of countering the adverse effects of the cortisol hormone is by ensuring that one is stress free as much as possible and also ensure that one maintains a healthy lifestyle and follows a balanced diet. This is because gaining of weigh is noticed even more in those individuals who consume food items having higher proportions of fat than those consuming items having lower fat content. It is also suggested that one can opt foe anti-obesity hormones like DHEA which facilitate weight loss considerably.

liposuction, weight loss and more at

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 3:37 PM |

The Effects Of Habits On Weight Loss

Habits make or break your weight loss. I am going to walk you through 10 steps of successfully creating habits. Starting with the why question and leading through implementing new and healthy habits.

1. Why create a habit

Whether we like it our not habits control our lives. They can be little things such as brushing your teeth to big habits like eating habits. Anywhere you look in your life you will see that there are habits that are formed and determine how you do things.

Don't let this scare you though. The good thing is new and good habits can be formed any time. This means that habits control your life but you are in control of the habits.. The challenge comes for you to form those everyday habits into positive and productive habits. Habits that will take your weight loss where you want it to go.

2. Process to creating a habit

The question now is how do you create a habit. There was a study done by NASA involving sunglasses. There was a type of sunglasses that the NASA wanted to test with the astronauts. The only issue is that they messed with the astronauts vision. NASA decided to try an experiment with them. They had the astronauts wear the sunglasses for 30 days straight, no taking them off. After that period of time they found that the astronauts eyes and mind had adjusted to using these sunglasses without creating any problems.

Here is the interesting part of the study. If an astronaut would take off the sunglasses for one day before the 30 days were complete, their body would return to normal. That astronaut would have to restart the 30 day count and any days completed with the sunglasses were lost time.

Here is what this has to do with habits. To create a habit in your life, you need to do that habit for 30 days straight. This means you cannot stop you diet or exercise routine even one day during that 30 days. Just like with the NASA study, you will have to restart creating that habit in your life if you take a break..

3. What a habit will do in your life

As I mentioned before habits control your life from the little things to the big things. Lets take eating as an example. If you create a habit to eat good then you will have the desire to eat good food rather then eat the bad food. It's important to know that the greatest thing that a habit will do in your life is create an intense desire to do what the habit wants.

4. Using Habits

The good news about how habits work is that you can make them work for you. The bad part is that habits can work against you. There needs to be careful thought and consideration into what habits exist in your life. Ask yourself the question if the habits that control you now are the ones that you want and need to reach your goals.

5. Types of Habits: Removing

After you decide and go through the list of habits that you have in your life you will probably see habits you don't like. The first part of removing a habit from your life to recognize that the habit exists and that you want to remove it.

6. Types of Habits: Creating

The next step is choosing the habits you want in your life. Think about what you want to accomplish in your life. What habits do you need to do that? Make a list of the top 5 people you admire. Write down the five habits they have in there life that you could create in yours to lead you to the same success. I find that if I want to know this information that the best option is to talk to the person and ask them what they think is important. You might be surprised in what you learn by doing this.

7. Replace Habits

To remove one habit you will have to replace it with another. They are like roots in your life. If you try and pull one out of your life then you will need to replace it with another. For example, let us say that you have a habit of drinking soda pop and you have decided to quit. What you will need to do is replace it with something else like drinking water.

8. Start Small Habits

One issue that many people run into with trying to create habits is that they start to big. Let's take exercise for example. You want to create the habit of regular exercise in your life. You go down to the local gym and sign up for a membership. You decide then to pump weights three times a week. The problem that lies in this solution is the reason that most people don't continue to workout. It's because they are focused on the solution the wrong way. Instead of creating a habit of exercise, they just start to workout and then quit within a short period of time.

The correct way to go about choosing this exercise goal would be to begin doing a little workout for 15 minutes a day. This could include walking or riding a bike. The goal with this though is to do it 30 days straight without stopping, because we know that this will create a habit. The habit will become part of you and you will have the desire to exercise everyday. This is the power of a habit.

9. Build Habits

Build your habits one at a time. Imagine that each month of the year you created one new habit and replace one old habit. I know that it probably isn't as fast as you want things to change, but at the end of the year you would have 12 new habits in your life. That is enough to completely change your whole life. Imagine what would happen over 2 years, 5 years, or 10 years.

10. Always Move forward with your Habits

It is always good to keep moving forward, same with your good habits. In physics you learn that either something is gaining momentum or losing it. There is never a time when things just stay where they are. The habits you choose to do and move forward with will always need to be evaluated and changed. Make sure to always evaluate and choose whether there is a better habit to have for your weight loss or to improve a habit that you already have. By doing this you will always be in charge of your habits which means you will have control of your life.

Alexa Cooper and 10Steps To Weight Loss are dedicated to the MENTAL aspect of weight loss. Once the mind is set in place for Weight Loss the body will follow. 10 Steps To Weight Loss has set it's mission to give people tools and enable them to change their thinking to take weight loss to an amazing new level.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 3:31 PM |

1 Cardio Trick To Lose Belly Fat - Maximize Your Belly Fat Burn Rate

One of the best ways to lose belly fat is through cardio workouts. Cardio can burn a lot of fat in a relatively short period of time, as long as it's done in the right way to maximize your fat burn rate. The sad thing is, that most people do cardio in a way which doesn't help them to burn the maximum amount of fat and also consumes way too much of their time.

So what is the wrong way to do cardio? Or better yet, what is the 1 cardio trick to lose belly fat fast?

The wrong way to do cardio, which is the more common form you see in gyms, is the long duration, low-medium intensity cardio workouts. You probably know what I mean: people who get up on the treadmill and simply use to it to stroll for an hour, barely picking up their feet. Others may run at a slow pace which may be great for a warm up, but it's not the best way to lose belly fat, not by a long shot.

Not that I blame those people, they've simply been filled with misinformation. They've been led to believe that they need to do long workouts in order to burn any fat at all. Of course you need to do things for a long time if you're doing it at a slow pace like a turtle. Your body barely feels any exertion.

The 1 trick to lose belly fat with cardio involves doing short duration, high intensity, interval cardio workouts. By doing such workouts you get the body to really feel the burden, work your heart through a whole range of beat rates, burn a ton of fat, and do it in less time. The downside is that you need to work hard. If you don't push yourself, you will not be able to burn enough belly fat to make it worthwhile, but if you are prepared to make the effort, you can have a massive cardio workout in 20--25 minutes flat.

So the trick to doing cardio to lose belly fat is to do it a high intensity level which means that you will only be able to keep it up for a short while, and then to lower your intensity level for a while to catch your breath, and push yourself into higher intensity again. If you do this cycle for the entire 20 minutes of workout, believe me, you'll be huffing and puffing, and sweating profusely. What's even better, is that your body will be burning calories a higher rate for a long time afterwards because you've really pushed it to the wall.

Try doing this kind of cardio. If you do just this 1 trick to lose belly fat, you will see and feel the results.

To read more about how to get flat abs, click here: Tricks To Lose Belly Fat.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read about a massive cardio oriented fitness program, click here: Turbulence Training Review - Learn The Secrets Of Cardio.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 7:10 AM |

Weight Loss Supplements - The Final Key to Success

Losing weight involves consuming less calories than you burn. However, that is easier said than done. For many people, a healthy diet and exercise helps them burn enough calories to lose the weight and keep it off. Yet due to genetics or perhaps years of bad habits, diet and exercise alone may not be enough for some people. In this case, a weight loss supplement may be the final key to successful weight loss.

After determining a healthy diet (try a nutritionist) and exercise plan (try a personal trainer), following these plans should show results after 2 to 4 weeks of discipline. If you are severely obese or nothing seems to be working, a weight loss supplement can speed up your metabolism, or at least inhibit your need to continually snack on processed foods. These can give you the final edge if the last few pounds wont come off, or work as a placebo so you work harder to lose the weight.

Weight loss supplements are available in several forms, including prescription, over-the-counter drugs, and herbal supplements. All diet pills are regulated by the FDA. The most popular products work by suppressing your appetite, raising your metabolism levels, or blocking fat from digesting in your body. Most products contain a combination of herbs, vitamins, and drugs that your body uses to burn fat more efficiently. Each product produces different results for each individual, and one type of weight loss supplement is not known to be superior.

However, an appetite suppressant may be useful for anyone trying to lose weight since most of us overeat. With the availability of food and advertising, it can be difficult to eat smaller portions. By finishing off more food on your plate, or nibbling before dinner, you may be unconsciously eating more, and gaining more weight as time goes on. It can be easy to pack on a few pounds each year, which can easily translate into a 30 pound bulge within a few years. Using an appetite suppressant or caloric restrictor such as Akavar 20/50 can prevent you from overeating and gaining weight. It can also help you eat less each day, so you burn more calories than you consumer and lose weight. Try also to drink more water and eat a balanced diet to make the weight loss supplement as effective as possible.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 7:06 AM |

What You Need To Do To Set Up A Fitness Program

By starting a fitness program this is one of the best things you can do for your health. As long as you have approval from your doctor to exercise. Not only can physical exercise reduce the risk of chronic disease (heart etc.,) it can also improve your balance and co-ordination as well. Plus the added benefits also included are that it will help you to lose weight, you may find that you are sleeping better and your self-esteem improves. But what is even better is that you can commence a fitness program just by following the information below.

1. Assessing your Fitness Level

Although you may have some idea of just how fit you are it is important that you both assess and record some baseline fitness scores. These can then be used as a benchmark against which you can measure your progress over the coming months. In order to assess your aerobic and muscular fitness along with flexibility and body composition you should consider recording the following.

a. Your pulse rate before you go for a 1 mile walk and your pulse rate at the end of the walk.
b. Time how long it takes you to walk that 1 mile.
c. Count how many push ups that you are able to do at any one time.
d. Just how far forward can you reach whilst sat on the floor with your legs out in front of you.
e. Measure the circumference of your waist (at navel level).
f. What is your body mass index

2. Design your Fitness Program

It is very easy for many people to say that they will exercise every day. But in order to do this they will need a plan. However, it is important to remember that where one plan may good for one person it is not good for another (we are all different). Therefore when designing and fitness program for yourself you should remember the following points.

a. What are your goals? Do you want to use your fitness program to lose weight or do you have some other reason for starting one. Say for example you are taking part in a 5km race. By setting yourself clear goals you will be able to chart your progress more easily. b. Consider what exercises you like or dislike. Choose those activities which you will enjoy because if you have fun doing the exercises then you are more likely to keep doing them. c. Plan your progression logically. When first starting to exercise then begin cautiously and progress slowly. Also should you suffer from any injury or medical condition consult your doctor first. The reason for this is that they may be able to design a fitness program that will gradually improve not only your range of motion, but your strength and endurance as well.

Hopefully some of the hints and tips provided above will help you to design a fitness program that will help you to achieve your goals in the future.

Besides being a naturopathic physican, Dr. Kang-pang Chan is a personal trainer certified by the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA).

To learn more about Exercise And Fitness Program, please visit:

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 6:59 AM |

How To Lose 20 Pounds In Less Than 3 Weeks

Many people want to lose some weight fast for events, such as wedding, party or a reunion. If you find yourself wondering if you could lose 20 pounds of that stubborn fat but don't have a lot of time in which to pull off, read the rest of this article to find the solution to lose 20 pounds in less than 3 weeks.

There are 3 ways for losing 20 pounds of your weight in less than 3 weeks, let's discuss one-by-one:

1. You should consider a juice based detox diet to clean your body from harmful toxins and undigested food while they provide you with carbohydrates and sugars. However, this kind of diet is not suitable for you in the long run, but it should help you lose a lot of your weight in a short period of time and it can be extremely effective.

2. If you like exercise and can spare a little bit of your time, you can lose 20 pounds by performing some cardiovascular exercises over three weeks. I recommend you doing one hour of aerobic exercise for 5 days on each of the three weeks. Not just aerobics, you can also jog, power walk, cycle, swim or whatever you like for other alternatives. However, if you are playing tennis, basketball or taking some aerobic classes, they would tremendously help you lose those 20 pounds of your weight.

3. If you want to get rid of those unwanted weight fast, you should consider some fat binder pills. Fat binder will help you binds the fats and perfectly make them insoluble to pass into small intestine and absorbed by your body. Instead, they just pass through your digestive systems, and carry on as waste. It will tremendously help you in the long run.

I know that losing 20 pounds in less than three weeks is a hard task. However, if you believe in yourself and dedicating your self to put in a little effort, I'm pretty much positive that you can do it.

If you are looking for a fat binder pills, proactol is your answer. Proactol is an organic fat binder that clinically proven and endorsed by doctors for the treatment of obesity and overweight but also suitable for everyone who want to lose weight permanently. Visit for more information.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 6:56 AM |

Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Let's face it, being overweight has become a real problem for us. Diet companies, diet pills and supplements and gyms have become a very large business. Every single day there are hundreds of thousands of people who watch advertisements on television, read magazine ads and who do research on the internet. Everyone is looking for a quick and simple solution to their weight problem.

What makes matters even worse is that a large portion of these people try one method of weight loss, achieve some degree of success, gain the weight back and then try another method to lose weight. The big companies know this and use it to their advantage. It is an industry standard that the average consumer that habitually indulges in weight loss programs and products will change what they are doing every six months or so.

This is down right frightening. Real, healthy and enduring weight loss can only be achieved by doing our homework and implementing what we have learned. Healthy, long term weight loss requires a significant lifestyle change and not a quick fix.

The following are the things that you should seriously consider when embarking on a weight loss program that has enduring and healthy results.

1/ Before you do anything, do your homework. In this day and age, with access to the internet, anyone can learn almost anything in a relatively short period of time. The down side to this is, of course, information overload. However, with a little effort and patience one should be able to separate the important information from the junk.

There is not one single diet for everyone. Also, it is never, ever necessary to join a weight loss program that either sells you food or tells you how to eat. It is simpler and cheaper to learn what to eat and to prepare it for yourself. After all, this is not rocket science.

Get a primary education on whole, natural foods. Gaining weight and becoming fat does not happen in a vacuum. It is self evident that it is what we eat and how we live that permits us to gain those extra pounds and to get out of shape.

2/ Take the time to figure out what organic exercise program appeals to you. What I mean by that, for most people, joining a gym is not necessary and is not the best way to work out.

Do you like to walk? How about swim, jog or ride a bike? Do you enjoy an aerobic workout following along with a tape or dvd on the television? Figure out what it is that you enjoy doing and make the commitment to do it. It is that simple.

This is what you will discover. If you make the transformation of your lifestyle your primary goal, the weight loss will be effortless. The weight goals that you achieve will be healthy. It takes focus, determination and effort, but the benefits are priceless.

Join the Weight Loss Club where you will receive free ebooks, tips, information and advice on how to lose weight.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 6:38 AM |

Weight Loss Diet Programs

Obesity or over weight badly affects the health of a person. To retain the health, it is important to reduce the over weight. A weight loss diet program is the best solution to being overweight. A person can make a research on these programs through the Internet, books or friends. The choice, to consult a dietitian, is another way to find the proper meal plan. A dietitian gives information about the proper nutritional plans, as per the physical requirements of the person.

Some people take diet pills to cut down the weight. Studies have shown that, in the year 2007, more than 50 billion people had taken weight loss pills. Accordingly, the health professionals stated that, these pills offer great success but can be harmful to the human body.

A simple weight loss program such as a low carbohydrate, low fat and low sugar can bring out miracles in a person's life. A person can improve their health and reduce the overweight with the introduction of fruits and vegetables, daily in their daily nutritional program.

List of Diet programs:

The list of weight loss programs include:

1. Protein programs: The protein diet programs or Dr. Atkin's diet is a weight loss program that focuses on muscle mass increase. Dr. Atkin principle states that, if there are more muscles, the body supplies the additional nutrients to muscles to perform their work. The additional nutrients in normal case are stored as fats. This weight loss program includes only protein food.

2. Balanced weight loss diet program: This one focuses on a balanced chart of a diet plan. This diet sheet involves fruits, vegetables and unique soup. The plan divides the eatables evenly on weekly basis. A person on balanced diet program has to avoid high cholesterol food such as dairy product, oils and noodles.

3. Milk and Banana program: This program includes only milk and banana intake. A person on this diet program has to avoid all other food supplements.

4. Detox weight loss diet program: An initial diet program removes toxic waste to keep the body healthy. The plan concentrates on easily digestible food and a plenty of water intake. This diet program increases the bowel movements, which helps to remove the waste easily from the body. A person on detox has to avoid chemicals, coffee and processed food.

5. Liquid diet plan: This plan includes food in the liquid form. A person can take water, coffee, soups, milk and fresh juices. The health experts state that liquid food supplies minimum calories and has low fat and carbohydrate content. People with liquid weight loss diet program have to avoid solid food.


It is very easy to reduce the weight of a person with regular exercise and a proper diet plan. Apart from the above discussed plans, natural diet plan is another weight loss program practiced by the ancestors. Researches show that, our ancestors had good health. This is because, they were on naturally obtained food such as fruits, vegetable and water. The food from nature increases the body's metabolism and reduces the excess body weight. The diet plan comprises of uncooked organic food only and is the best of all weight loss diet programs.

Darren O Connell: Health Fitness Diet Exercise & Fat loss

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 6:29 AM |

Target Heart Rate is Useless for Losing Body Fat

I co-wrote this target heart rate article with Craig Ballantyne because we want to get the message out to everyone who keeps struggling with this outdated mentality that they must be in some sort of "fat burning zone" if they want to stand any chance of losing body fat with their workouts. We'll show you why targeting a specific heart rate to be in this so-called fat burning zone is actually the opposite of what you should be focusing on in your workouts if you truly want to get lasting fat loss results.

One of the worst myths in the fitness industry is that you need to maintain a specific heart rate range in the fat burning zone in order to lose fat. But this is simply not true. Unfortunately, this false belief leads people to choose low intensity steady state cardio routines that are ineffective and cause most people a major lack of results from their workouts.

The quicker you get rid of the "target fat burning heart rate = the best workout" mentality, the faster you will actually start to get real results with fat loss and changing the shape of your body for good.

In the Turbulence Training workouts, you actually burn more fat and more total calories when you are OUT of the gym due to the high-intensity and variable intensity nature of the training methods in these programs. This phenomenon is not due to the elevated heart rate you experience during the workout (even though your heart rate will be increased from the supersets and intervals), but rather from the metabolic and hormonal response you achieve from the more effective workout compared to your ineffective "fat burning zone" workout.

Over the last 10 years, scientific research has indicated a couple of very important things to us about exercising for body fat loss. First of all, lifting heavier weights while exercising leads to a higher caloric consumption by the body in the period for about 1-2 days following the workout when compared to lifting light weights with high repetitions. So that's why 6-8 repetitions per set is better than 12-15 reps per set when it comes to stimulating the metabolism for losing fat permanently. That's one of the cornerstones of the types of training routines in programs that actually get results, like Turbulence Training.

Another important aspect we have learned from scientific research in recent years is that highly variable interval-type training is far superior to slow, steady-pace cardio exercise for fat loss and post-exercise induced calorie burning. In the long run, if you focus on the internal metabolic response your body is getting from your workout routines, instead of how many calories you burn during some sort of magical "target fat burning heart rate zone", you will achieve MUCH better fat loss results. So not only is it more result-producing, but it is also more time-efficient to use short high-intensity interval training workouts instead of slow, long, steady-pace cardio sessions.

The only time you might need to know your specific heart rate is during the recovery period of the interval training. It is important to take enough time during your recovery intervals in order for your heart rate to drop back down significantly (allow it drop to approximately less than 60% of your max heart rate).

That way you are able to get more quality work done when it counts. You do not want to start your next high-intensity interval too soon, nor do you want to exercise too hard during your recovery intervals.

All of these details are provided in the interval training guidelines within the Turbulence Training program. And we'll show you how to properly structure your intervals so that you allow enough recovery time between each. With these guidelines, you do not have to worry about monitoring your target heart rate or anything fancy like that. It's just not necessary. Just follow the TT instructions, and you will do great.

So here's the bottom line:

If you want to start actually getting the fat loss results you've been wanting for so long, do not worry so much about your target fat buring heart rate zone during exercise. Instead, make sure that you are working at a high-intensity and a variable intensity (according to your individual capabilities of course) during each weight lifting and interval training session.

The TT workout guidelines will give you all of the details you need on the specific rest periods to use between supersets and intervals. With these guidelines, you will start to see vastly improved results from your workouts within weeks of implementing the changes.

See below for a special free report on cardio training alternatives that create a much better metabolic environment for fat loss than traditional cardio routines.

To free yourself of the mindset of the target heart rate and "fat loss zone", grab your free cardio myths report at Beyond Cardio Workouts.

If you're trying to uncover your six pack abs by losing stubborn belly fat, visit Best Ab Exercises, Flatten Stomach, Abdominal Workouts

For any ladies interested in toning up your butt, visit Workouts for a Sexy Butt.

Posted by blood-type-diet4702 | 3:31 AM |

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