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How many fad diets do you have to waste your hard earned cash on before you realize that spot reduction in weight loss is nothing more than a myth. This myth was developed by the diet industry to take money out of your pocket and waste it on a product that will not deliver any results in your weight loss quest? Yes!! You have been lied to!!
If you are only interested in losing a quick twenty pounds off your butt then I suggest you stop reading here because there really is no way to spot reduce. If you want to lose weight in a specific area you need to melt away the body fat in the way an unlit candle melts in the hot sun. If you want to really be serious about your weight loss then read on because the following information is extremely relevant.
To understand why you can not spot reduce let us look at some basic human anatomy. Let us look at how your muscle and your fat develops around your stomach area. If you have spent the last few years wondering where you placed that six pack your abdomen used to have fear not because it is still there. It is under the fat, it is just hiding from sight. In order to see those muscles you need to eliminate the fat deposits that are masking them. The only way to show off those muscles again would be to not only exercise them but eliminate the fat that is hiding them. You could do crunches from dawn till dark and you still will not be able to "spot reduce" your abdomen. It just simply does not work that way. If you want to spot reduce you are wasting your time and more than likely your money.
If your desire is to lose weight because you are unhappy with your butt or your belly or your whatever... that is great! You just need to realize that you have to tune up the entire body package and not focus on one area. The best way to do this is by eating a better diet and performing some form of exercise that will allow you to burn more calories than you consume in the course of the day. Only after you get your diet under control and your attention is focused on exercise will you be able to start targeting a specific area. The muscles you desire to spotlight can only then can be developed for public display after you have lost the weight that hides them from sight.
If you want to lose weight that is great, I wish you the best. I hope you can do it and do it well. My sincere desire is that you save your money and skip the fad diet and the miracle pills. There is no modern miracle pill that will melt away the pounds. If your desire is to lose weight then plan on doing it the only way possible. That way is to eat right and burn more calories. If you want to spend some money on weight loss solutions then get a treadmill or a weight set or just a good pair of walking shoes and then use them.
Weight loss miracle? No, it will be more like a weight loss journey. That journey can begin right here and right now! It is all up to the choices you make and those choices soon become your past and your past is what you must live with, when it comes to weight loss that is!
Keith Quackenbush is a graduate of St. John's University and a former U.S. Marine Corps officer. He and his wife (Sue) have been seeking knowledge on weightloss and have realized there is no magic pill to lose weight. http://www.IChooseThin.com is the destination achieved from the inadequate weight loss websites that really did not help others lose weight. Let the weightloss journey begin.